God of Defiance

Chapter 683 Two strong men meet



In one breath, hundreds of spiritual needles were driven into the surrounding walls, and endless pitiful howls immediately sounded one after another.


Hei Chi was also hit head-on by a large number of spiritual needles. His face turned pale and he spurted out a large mouthful of blood. He stepped back several steps and looked at Chu Tian with an expression of disbelief.

He was breathing heavily, his breath was weak, and he looked as if he had just been seriously ill. The pair of fleshy wings vibrating violently behind him stopped completely.

What he just used was the Winged Heavenly Demon Technique that only royal black devils are qualified to perform. Once this magic technique is used, it can not only instantly frighten the opponent, but also help one's own black devil's strength instantly increase.


At this moment, a cold snort came out.

One of Fu Cong's palms reached out, and it quickly exploded, hitting the surrounding walls hard one after another. Endless earth and rocks flew into the air, and all the walls collapsed instantly.

The power of the Shengxuan realm warriors is fully revealed!

Many black demons hiding behind the wall were slapped with palms and their bodies exploded on the spot, turning into countless stumps and broken arms, blood splattered, and the screams and screams made people feel like they were in hell.

"A hundred swords separate the spirit and kill it!"

At the same time, Chu Tian suppressed the severe pain in his brain, shouted coldly, clenched the Chutian Sword, and slashed towards the black pool a few feet away.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In an instant, hundreds of flaming sword lights struck from all directions, striking Hei Chi standing in the middle!


Hei Chi had previously used the Winged Demon Technique, but was forcibly interrupted by Chu Tian. He suffered backlash and suffered damage to his combat power. When he was weak, he could only roar and swing out a spear, hoping to defeat the sword light in a certain direction. , and then escape!

"Hmph! Divine Mind strangulates!"

At the critical moment, Chu Tian ignored the serious consumption of spiritual energy, snorted coldly, and launched another spiritual attack!


In an instant, a divine flying knife invisible to the naked eye shot out from the center of Chu Tian's eyebrows. In a flash, it struck directly into Hei Chi's brain.


In an instant, a shrill scream came from Hei Chi's mouth.

Hei Chi was shaking violently, his face was full of pain, and the black bone gun he was about to swing suddenly fell to the ground, while hundreds of flaming sword lights from all directions did not stop, and were about to hit Hei Chi's body all at once!


At this moment, a roar like metal friction suddenly sounded.


Suddenly, the top cracked and earth and rocks fell!

A big hand as black as ink descended from the sky at high speed, with its five fingers spread out, it grasped Hei Chi's body, and then squeezed it hard!

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, hundreds of flaming sword lights collapsed on their own, turned into countless flames, and disappeared.


After resolving the fatal crisis facing Blackpool, the big black hand immediately turned around, aimed at Chutian's chest, and slapped it with a quick palm!


Immediately, a roaring sound was heard. Wherever the big black hand passed, the void was shaking violently. Endless earth and rocks were flying and splashing. Even the air seemed to be pushed to both sides arbitrarily!

This palm is really terrifying!

"not good!"

Chu Tian's complexion suddenly changed, countless skin bumps appeared all over his body, and a strong feeling of invincibility arose in his heart.

At this moment, if he couldn't guess that it was a royal red-winged black demon who was attacking him, then all the Semi-Saint Dragon Liquid he usually swallowed would be in vain!

"A finger of sky fire!"

At the critical moment, Chu Tian snorted coldly and pointed out with a finger!


In an instant, a five- to six-foot-long flaming giant finger burst out, and in the blink of an eye, it violently collided with the huge black hand that came at extremely high speed!


There was no doubt at all. The moment of impact, the giant flame fingers collapsed.


Chu Tian spit out a mouthful of blood, and with the help of the force of the impact, he flew back in a state of embarrassment, quickly moving away from the big black hand, and at the same time, he made a fierce seal with both hands!


In an instant, a drop of soul blood in his dantian suddenly burned and turned into rolling spiritual energy, pouring into Chutian's body. Chutian gritted his teeth and snorted, preparing to dodge to the side!

However, just as he was about to dodge, the big black hand grabbed at him again at great speed. The space around his body suddenly tightened, and his whole body seemed to be plunged into a quagmire of terror, and he could no longer move at will.


Chu Tian's expression suddenly changed. He never expected that his opponent was much more powerful than he imagined.

At this time, relying solely on soul blood, it was impossible to get rid of the invisible quagmire around him. Only by immediately activating the golden blood warrior could he have any possibility of escaping.


Just when Chu Tian had no choice but to start, a cold snort suddenly came from behind him, and then a big green hand rubbed his body and slapped him directly!


In the blink of an eye, two big hands, one green and one black, collided fiercely!


A terrifying storm that was much stronger than before swept across an area of ​​tens of feet in an instant. All the walls swept by the storm exploded and turned into powder!

In an instant, Chutian was like a small boat in the rough sea. He was blown over several times and vomited blood. Finally, he fell heavily to the ground with a bang and almost fainted on the spot.


A few breaths later, when Chu Tian stroked the back of his head that was in severe pain, struggled to stand up again, opened his eyes and looked around, a look of shock appeared on his face.

He found that he actually appeared in a spacious hall at this moment. At the front of the hall, there was a very conspicuous huge seat made of stone.

On the stone throne, a tall black demon with a height of more than one foot sat. There were two conspicuous red flesh wings on this black demon's back.

A vertical golden line can be vaguely seen between the black devil's eyebrows, faintly exuding a hint of nobility. Obviously, this is a red-winged black devil with royal blood!

The royal yellow-winged black demon that almost died in Chu Tian's hands before was standing next to the red-winged black demon, staring at Chu Tian angrily.

"What is your name?"

Fu Cong stood in the air, facing off against the red-winged black devil, clasped his fists, and asked in a deep voice.

Concubine Pei Leng and Cui Yuchi, who were standing near Fu Cong, both had expressions of nervousness that could not be concealed.

"Hei Yan, this is my son Hei Chi! That boy almost killed my son just now. He must commit suicide immediately and die to apologize!"

The red-winged black devil's mouth moved, making an unpleasant sound like metal rubbing against each other.

While speaking, the red-winged black demon Hei Yan suddenly raised his hand and pointed directly at Chu Tian!

When Chu Tian saw this, he immediately gritted his teeth and snorted. This guy was really unreasonable. According to what the other party said, could he only be allowed to be beaten passively and not be able to fight back ruthlessly?


At this moment, Concubine Pei Leng flashed over and landed next to Chu Tian, ​​with a look of concern on her face.

Chu Tian smiled slightly at Concubine Pei Leng, indicating that there was nothing serious wrong with him, but that the power of his spiritual thoughts was somewhat overused.


Seeing Concubine Pei Leng looking very concerned about Chu Tian, ​​Cui Yuchi immediately snorted and gritted his teeth, his face full of gloom.

In the terrifying collision just now, he also suffered some injuries. As a result, Concubine Pei Leng didn't even look at her, which made him instantly jealous.


Fu Cong refused Hei Yan's request without even thinking about it.

This time he entered the Black Demon Secret Realm, and he had already lost two members of the Brahma Shang Group. If he lost Chu Tian, ​​who had amazing potential, again, he would not be able to see anyone anymore after he went back!

"Hmph, then don't even think about leaving today. Just stay here!"

Hearing Fu Cong's refusal to answer, Hei Yan snorted angrily, with a cold expression on his withered face, and at the same time waved his big hand violently!


In an instant, dozens of yellow-winged black demons poured out from several stone doors around the hall, holding bone knives, and surrounded Chu Tian and others.


Seeing this scene, the three people in Chutian took a slight breath, and their expressions instantly became very ugly.

"Senior Fu Cong, I think the other party's request is reasonable. If we can exchange Chutian for the lives of all the rest of us, it will definitely be a good deal!"

The next breath, Cui Yuchi hurriedly advised.

When Fu Cong heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked at Cui Yuchi coldly, as if looking at a brainless idiot.


After feeling Fu Cong's strange look at him, Cui Yuchi was stunned for a moment and was a little confused. It seemed that he didn't say anything wrong!

Isn't it wrong to sacrifice Chu Tian in exchange for the lives of the other three?

"Hmph, Cui Yuchi, are you out of your mind? If Chutian commits suicide first, it will be your or me's turn next. You wouldn't be so naive as to believe the Black Devil's promise!"

At this moment, Concubine Pei Leng's cold snort came out.

Hearing Concubine Pei Leng's sarcastic words, Cui Yuchi snorted in anger.

He didn't care whether the promise made by the black devil was true, as long as Chu Tian died first, anyway, with Fu Cong here, the other party would definitely not watch him or Concubine Pei Leng die!

Chu Tian turned his head and glanced at Cui Yuchi, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Previously, this guy fired a cold arrow at his back, but he didn't pursue it too much. He didn't expect that the other party would actually go further and kill someone with a borrowed knife!

"I originally wanted to resolve the matter peacefully, but now it seems that we have to fight between you and me today..."

After a breath, Fu Cong looked at Hei Yan across from him again and said coldly.

As a royal red-clothed black devil, Hei Yan is very powerful, and some methods may be completely beyond imagination. He is unwilling to fight such an opponent unless he has to, because the consequences are temporarily unpredictable!


When Hei Yan heard this, he immediately stood up from the stone seat, and his whole body began to surge with fighting spirit.

"Chu Tian, ​​you have to be careful. There is a third-party force hidden in this hall!"

Just as the atmosphere at the scene became increasingly tense, Balao's deep voice suddenly sounded in Chu Tian's mind.


After Chu Tian heard this, he was suddenly shocked.

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