God of Defiance

Chapter 536 The Imperial Qi surges


The moment Chu Tian just stopped, the whole ground was actually filled with muffled sounds, and large cracks appeared in an instant.



As the roars came out, more than a dozen mutant demon wolves rushed out from the cracks, opened their bloody mouths, and sprayed Chu Tian in the air!


In an instant, a violent sound of breaking through the air was heard!

More than a dozen huge gray stone balls formed a large attack array, and they attacked madly like an overwhelming force!

Unexpectedly, facing such a powerful attack, Chu Tian closed his eyes and stood in the void, motionless, as if he was brewing something!

Seeing that a large number of gray stone balls were about to hit Chu Tian hard, Chu Tian's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and a terrifying brilliance flashed in his eyes.


In an instant, he moved!

He took a deep breath, his face solemn, and the Chutian Sword in his hand chopped fiercely in all directions!

Chi Chi Chi!

Suddenly, a series of thick knife lights, with Chu Tian as the center, burst out in all directions like flowers scattered by a fairy!

Each thick knife light was a foot long, red as fire, burning fiercely, with an unmatched powerful momentum, breaking through the void and slashing fiercely on those gray stone balls!

Bang Bang Bang!

The moment the huge stone balls that looked extremely solid were chopped by the red knife light, they were like paper, exploded one after another, and turned into countless dirt, all over the void.

After seeing this scene, the many mutant demon wolves below were all slightly startled, with unexpected looks in their eyes.

When they were about to launch another wave of more powerful attacks, suddenly, in the air, a figure with flames all over his body suddenly fell from the sky in the fog, and in the blink of an eye, he quickly fell into the crack.



Watching Chu Tian fall into the crack, a series of disdainful roars suddenly sounded.

In the eyes of more than a dozen mutant demon wolves, the ground below is their territory. This little human warrior dared to rush under the ground. This is basically no different from actively seeking death!


However, just as the mutant demon wolves were about to make a move, a large group of red flames suddenly spread out. In just a moment, it surrounded more than a dozen mutant demon wolves and began to burn.

Under the ground, the temperature suddenly soared!

Although these mutant demon wolves are all thick-skinned and have sufficient earth-attributed spiritual energy in their bodies, they can't stand the rising high temperatures around them and begin to become irritable quickly.

"Hundred swords, split the spirits, cut!"

At this moment, a sharp shout came from underground.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, the sound of endless sharp objects breaking through the air came from under the ground!

Followed by the shrill and monstrous howling and screaming, as if from hell, it sounded one after another, and instantly spread to a radius of hundreds of feet!

At this moment, if someone stood in mid-air and looked down, they would see an extremely shocking scene!

Under the ground, it completely turned into a shocking sea of ​​red fire, completely submerging more than a dozen mutant demon wolves.

A series of dazzling knife lights burst out, like electric eels swimming at high speed in the sea of ​​red fire, shuttling back and forth non-stop, bringing up handfuls of blood!

After a few breaths of wailing and screaming, it suddenly stopped!

Along with the wailing and screaming, the sea of ​​fire and knife lights underground disappeared!


A blurry figure suddenly rushed out from the ground, stood in midair, with his hands behind his back, and looked down at the ground.


Suddenly, a terrifying loud noise was heard!

The ground within a radius of dozens of feet collapsed all of a sudden, turning into a huge deep pit.

In the deep pit, there was a mess, full of huge corpses of mutant demon wolves!

The corpses of these demon wolves were all covered with large and small blood holes, and their deaths were miserable.

Chu Tian stood in the air, looked down at the corpses of the demon wolves in the deep pit, nodded secretly, and a trace of satisfaction appeared on his pale face.

This was the first time he used the Hundred Swords Spirit Division that he had comprehended in actual combat. The killing effect was indeed good, but the consumption of spiritual energy was also amazing!

After killing the dozen mutant demon wolves underground in one breath, Chu Tian's spiritual energy was consumed by almost one-third at once!


After a breath, a large amount of golden light rose from the deep pit and quickly merged into the imperial energy above Chu Tian's head.

In the blink of an eye, the imperial energy on Chu Tian's head suddenly increased from a height of ten feet to an astonishing two feet!

"Hiss... Good, good, good!"

After seeing this scene, Chu Tian took a breath of cool air, and a deep surprise appeared on his face.

He never expected that after he killed these dozen mutant demon wolves in one breath, the imperial energy on his head actually doubled!

After Chu Tian pondered for a breath, he secretly speculated that it was probably because all the demon wolves that died in the pit were mutants, and their strength was obviously stronger than that of ordinary demon wolves, so they carried more imperial energy!


Not long after, Chu Tian jumped up and flew away at a high speed.

However, less than ten breaths after Chu Tian flew away, a black-robed figure walked to the side of the deep pit, lowered his head and took a deep look, and then looked up in the direction where Chu Tian left not long ago.


A chuckle came from under the white mask with black stripes on the face of the black-robed figure, whether it was appreciation or disdain.


After a breath, the black-robed figure turned around, took a step forward, and quickly rushed into the dense forest and disappeared.


"Damn, we're under siege!"

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, break out immediately!"

From somewhere in the forest, bursts of screams and roars could be heard.

A dozen dark demon wolves were constantly besieging a group of warriors.

The besieged warriors were desperately resisting, and at the same time racking their brains to break out separately.

Unfortunately, the demon wolves that besieged them were too powerful, and they could not see any hope of breaking out separately.

If Chu Tian were present, he would be able to recognize at a glance that this group of warriors are all from the four countries of the Nanyan Territory, including the three heroes of Nanxiong!


Suddenly, a scream came out.

Before a female warrior from Aoxue Country could shout out, she was suddenly smashed into a bloody patty by the huge front hoof of a monster wolf, and endless blood spattered everywhere.

After everyone else saw this horrific scene, their spines trembled and their hearts beat wildly.

Some people even turned pale with fright and immediately shouted "I give up". As a result, they were quickly swallowed up by the cracks that appeared around them, and thus left the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains.

"Damn it!"

"If this continues, there will be fewer and fewer people, and we might be completely destroyed!"

"Run, rush, rush. As long as you rush out, there is a glimmer of hope for survival!"

The three heroes of Nanxiong all looked frightened, and despair began to fill their eyes.

The faces of the remaining people also began to show a look of deep despair.

With their current strength, it is easier said than done to rush out!

Clang, clang, clang!

Just when everyone was dejected and ready to give up completely and leave the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains, the sound of loud swords suddenly came from not far away!

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