God of Defiance

Chapter 753 Immortal Ban Reappears

Bang bang bang! In an instant, the three silver crescent moons collapsed one after another and disappeared into nothing! However, Liexue Zhenren also suffered a backlash. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggered, and almost fell to the ground. The pale color on his face could no longer be concealed. "It's still not enough, far from enough!" When Chu Tian saw this scene, his face immediately turned cold, and the madness in his eyes became more obvious. "Fire, come out!" Suddenly, Chu Tian shouted coldly. An astonishing amount of fire-attributed martial energy immediately surged out from the deepest part of his body, suddenly covering a radius of more than ten feet, and Chutian himself completely turned into a flaming figure! "Sword power, come out!" Chu Tian shouted coldly again. boom! In an instant, a large amount of fuzzy sword light flashed out from Chutian's body, surrounding Chutian's body, and kept cutting rapidly! "Come out with your fighting spirit!" Chu Tian opened his mouth and shouted coldly for the third time. Boom! As soon as he said these words, Chu Tian's whole aura suddenly surged. Whether it was the burning flames on his body or the vague sword light surrounding his body, they all surged! "Go to the east of the Yangtze River and destroy it!" After seeing the huge changes in Chu Tian's body in a short period of time, the face of Master Liexue on the opposite side suddenly changed. He snorted coldly and swung the long sword in his hand again! Wow! Immediately, a huge, turbulent river of cyan sword light surged out, rushing towards Chutian crazily. The flow was as fast as lightning! Before Chu Tian had time to react, he was completely submerged by this huge river of sword light, and his whole person disappeared on the spot. "Haha!" Seeing this scene, Master Liexue immediately raised his head and smiled, his laughter filled with pride. Bang! However, before his proud laughter fell, a shocking loud noise suddenly came out! The river of sword light that completely submerged Chutian unexpectedly exploded from within without any warning. Countless green sword lights suddenly rushed in all directions like wasps that had burst their nests. "Jingyue Ji Zhan!" The moment the sword light river exploded, a cold snort suddenly came out. Uh-huh! At the same time as the cold snort sounded, not only did the sky darken, but even the surrounding environment suddenly became pitch black. Three silver crescent moons suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into the head of Master Liexue! Liexue Zhenren's face just showed a trace of calm enjoyment, but the remaining trace of consciousness suddenly exerted force, biting the tip of his tongue, and there was a pain in the mouth, and the whole person's consciousness instantly regained consciousness! "Madman's sword technique!" Chu Tian snorted coldly when he saw Master Liexue wake up instantly, and his whole body burst out like a humanoid cannonball from its barrel! Liexue Zhenren swung his sword in his hand and spent some effort to deal with the three silver crescent moons falling from the sky. However, he found that Chu Tian had already rushed in front of him! Swish, swish, swish! Chu Tian held his breath, held a long knife in his hand, and in just one breath, frantically slashed dozens or even hundreds of knives toward the upper body of Master Liexue! The endless cold sword light suddenly surged out, almost completely submerging Zhen Xue Zhenren! After slashing dozens or hundreds of knives in a row, Chu Tian did not stop at all, and continued to swing the knife wildly, slashing at the head of Master Liexue! "No!" Master Liexue's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he hurriedly swung his sword to attack! Because the speed of Chutian's chopping knife was too fast and intensive, and there was no pause at all, Liexue Zhenren could only resist with all his strength, but he could not spare any time to launch a strong counterattack! Bang bang bang! The sword light and the sword light collided at lightning speed, annihilating each other, the void shook violently, and endless sparks sputtered out, almost completely occupying the entire sight. Once this extremely high-speed collision begins, there is no sign of stopping at all! In the blink of an eye, dozens of breaths passed. The intense close combat between the two men continued. Encountering an unprecedentedly powerful opponent like Zhenren Liexue, Chu Tian almost used all his strength, whether it was mental or physical, his potential was fully stimulated! As the fight continued, Chu Tian's aura became more and more violent, especially his fighting spirit, which increased rapidly, and soon reached an unprecedented peak! Countless bright lights flashed in Chutian's eyes, and his brain was thinking and summarizing rapidly! I don’t know how long it’s been! boom! Suddenly, an unprecedented terrifying energy burst out from the deepest part of Chu Tian's body, completely overwhelming the other two martial arts energy at once! This terrifying energy appeared in surprise and immediately spread all over Chu Tian's body. The power of each knife struck by Chu Tian more than doubled in an instant! If Chu Tian stopped at this moment and thought about it carefully, he would definitely find that the terrifying energy that suddenly appeared in his body was the martial arts energy with the combat attribute! The intensity of Chu Tian's attack suddenly increased, and he immediately put Liexue Zhen at a disadvantage! "What!" Master Liexue resisted with all his strength, he was clumsy. Soon there was a trace of defeat, and his face couldn't help but change. "The blood is soaring to the sky!" After taking a breath, Master Liexue roared angrily. He opened his palm completely, curled his five fingers slightly, and grabbed the ground violently! Wow! Immediately, countless dead bodies piled on the ground exploded one after another, turning into streams of scarlet blood, rushing into the sky, and quickly poured into the body of Master Liexue! boom! In just one or two breaths, Master Liexue's aura, which was originally a little sluggish, suddenly surged out of thin air, overwhelming Chu Tian in an instant! Although the aura of Master Liexue overwhelmed Chu Tian, ​​Chutian was blessed with the martial arts elemental force of combat attribute, which made him stronger when encountering a strong force. He was fighting madly with Master Liexue almost desperately.

Therefore, Liexue Zhenren has the upper hand in terms of aura, but in terms of situation, it is difficult to gain the upper hand for the time being! Boom! The fierce fight between the two men had lasted for a full quarter of an hour. It was almost dark and indistinguishable. Both of them were really angry! At this moment, Chutian's body alternated between golden light and fire color, his hair was flying, and his robes were swirling. He was like a humanoid combat machine, attacking crazily. His mind went blank, and he almost completely forgot everything! Gradually, a breeze blew. A series of vague and unfamiliar figures slowly appeared around Chu Tian's body. Some of these figures were bare-handed, some were holding various weapons and practicing rapidly, some were sitting cross-legged, looking up at the sky, and some were clasping their hands behind their backs, lowering their heads in deep thought. An astonishing and powerful aura surrounds these figures. As long as anyone takes a look at them, a deep sense of awe will instantly arise in their hearts, and they will not dare to blaspheme in the slightest. After a long time, the Immortal Forbidden Realm appears again!

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