God of Defiance

Chapter 580 Fire Improvement

When Chu Tian heard this, he was immediately stunned. He quickly frowned and said, "Master, isn't that right? His fire-attribute martial spirit is too powerful. If I..."

"Do it now!"

As a result, before Chu Tian finished speaking, he was immediately scolded by Ba Lao on the spot.

Chu Tian smiled helplessly and shook his head. He carefully helped Concubine Pei Leng up and sat up. He gently held Concubine Pei Leng's palms with both hands. Waves of strong coldness immediately came, making Chu Tian Tiandu couldn't help but shudder.

"Spirit Swallowing Technique, let me use it!"

The next breath, Chu Tian closed his eyes, and with a thought in his mind, the spirit-swallowing technique suddenly started to work.

The Spirit Swallowing Technique is a secret technique that Balao learned from the "Burning Immortal Technique" a long time ago. It can greatly increase the speed of energy absorption, which is extremely magical.

Chu Tian didn't know whether this secret technique could be used now, so he could only try his best.

"it works!"

Suddenly, a hint of joy flashed between Chu Tian's brows.

At this moment, a trickling hot stream flowed out of Pei Lengfei's body through her hands, and continuously merged into Chutian's body.

And as time went by, this hot trickle became more and more violent, and finally turned into a hot torrent.

"This woman's fire-attribute martial spirit is indeed powerful enough!"

Chu Tian thought secretly in his heart.

As the billowing heat continued to pour into Chu Tian's body, Chu Tian gradually discovered that the fire in the deepest part of his body, the blazing sun poisonous flame, was beginning to get ready to move.

"Hmm...could it be that the level of fire I control is about to increase again?"

Chu Tian's eyes lit up.

The last time the fire in his body improved was in the scorpion cave under the Flame Desert of the Ancient Tomb of Demons. That was a long time ago.

After such a long time, the power of the fire has not improved. Chu Tian was not too anxious, because the improvement of the fire often depends on luck.

While the Spirit Swallowing Technique was operating, Chu Tian also secretly activated the Burning Devouring Immortal Technique, pouring all the hot torrent inhaled into the fire into the fire.

The scorching sun poisonous flames that were just about to move suddenly became extremely active, beating violently, and the temperature began to change in some way.

Time passes bit by bit.

Due to Chu Tian's crazy absorption, the fire-attribute martial spirit in Concubine Pei Leng's body was gradually weakened, but the dark ice-attribute martial spirit in Concubine Pei Leng's body was constantly awakening, and her body was naturally getting colder!

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

The fire attribute martial spirit in Concubine Pei Leng's body had been weakened by Chu Tian to an unprecedented extreme, and the rolling torrent was almost turning into a cessation.


Suddenly, a slight humming sound came from the deepest part of Chutian's body.


Immediately, a red flame as red as the scorching sun rushed out of Chutian's body and floated quietly above Chutian's head. The surrounding temperature suddenly skyrocketed!

"Okay, okay, Sun Du Yan has finally evolved successfully, and the high temperature attribute has unexpectedly improved a lot. Now you should be renamed Sun Du Yan!"

Chu Tian's mouth immediately burst into laughter of surprise.

This time, he decisively helped Pei Lengfei. The other party was not completely out of danger, but he got unexpected benefits in advance!

This was completely beyond his expectation.

"Haha, not bad, not bad. According to the classification in the Burning Devouring Immortal Technique, the scorching sun poisonous flames you control now should have reached the peak level of the fourth grade!"

Balao's voice of admiration came out.

The pinnacle of the fourth grade!

After Chu Tian heard this, his heart moved. The heaven and earth spiritual fires were of the lowest level, the ninth level was the highest, and the higher ones were the legendary fairy flames.

Calculating this way, he is almost halfway on the way to the ultimate goal. Every time the level of fire increases, the power will skyrocket, and his strength will skyrocket at the same time!

Chu Tian is very much looking forward to the day when the fire he controls can break through the ninth level and become an immortal flame!


At this moment, a shrill scream suddenly came from Concubine Pei Leng's mouth.

Hearing the sound, Chu Tian hurriedly put away the poisonous heat of the scorching sun and looked at Concubine Pei Leng opposite.

At this moment, Concubine Pei Leng's face was full of ferocious color, and she was completely pale. Her body was shaking violently, and even strands of ice crystals began to form on the surface of her skin, slowly spreading to all parts of her body.

Obviously, her situation suddenly became worse!

"No, the fire-attribute martial soul has been weakened like never before. The ice-attribute martial soul that has been dormant in her body for many years is about to wake up completely. You should immediately put her into the spirit-condensing blood!"

Balao's cold drink came out.


After hearing this, Chu Tian did not hesitate, quickly stood up, picked up Concubine Pei Leng, jumped into the small blood lake, and placed Concubine Pei Leng in place.


As soon as Concubine Pei Leng's body was put into the blood lake, Chu Tian immediately saw a large amount of bright red lake water being quickly inhaled by Concubine Pei Leng.

Looking at Concubine Pei Leng who kept inhaling the bright red lake water, Chu Tian nodded secretly.

Simply relying on common sense, Chu Tian could tell that the dark ice-attribute martial spirit that had been suppressed for many years in Concubine Pei Leng was definitely not simple.

At the very least, its grade would not be lower than Ming's fire-attribute martial spirit. Otherwise, it would be impossible to absorb energy so crazily.

"Master, can she succeed?"

Chu Tian asked.

"It's hard to say. Whether she can succeed or not depends on her own luck. Outsiders like us basically can't do anything!"

Balao sighed.

After Chu Tian heard this, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

If the dark ice-attribute martial spirit in Concubine Pei Leng can really wake up completely and realize peaceful coexistence with the bright fire-attribute martial spirit, then Pei Lengfei will become a genuine dual martial spirit!

In that case, Concubine Pei Leng's cultivation talent will definitely skyrocket, and she will even completely surpass the super-class genius and become a peerless genius at a higher level!

Of course, even if Concubine Pei Leng really succeeds, her dual martial soul cultivation potential is still obviously inferior to Chu Tian's.

After all, the grades of Concubine Pei Leng's dual martial souls are fixed, which can only be level six at most. However, the dual martial souls owned by Chu Tian are all growable martial souls, and there is huge room for growth in the future!

In particular, his martial soul is still a spiritual martial soul, which is even more different from ordinary people!

Concubine Pei Leng was at the most important moment in her life. After Chu Tian sat down cross-legged, half of his attention was on Concubine Pei Leng, and the other half was used to slowly absorb the Ningling Xuan around her body. Blood.

In this way, if anything happens to Concubine Pei Leng, he can help at any time.


A large amount of bright red lake water was still being rapidly sucked into Concubine Pei Leng's body, and the sound of splashing water could be heard intermittently.

As the Ningling Xuan blood continued to be inhaled, the ice crystals appearing on Concubine Pei Leng's body continued to increase, but her body no longer trembled obviously and violently.

After a while, Concubine Pei Leng completely turned into an iceman sitting cross-legged, and the life breath she exuded was reduced to a minimum, giving the impression that she had fallen into a state of hibernation.

The moment Pei Lengfei completely turned into an iceman, her body automatically stopped absorbing it.

Chu Tian's spiritual thoughts swept over her, and she could no longer even sense Concubine Pei Leng's life breath, as if Concubine Pei Leng had really turned into a humanoid ice cube.

He took a deep breath and continued to practice while waiting patiently.

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