God of Defiance

Chapter 688 Li Minghe's tragic death


However, as soon as he finished speaking, Chu Tian's figure flashed and disappeared from the place in an instant.


When Chu Tian reappeared, he was already in front of Li Minghe. He raised the Chutian Sword in his hand high, aimed at Li Minghe's head, and slashed it down hard!

Hei Yan's intention at this moment is very obvious, which is to let him and Li Minghe kill each other, and the two sides will fight to the death. This approach is exactly the same as the previous approach when Li Minghe ordered Cui Yuchi to kill him!

If you strike first, you will be stronger, but if you strike later, you will suffer disaster. Naturally, Chutian decisively chose to strike first!

It can also be inferred from this that it is absolutely impossible for the entire Silver Ray Killing Formation to be activated infinitely. If it is excessive, it is very likely to cause the formation to collapse prematurely!


The flaming sword suddenly fell from the sky and slashed towards Li Minghe's head at high speed.


Li Minghe was startled, cursed angrily, and punched out!


The swords and fists struck each other, and a scream rang out. The flames of the sword were instantly deflected. Li Minghe rolled a few times in a hurry and stood up again. His whole right hand was dripping with blood.

"A hundred swords separate spirits!"

Chu Tian didn't stop, and at the same time he charged out, he slashed hard with his sword!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Li Minghe, who had just stood firm, suddenly saw hundreds of red flame sword lights all around him, slashing at him violently at the same time, trying to cut him into countless pieces!

"Get away, Black Iron Punch!"

Li Minghe's expression changed suddenly, and he roared angrily. He raised his two fists suddenly, and the fist peaks turned into the color of dark iron, and he punched them in all directions!

Bang bang bang!

In just one or two breaths, hundreds of red flame sword lights were hit by fists and collapsed one after another!

"Crazy knife skills!"

At this moment, a bloody figure suddenly rushed forward, holding a long red knife in his hand, and slashed head-on with great madness!


Li Minghe was panting, snorted coldly, and struck out with two black fists in turn, trying desperately to resist and protect the vital parts of his body!

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, countless dark fist shadows and red flame sword lights collided crazily, and quickly annihilated each other!

In just a few breaths, Li Minghe went from panting to sweating profusely, his face turned pale, and his breath dropped further!

"Damn it!"

His face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, feeling so depressed that he almost wanted to vomit blood.

If he hadn't been struck several times by Hei Yan before, causing serious damage to his body, how could he have let a small spiritual whirlpool warrior from Chu Tian ride on his head!

Bang bang bang!

The sounds of fierce collisions were heard one after another!

The crazy sword technique that Chu Tian learned from the madman of Canghun Tower is really too powerful. Although he consumes himself seriously, the effect on his opponent is very obvious!

After just a dozen breaths, Li Minghe was breathing heavily, his face was as white as paper, his breath had dropped to an extremely weak level, and he looked like he might fall to his knees at any time!

"Chu Tian, ​​spare my life! All the cultivation resources in my body belong to you. After I return, I can also be your secret agent and report to you all the movements of the leaders of heaven and humans at any time!"

Li Minghe was really scared at this time. He simply begged for mercy loudly and started to negotiate terms.

When Chu Tian heard this, he immediately sneered: "Haha, no need, I don't care at all what Qiu Tianren does, anyway, there is destined to be a life and death battle between us!"

"Chu Tian, ​​spare my life. I'll tell you the weakness of this formation. Let's work together to break the formation, and then together we will destroy Hei Yan, this evil-minded black devil!"

When his first plan failed, Li Minghe tried another plan and proposed to join forces to break the formation and destroy the black devil!

"Haha, Li Minghe, don't waste your efforts. Today is destined to be the day you fall. Even if you speak like a lotus and tell the truth, I can't let you go. Give up!"

Chu Tian smiled coldly, completely unmoved.

Even if Li Minghe really knows the weakness of the formation and is willing to tell it, he can't let the opponent go!

Li Minghe was like a poisonous snake that chose others to devour. Now faced with the threat of death, he began to deliberately beg for mercy and pretend to be pitiful. Once the threat was removed, he would definitely bite Chu Tian back hard!

Therefore, Chutian will never give his opponent any chance to make a comeback!


When he thought of this, Chu Tian roared wildly, mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body, and the Chutian Sword in his hand suddenly struck down even more crazily at a high speed!

And just when Chu Tian took action with all his strength, a black knife suspended in the deepest part of his consciousness suddenly trembled slightly, made a faint buzzing sound, and then quickly returned to silence.

Since Chu Tian was using all his strength to deal with Li Minghe at this moment, he didn't even notice the slight movement of the dark knife in the depths of his consciousness.

And just when the pitch-black knife made a slight movement, in a bottomless pitch-black abyss in the deepest part of the Black Devil's secret world, a slightly unexpected cry suddenly came out!

"Hey... the person who obtained the inheritance of hegemony actually came to the secret world of the black devil!"

Accompanied by the light buzz, there was a sound of chains colliding with each other.

"Gu Lan, hurry up and bring the boy who has inherited the inheritance of domination!"

After a breath, a man's low command came from the bottom of the abyss.

Although this order was not loud, it was clearly spread throughout a radius of more than ten miles in an instant.


A hill ten miles away from the bottomless abyss suddenly exploded and turned into countless powder!


A tall dark figure flashed out from the exploding hill, bowed in the direction of the abyss, then turned around and flew away in a hurry.

The tall figure flew at an extremely fast speed. The two purple fleshy wings on its back flapped suddenly, and it easily flew over a thousand feet. After a few flaps, it disappeared.

In the underground hall.

Chu Tian took action madly, and the flaming sword lights were like red lightning, striking at Li Minghe's head one after another!

Although Li Minghe tried his best to resist, he was still seriously injured in the end. His feet kept falling backwards, and his two fists began to be stained with a large amount of blood and dripped to the ground.

"Ahhh...little bastard, you forced me to do this. If you want me to die, then let's all die together!"

After a few breaths, Li Minghe's resistance had reached its limit. With a ferocious look on his face, he roared and his whole body began to expand rapidly.

Obviously, he was cornered by Chu Tian and was ready to blow himself up on the spot!


Seeing Li Minghe's body expanding rapidly, Chu Tian snorted coldly, gritted his teeth, and dozens of spiritual needles shot out from the center of his eyebrows, all of which penetrated into Li Minghe's brain. !

Li Minghe immediately groaned, and all his movements could not help but stagnate slightly. With a hiss, a flaming sword flashed from the side in an instant, and passed across Li Minghe's neck at extremely high speed!

In an instant, a head flew high into the air and immediately rolled to the ground, with a look of incredible horror remaining on its face.

And the headless corpse that was completely inflated on the spot was like a deflated balloon, constantly getting smaller, and finally reduced to the same shape and fell to the ground.


At the same time, Chu Tian's feet landed on the ground, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale, and a sharp pain suddenly hit his brain. His body shook a few times, and he almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Originally, his spiritual power was somewhat overdrawn. Just now, in order to prevent Li Minghe from self-destructing, he forcibly performed a shocking stab. As a result, his spiritual power was even more overdrawn!

"not good!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian's face changed drastically, a drop of soul blood in his dantian burned fiercely, and his whole person disappeared from the place in an instant.


The next moment he disappeared from the spot, a dazzling silver lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck the ground hard, creating a large crater in an instant.

"Damn Black Annihilation!"

A few feet away, Chu Tian's face was extremely gloomy, looking at Hei Yan with a sneer on his face outside the silver power grid, he gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

He and Li Minghe fought to the death. Li Minghe died, but he managed to survive. As a result, Hei Yan couldn't even wait for a breath and wanted to kill him immediately!

In order to kill Li Minghe, not only the spiritual energy in his body was almost exhausted, but also the power of divine thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness was greatly overdrawn. It could be said that he almost lost the ability to fight again.

Surprisingly, after Hei Yan suddenly attacked Chu Tian, ​​he stopped, closed his eyes to rest, and stopped making any movements.

"Master, what on earth is this Hei Yan doing?"

Seeing this, Chu Tian asked in a low voice.

After Ba Lao pondered for a while, he chuckled and said: "Haha, if I guess correctly, the energy of the entire formation should be almost exhausted. If Hei Yan continues to take action, the formation will most likely collapse immediately!"

After Chu Tian heard this, his eyes flashed immediately.

Obviously, Hei Yan is closing his eyes and recuperating, pretending to be mysterious, just to restore his own strength as much as possible to cope with the upcoming battle before the energy of the formation is exhausted and collapses on its own.

"That's fine!"

After Chu Tian thought for a few moments, he nodded secretly.

The other party needs to recover, he also needs to recover, Pei Lengfei and Fu Cong also need to recover!

After a breath, Chu Tian walked to the bodies of Li Minghe and Cui Yuchi, took off their storage rings, found a place, sat down cross-legged, held two high-grade spiritual stones in his hands, and began to recover with all his strength.

Although Chu Tian didn't say it clearly, Fu Cong and Pei Lengfei were so smart that they immediately guessed Hei Yan's true thoughts, so they each sat down cross-legged and began to recover with all their strength.

In an instant, the underground hall, which had been shouting and killing, and filled with murderous intent everywhere, actually regained a rare calm!

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.


Suddenly, a slight buzzing sound came out.

The four people in the hall immediately opened their eyes!

At this moment, the silver power grid covering the entire hall began to tremble and flicker, looking as if it might collapse at any time!


Suddenly, Hei Yan let out a low drink and raised his right hand, preparing to deliver the final blow to Chu Tian.

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