God of Defiance

Chapter 552 Red Gem

"Well, who are you and why do you want to stop me from beating this habitual thief to death?"

The short and fat shopkeeper frowned and looked at the young man in white who suddenly appeared next to him with an annoyed look.

"I'm not stealing. No one eats your leftovers. Sooner or later they will be thrown away and fed to the dogs!"

The little boy who fell to the ground immediately retorted loudly.

"You little beast, how dare you quibble!"

After hearing this, Shopkeeper Aipang immediately yelled angrily.

Chu Tian, ​​who was standing next to him, shook his head and said calmly: "Tell me how many of your leftovers he has eaten and how much they are worth!"

"One hundred low-grade spiritual stones!"

The short and fat shopkeeper immediately reported a figure that he thought was astonishing.

"This is a medium-grade spiritual stone, get out of here!"

Chu Tian threw a mid-grade spiritual stone and shouted at the same time.

The short and fat shopkeeper hurriedly caught the middle-grade spirit stone thrown by Chu Tian. After looking down, he suddenly showed a look of joy, and then hurriedly left with two sturdy men.

"Okay, they've left, you're fine!"

Chu Tian looked down at the little boy and reminded him with a smile.

The little boy looked up at Chu Tian, ​​his face full of admiration and gratitude: "Thank you, senior, you are so amazing, you gave me a middle-grade spiritual stone without even blinking!"


When Chu Tian heard this, he chuckled.

Not to mention a mid-grade spiritual stone, even a hundred or a thousand mid-grade spiritual stones. To him now, it is just a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning!

"Senior, I want to ask you to do me a favor, can you?"

The little boy said with a pleading look on his face.

At this moment, the Chen brothers and sisters came over and both shook their heads.

"Brother Chu, time is limited. This town is just a brilliant illusion. After we take a rest, we should leave quickly. The city in front is our destination!"

Chen Qiaoan reminded through a message.

He comes from a wealthy family, and he has seen many beggar boys like this before him. They are everywhere on the streets of various cities in the Panlong Empire. There are countless of them, so no one has the time to take care of them!

In other words, in Chen Qiaoan's view, Chutian is completely wasting precious time now!

"No, Brother Chen, since this fantasy town was placed here, it must have some purpose. Maybe there will be some strange treasures!"

Chu Tian shook his head and replied calmly.

After hearing this, Chen Qiaoan sighed helplessly.

It’s just a fantasy town, what kind of treasure can it have!

Even if there is indeed any treasure, I am afraid that it has been taken away by the Shen family of the royal family in advance. How could it be the turn of outside trialists like them!

However, since Chu Tian was willing to stay a little longer, he could only agree with a wry smile.

"Little brother, what do you want me to do for you?"

Chu Tian looked down at the little boy and asked with a smile.

"Senior, follow me!"

The little boy nodded, then turned and ran away.

Chu Tian's eyes lit up and he hurriedly followed.

When the Chen brothers and sisters saw this, they all followed closely with helpless expressions.

Not long after, several people came to a small dilapidated courtyard in the corner of the town.

The house in the small courtyard has completely collapsed. In the small courtyard, a rag tent is supported, and on the ground below the tent, a completely withered skeleton lies.

Judging from her skeletal height, she should have been a woman during her lifetime.

"This is……"

Chu Tian lowered his head and stared at the bones on the ground, his brows suddenly furrowed.

The little boy immediately knelt in front of the skeleton and cried bitterly: "Senior, this is the skeleton of my mother. She died of illness three years ago!

"For the past three years, I have been exposed to wind and sun, rain and insects, and I have been unable to bury my mother. Please lend me a low-grade spiritual stone so that I can buy a coffin to bury my mother!"

After hearing the little boy's cry, Chutian's eyes suddenly turned red.

The fate of the little boy in front of him was indeed miserable. He was only ten years old, and his mother had been dead for three years. He didn't even have the money to buy a coffin for burial!

Although the Chen brothers and sisters, who were just a foot away, had tears in their eyes at the moment, they kept reminding themselves that everything in front of them was fake and an illusion!

"This is a medium-grade spiritual stone. Take it first and bury your mother!"

Chu Tian took a deep breath to suppress the sadness in his heart. While speaking in a deep voice, he put a medium-grade spiritual stone into the little boy's hand.

"Thank you, senior!"

The little boy was overjoyed as he held the spiritual stone in his hand!

He never expected that when he asked for a low-grade spiritual stone, Chutian would directly give him a mid-grade spiritual stone!

With this middle-grade spiritual stone, he can do many things!

"Senior, wait a moment!"

The little boy put away the spirit stone, and after giving a warning, he immediately turned around and ran to the corner of the small courtyard, and began to dig quickly with his hands.

Not long after, the little boy returned to Chu Tian and put a red gem stained with mud into Chu Tian's hand: "Senior, this is a gem my mother left me. I'll replace it with the one that senior just gave me." Pin Lingshi!”

Chutian looked excited, picked up the red gem, brought it to his eyes, and observed it carefully.

"Is it really a treasure?"

The Chen brother and sister, who were about a foot away, also had their eyes lit up at this moment. They hurriedly came over and began to appreciate it carefully together.

This red gem is only half the size of an egg. There seems to be a wisp of scarlet liquid inside it, which can flow back and forth slowly. It looks quite mysterious.


After only two or three breaths, the Chen brother and sister shook their heads at the same time and chuckled disdainfully.

There are only eight thousand rubies like this in the Chen family's treasure house. They are of no use and are not worth much!

"Haha, it seems that I really thought too much..."

Chu Tian held the ruby ​​in his hand and after observing it intently for a few breaths, he also sighed in disappointment and showed a wry smile.

Thinking about it, if there really was any treasure in this illusion, it would have been taken away by the Shen family of the royal family, so how could outsiders like them get their turn!

After a breath, Chu Tian gently tossed the red gem in his hand and put it away, preparing to keep it as a souvenir.

Soon, Chu Tian and the others said goodbye to the little boy and left in a hurry.

The little boy stood at the door of the small courtyard, staring blankly at Chu Tian and the others who were gradually retreating. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his figure slowly became transparent, and finally disappeared completely.

After leaving Wutan Town, Chutian and the others accelerated towards the vague city in the distance.

Since they had wasted too much time in Wutan Town, the three of them drove at high speed without stopping.

As time passed, the blurry city in his sight gradually became clearer.

Finally, the three of them came to the front of the city. They looked up at the black plaque hanging above the city gate and whispered three words: "Blood Martial City!"

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