God of Defiance

Chapter 571 The nine-headed blood snake appears

In just a few breaths, Chu Tian rushed directly to the front of everyone, getting closer and closer to Blood Cave Mountain.

The closer you get to Blood Cave Mountain, the denser the presence of high-level blood slaves, and the strength of some blood slaves has even reached the level of the Spiritual Whirlpool Realm!

Chu Tian held a long sword, opened and closed it, slashing all the way, and the high-level blood slaves fell to the ground one after another.

Just as he was about to approach the Blood Cave Mountain, three consecutive astonishing sounds of breaking through the air suddenly came from the ground. Chu Tian frowned and hurriedly looked down.

In sight, Concubine Pei Leng, Zheng Yongnan and the black-robed masked warrior all forcefully threw away their opponents at the same time and suddenly rose into the sky!

A very similar gray light surged all over the three of them. After reaching a height of about ten feet, they stagnated for a moment. Then, they were almost completely unaffected by the heavy pressure and continued to accelerate into the sky!


After seeing this unexpected scene, Chu Tian was shocked and understood immediately.

These three people know more about Blood Cave Mountain than anyone else. They must have mastered some powerful means to temporarily ignore the pressure of more than ten feet!

Of course, if you want to use such a powerful method, the price you pay must be huge. Otherwise, it is impossible for the three of them to use this method until now!

After the three of them soared into the sky, together with Chu Tian, ​​the four of them accelerated towards the Blood Cave Mountain from four different directions at the same time.

The warriors on the ground who were fighting fiercely with the high-level blood slaves all raised their heads at this moment, looking at the four figures in the sky rushing toward the Blood Cave Mountain with a hint of envy.

They also wanted to go straight to Blood Cave Mountain like the four of them, but unfortunately they did not have the means to break through the height of ten feet, so they could only watch helplessly at this moment.

One hundred feet!

Ninety feet!

Eighty feet!

In a short period of time, the four of them rushed directly into an area of ​​30 feet in radius of the Blood Cave Mountain. The Blood Cave Mountain was almost in front of them, and the slowly surging scarlet blood flow on the mountain was clearly visible.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar came from the Blood Cave Mountain!

The moment they heard this huge roar, everyone present felt a trace of pain in their brains, and a trace of blood-red color appeared in front of their eyes.



Immediately afterwards, a total of nine shocking roars came from the Blood Cave Mountain, and instantly spread throughout the ten-mile radius of the Blood Cave Mountain!

Ho ho ho!

After these nine shocking roars came out, there was no stopping at all. Like endless echoes, they continued to sound within a ten-mile radius of Blood Cave Mountain!


Chu Tian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his brain felt a sharp pain, endless blood-red color appeared in front of his eyes, and at the same time, his figure appeared to be crumbling.


But soon, he snorted coldly, bit the tip of his tongue, and his brain suddenly regained consciousness, and the blood-red color in front of his eyes disappeared at the same time.

After regaining consciousness, Chu Tian hurriedly turned his head and glanced around.

The other three figures in the void all present a shaky and dangerous scene at this moment, as if they may fall to the ground at any time.


Chu Tian suddenly turned his head and glanced at the ground, and saw an extremely shocking scene!

Within a radius of ten miles of Blood Cave Mountain, a large number of human warriors were spitting out blood one after another at this moment, with frightened expressions on their faces, and fell to the ground one after another, looking like wheat fields blown by a strong wind!

The moment these warriors fell to the ground, many high-level blood slaves and skeleton blood slaves around them immediately swarmed up and easily tore them all into countless pieces of flesh and blood!

This scene looks extremely bloody and cruel!

He spent another breath and quickly scanned the surroundings, trying to find the two Chen brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, he did not find them, and a trace of worry flashed across his face.

The next breath, he raised his head again, looked at the Blood Cave Mountain that was almost within easy reach, and sighed solemnly: "What a powerful nine-headed blood snake!"

The nine-headed blood snake did not actually show up. It just let out nine roars, which made everyone present fascinated and suffered heavy casualties.

Such a method can be called tyrannical!


Just when the other three people in the void had not yet fully woken up, Chu Tian snorted coldly, dodged, and rushed towards the Blood Cave Mountain at an unprecedented speed.


At the same time, a series of invisible spiritual needles shot out from between his eyebrows, hitting the high-level blood slave blocking the way in front!

The moment the needle of spiritual thought entered the body of a high-level blood slave, they all held their heads and screamed, and they quickly fell to the ground like dumplings.

"It really works!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Tian smiled and nodded secretly.

High-level blood slaves are different from those skeletal blood slaves on the ground. They have flesh and blood and retain a considerable degree of spiritual consciousness. Therefore, the spiritual attack method used by Chu Tian will be effective.

Seeing that Chu Tian was about to get completely close to the Blood Cave Mountain, another roar suddenly came out, and immediately an astonishing bloody mouth dropped from the sky and bit him fiercely!


When Chu Tian raised his head and saw the bloody mouth, he immediately took a breath of cold air, trembled uncontrollably, and at the same time, his body violently retreated backwards!

The bloody mouth was completely opened at this moment, and a scarlet letter that was several feet long spit out. The upper and lower rows of sharp fangs were clearly displayed, making people shudder!


After a breath, the open and bloody mouth seemed to stretch to its limit, and they suddenly bit together again, but unfortunately they were unable to bite Chu Tian.

At this moment, Chu Tian had already retreated to a position of about fifty feet in one breath. He raised his head and stared at the huge creature at the top of the Blood Cave Mountain, his heart beating wildly.

A big blood-colored snake that was surrounded by ten people stood up. On the upper part of the big blood-colored snake, there were nine heads the size of houses raised high!

The nine heads were also extremely red, looking in nine completely different directions, and they were constantly alternating.

One of the heads was always staring in the direction of Chu Tian, ​​motionless, and seemed to be completely still.

After Chu Tian and the head's eyes looked at each other, his body immediately trembled, and an extremely cold chill shot up from his tailbone and rushed directly to his entire brain!

Kick, kick, kick!

In an instant, Chu Tian's feet took three steps back uncontrollably, his breathing became rapid, and his face turned pale for a while.

After seeing Chu Tian's embarrassment, the head that had always been looking at Chu Tian opened its mouth and revealed a gloomy, anthropomorphic sneer.

And at this moment, the other three people in the void were completely awake. They looked at the nine heads scanning all directions, and their faces showed unprecedented solemnity.

Ho ho ho!

Suddenly, nine heads opened together and let out an earth-shattering roar!

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