God of Defiance

Chapter 844 Pseudo Five Elements Treasure

At this moment, Luo Shuo stood at the edge of the square, with a panicked look on his face, yelling repeatedly, and even raised a finger, pointing at Chu Tian.

"Oh? Then tell me, where did I cheat?"

When Chu Tian heard this, not only was he not angry, but he asked with a cold smile.

Luo Shuo immediately smiled evilly and said: "It's very simple. With your current cultivation level, it is simply impossible to refine the Five Elements treasures, so you must be cheating!"

"Where's the evidence?"

Chu Tian asked in a low voice with a hint of gloom on his face.

"Haha, evidence? There is no need for evidence at all. Anyone with common sense can immediately tell that with your current cultivation level in Shengxuan Realm, it is completely impossible to refine the Five Elements treasure!"

Luo Shuo smiled coldly and shouted in a deep voice.

After hearing Luo Shuo's words, some people present thought for a moment and nodded secretly with a hint of approval on their faces.

"What Luo Shuo said is not completely unreasonable. Chu Tian's cultivation level is indeed a bit inferior. It is unlikely that he can refine the Five Elements treasures based on his own strength alone!"

A weapon refiner from Qitian Sect nodded and said.

This weapon refining master had a good reputation in the weapon refining world of the Panlong Empire. After he spoke at this moment, many people present nodded and started talking about Chu Tian.

"These guys really follow the wind and rain..."

Jiu Lao glanced around at this moment, a cold look flashed across his face.

He was not a weapon refiner, nor did he have a deep understanding of it, but his intuition told him that Chu Tian definitely did not cheat this time. Otherwise, he would not have been able to stand in front of everyone with a calm face and a calm expression.


After a breath, everyone turned their heads suddenly and looked at Yi Lao.

Now that there is a huge controversy in this public contest, it is natural that the referee Yi Lao is needed to make the final decision.

Yi Lao's face was solemn, and hesitation flashed slightly in his eyes.

Whether Chu Tian cheated or not, he could tell at a glance with his eyesight.

However, once it is announced that Chu Tian did not cheat, then Chu Tian will automatically win. At that time, according to the agreement between the two, Luo Shuo will need to cut off one of his arms and leave the Forging Palace.

This was something he didn't want to see. After all, he had spent too much effort on Luo Shuo, who was his chosen successor!

And if he goes against his conscience and publicly announces that Chu Tian cheated, then the same thing will happen to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was gifted with extraordinary talent and could be regarded as a rare weapon-refining genius in the world. He also did not want to see anything unfortunate happen to Chu Tian.

"Haha, Luo Shuo, which of your eyes saw that I was refining the Five Elements treasure?"

Just when Yi Lao was hesitating, a sneer suddenly came from Chu Tian's mouth.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Luo Shuo frowned slightly at this time and stared at Chu Tian, ​​not understanding what Chu Tian wanted to say.

There was a five-color thunder catastrophe just now in the sky. This was something he witnessed with his own eyes. If the five-color thunder catastrophe fell, then the treasures of the five elements must be refined. There is no doubt about this!

"Boy, what you are refining is the Five Elements Treasure. There is no need to deny it anymore. You are definitely cheating. Otherwise, it would be impossible to refine this Five Elements Treasure!"

Thinking of this, Luo Shuo snorted again.

"Haha, it seems that some people not only have no brains, but also have no knowledge. At this level, they dare to speak nonsense!"

Chu Tian sneered.

After Luo Shuo heard this, he became very angry. He was about to fight back, but was interrupted by Chu Tian.

"Ignorant thing, listen up, what I am refining is a fake Five Elements treasure. Strictly speaking, it is not a real Five Elements treasure, but as long as it absorbs enough power of thunder tribulation, it will advance to become a treasure sooner or later. A true treasure of the Five Elements!”

Chu Tian shouted coldly.

Pseudo five elements treasure?

After everyone present heard this word, they were all slightly startled, and then fell into deep thought.

"Pseudo Five Elements Treasures, I remembered that they do exist. The grade is not as good as the real Five Elements Treasures, but under certain conditions, it is possible to advance to become a real Five Elements Treasures!"

"With Chu Tian's current cultivation level and strong spiritual energy reserves, it is indeed possible to refine a fake Five Elements treasure, although it is very small!"

The previous weapon refiner from Qitian Sect stood up suddenly and said loudly.

Immediately, the weapon refiner clasped his fists at Chu Tian and asked with admiration: "I dare to ask my friend, what is the effect of this five-color ball you refined, and what did you do before?" What’s the purpose of adding a drop of elixir to the ball?”

Although Chu Tian did not refine a real Five Elements treasure, it was also a great thing to be able to refine a pseudo Five Elements treasure.

"I have met this senior. The five-color ball I refined is named the five-color thunder ball. It has only one function, and that is to absorb the power of the heavenly tribulation and release it at the critical moment!"

"As for the real purpose of adding that drop of elixir, I'm sorry, this is confidential. I can't answer it for the time being. Please forgive me, senior!"

Chu Tian clasped his fists and replied.

Adding the elixir involves his own step of ascending to the spirit, so naturally it is impossible to talk about it casually.

"Hiss...absorb the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, and then release it at the critical moment!"

"Although the function of this five-color thunder ball sounds a bit simple, it is definitely a life-saving treasure!"

"Yes, if in the middle of a fight, at the moment of life and death, thunderballs are suddenly thrown and a large number of tribulation thunders are released, it is very likely that the situation will turn around in an instant!"

After Chu Tian finished speaking, many people at the scene took a sharp breath and their expressions suddenly changed.

"Chu Tian, ​​I will give you 50,000 high-grade spiritual stones to buy your five-color thunder ball!"

"I'll pay you 60,000 yuan, sell it to me!"

"One hundred thousand! One hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, I want to buy your five-color thunder ball!"

Immediately afterwards, a large number of shouts for purchase rang out.

One after another, their eyes flashed with fiery color, staring at the five-color thunder ball in Chu Tian's hand, wishing to grab it immediately.

When Mr. Jiu heard these urgent requests for purchases, he immediately smiled bitterly.

At this time, he finally understood why the masters of weapon refining in the cultivation world were so wealthy and generous!

Any treasure that can be refined can be sold for an astonishing price of 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones. How can you not be rich!

"I'm sorry, everyone, I plan to keep this five-color thunder ball for my own use. I have no plans to sell it yet."

Chu Tian smiled slightly, and with a flash of light in his hand, he put away the five-color thunder ball.

Seeing Chu Tian put away the five-color thunder ball, the warriors present who wanted to acquire the thunder ball suddenly showed strong disappointment.

"Luo Shuo, you don't need me to tell you what to do next!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian turned to look at Luo Shuo not far away, and shouted in a deep voice.

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