God of Defiance

Chapter 863 The crisis of Hongye Chamber of Commerce

"After returning this time, our Chamber of Commerce has lost several Shengxuan Realm masters. This Chutian's strength is amazing. If he agrees to join our Hongye Chamber of Commerce, it will be enough to make up for the loss of manpower this time!"

Then, Li Waner continued.

She had seen Chu Tian's strength with her own eyes.

Even He Luotian, who is at the peak of Shengxuan Realm, was quickly captured by him. Once he joins the Hongye Chamber of Commerce and becomes a guard of the Chamber of Commerce, it will definitely be a huge help!

"Haha, cousin, you are too naive. Let's not say whether this boy is willing to join our Chamber of Commerce. Even if he is willing, the biggest problem we face now is the decline in market share, not recruiting a few guards!"

Zhou Lixi sneered coldly.

After hearing this, Li Dongtian sighed and nodded: "Yes... In recent years, our chamber of commerce's trade share in the four major cities has been declining every year. In the next few years, there is no hope of recovery for the time being. The entire The competition in the Badlands is so fierce!”

"President, according to my inference, old man, if we cannot get out of the decline quickly, I am afraid that in three to five years at most, our Hongye Chamber of Commerce will be reduced from the current medium-sized chamber of commerce to a small chamber of commerce, or even disappear completely!"

At this time, Old Man Xu also sighed with worry.

Although he is not a member of Li Dongtian's family, he has joined the Hongye Chamber of Commerce for many years. Naturally, he does not want to see the Hongye Chamber of Commerce deteriorate and become a small chamber of commerce.

"To get out of our current predicament, it's actually very simple. We only need to hand over one-third of our annual profits to Master Leng, and Master Leng will naturally give us more benefits and benefits through the Chamber of Commerce Alliance!"

"Of course, the prerequisite is that this kid must be driven out as soon as possible. Otherwise, once Master Leng learns that we have harbored the murderer of his distant nephew, I am afraid he will never give us a good look again!"

Zhou Lixi said in a deep voice.

"It's impossible to give one-third of the profits to that bastard Mr. Leng!"

Just as Zhou Lixi finished speaking, Li Waner suddenly spoke coldly and rejected Zhou Lixi's proposal.

In Beixuan City, since Lord Leng has won the trust of the city lord and almost dominates the sky with one hand, many chambers of commerce secretly transfer benefits to Lord Leng, and then allocate more benefits from Lord Leng.

Doing this can indeed bring the dead back to life in the short term, but in the long term, the risks are very high.

It was only in the past ten years that Mr. Leng became favored.

Once Master Leng falls out of favor, all the chambers of commerce that secretly bribed Master Leng will be in trouble!

"Almost three months from now, it will be the day when the annual Beixuan Chamber of Commerce Alliance holds its annual meeting. At that time, the city lord is likely to show up to redistribute the interests, and each chamber of commerce will also desperately donate treasures!"

"If the treasure we present can win the favor of the city lord, then we will definitely get greater benefits from the city lord, and the entire chamber of commerce will be revived immediately!"

After a breath, Li Dongtian said calmly.

As the person who single-handedly laid the foundation of the Hongye Chamber of Commerce, he actually looked down on people like Mr. Leng, who only relied on the favor of the city lord to rise up and reach his current prominent position.

But he relied on his own strength and brains to work hard step by step!

"President, how can it be so easy to find a treasure that can please the Lord of the City..."

Zhou Lixi hurriedly spoke, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Li Dongtian raising his hand.

"Okay, it's settled. In the next three months, we will try our best to maintain the operation of the Chamber of Commerce, and at the same time, we will do our best to find precious treasures and prepare in advance for the annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance in three months!"

After Li Dongtian finished speaking in a deep voice, he immediately stood up and walked out of the room.

In the room, the remaining three people lowered their heads and fell into deep thought, thinking hard about what kind of treasure could impress the Lord of Beixuan City!

At the same time, Chu Tian had already returned to his room and was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, with a look of contemplation on his face as well.

Although he only spent a short moment with Li Dongtian and others not long ago, he could clearly feel that except for Li Waner, everyone else did not welcome him to live here!

Even if the president Li Dongtian spoke very politely, Chu Tian could clearly feel the resistance towards him deep in his heart.

After pondering for a few breaths, Chu Tian chuckled.

He had already made a decision to stay at the Hongye Chamber of Commerce for a few days, and after he had a rough idea of ​​the situation in the city, he would leave immediately to avoid causing any trouble to the Hongye Chamber of Commerce.

However, this will certainly not affect his request for help from Li Waner, asking her to help him explore and collect life essence treasures and the blood essence of the wind attribute semi-holy monster.

As for whether the other party is willing to help with this, Chu Tian is not very sure.

However, Chu Tian believes that he also has some things or abilities that may be urgently needed by the other party, such as elixirs, weapon refining...

Not long after, Chu Tian closed his eyes, mobilized his spiritual energy, carefully squeezed out a drop of elixir, and began to refine it with all his strength.

The desolate land was extremely dangerous. He had to speed up his cultivation and strength to be able to withstand various risks and threats.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, Chu Tian had always locked himself in a room alone, concentrating on refining the elixir and ignoring what was going on outside the window.

Late night falls.

"Huh... the refining is finally completed!"

Chu Tian opened his eyes that had been closed for three days, took a long breath and whispered in a deep voice.

Last time, he only refined a drop of elixir, which directly led to his successful breakthrough from the peak of the Spiritual Whirlpool Realm to the Shengxuan Realm.

This time, he refined another drop of elixir. Although there was no breakthrough in his cultivation for the time being, the profound energy of life in his body increased significantly!

"In this case, let's simply perform the second compression immediately!"

After taking a short rest, Chu Tian's eyes suddenly flashed with light.


After a breath, Chu Tian took a deep breath and made a fierce seal with his hands. At the same time, the "Xuanyan Jue of Life and Death" began to circulate in his body. Suddenly, all the profound energy of life in the soul whirlpool in his body began to vibrate violently.

After these powerful creatures' profound energy vibrated violently, they were immediately pushed by an invisible big hand. They all quickly gathered together towards the middle, and then continued to shrink!

As time went on, the compression speed of the creature's profound energy became slower and slower, and before long, it even became an extremely slow turtle speed.

However, at this moment, the spiritual energy consumption in Chutian's body not only did not decrease at all, but was consumed at an accelerated rate, and even drops of sweat began to appear on his forehead, rolling down continuously.

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