God of Defiance

Chapter 886 Who among you is the strongest? Come forward.

Chapter 886 Who among you is the strongest, stand up!

"not good!"

Xiao Hu's expression changed suddenly.

Although he couldn't see clearly what was shooting at him at this moment, he could clearly feel a strong sense of crisis coming towards him!

Xiao Hu just wanted to dodge urgently, but he was still a step too late!


In an instant, the invisible needle of divine thought struck hard between Xiao Hu's eyebrows and disappeared!


Xiao Hu's brain suddenly felt painful, and a muffled groan came from his mouth. He couldn't help but take a step back. After shaking for a while, he regained his balance.

After he regained his footing, he was about to launch a strong counterattack, but he found that at some point, a red sharp knife was placed on his neck, and bursts of cold and bone-chilling feeling came from the blade. .

His heart couldn't help but beat hard.

"Am I qualified to serve as the sixth commander of the City Lord's Mansion now?"

A faint rhetorical question came from Chu Tian's mouth.


As soon as these words came out, a lot of gasping sounds came from around the martial arts arena.

Pairs of eyes were fixed on the young and tall figure holding a long red knife in the center of the field, revealing a look of surprise and shock that could not be concealed.

Although the sudden fight between Tian Chu and Xiao Hu only lasted less than three breaths, it showed Chu Tian's power more clearly than the previous fight with Leng Shan. With such tyrannical strength, even Xiao Hu, who had just completed the Death Mysterious Realm, was quickly defeated!

"Hmph, you are cruel!"

Xiao Hu's face turned green and white for a while. After a few changes, he snorted angrily. He was about to raise his hand to push away the long knife on his neck and walked away.

"Wait, if you dare to move even casually, I will cut off your neck immediately!"

Suddenly, a cold snort came from Chu Tian's mouth.

Hearing this cold snort, Xiao Hu's raised palm suddenly stopped in mid-air. He could not continue to raise it or put it down. It was very embarrassing.

He gritted his teeth slightly, stared at Chu Tian with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and asked angrily: "Boy, what do you want?"

"Your life is now in my hands. If you want to leave alive, you need to spend money to buy your life!"

Chu Tian's face didn't change and he replied calmly.

"It's disgusting to spend money on your life!"

After Xiao Hu heard this, he originally just gritted his teeth slightly, but now he gritted his teeth all of a sudden, and his face became as gloomy as water, almost as black as the bottom of a pot.

What Tian Chu just said was a huge humiliation to him.

However, he did not dare to attack randomly, after all, there was a sharp long knife on his neck at the moment.

No one can guarantee whether Tian Chu will really take action and cut off his neck with one knife!

At this time, everyone around was staring at Tian Chu, secretly surprised in their hearts.

This Tian Chu not only quickly defeated Xiao Hu, the fifth commander, but also dared to ask the other party to pay for his life in public!

This courage is really amazing!

Xiao Hu gritted his teeth and asked bitterly: "How much do you want?"

"How much high-grade spiritual stone do you think your own life is worth?"

Chu Tian asked with a half-smile.

After a breath, Xiao Hu snorted angrily and threw out a storage ring, which quickly fell into Chu Tian's hand.

Chu Tian held the ring in his hand, and with a sweep of his mind, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face. Then with a flick of his hand, the Chutian Sword that was placed on Xiao Hu's neck was immediately lowered.

Xiao Hu's face was full of gloom, and after glaring at Chu Tian angrily, he walked away quickly.

"Haha, ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones, not bad."

Chu Tian looked at Xiao Hu's hurried away figure, gently tossed the ring in his hand, and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the world of spiritual practice, the easiest way to convince a person is to take action and defeat him severely.

Although the fight between the two just now was not serious, Chu Tian believed that after today, the other party would no longer dare to scorn and ridicule him casually.

"Okay, from today onwards, Tian Chu will be the sixth commander of our city lord's palace, responsible for commanding all the troops on the city wall to resist the invasion of foreign enemies!"

Soon, the appointment of City Lord Xuan Mohai came out.

"Old Six!"

"Congratulations to the sixth man!"

After the appointment was confirmed, the other four commanders present immediately clasped their fists at Chu Tian and congratulated him.

Even the four commanders, who had publicly expressed doubts about Chu Tian not long ago, were holding fists in congratulations at this moment, with a faint smile on their slightly fat faces.

"Thank you all four!"

Chu Tian clasped his fists in return, and at the same time took a deep look at the Fourth Commander Li Mingjiao.

Somehow, although the fourth commander had a slightly fat and kind face, he felt that the other party was not as simple as he seemed on the surface.

Not long after, everyone began to disperse, leaving only Chu Tian, ​​Xuan Mo Hai and Huo Qingnian on the martial arts field.

Before Li Waner and Li Dongtian left, they originally wanted to say hello to Chu Tian before leaving. However, after seeing Chu Tian having a close conversation with the city lord Xuan Mohai, they could only sigh and leave helplessly.

Tian Chu is now the sixth commander of the city lord's palace. He can be said to be a carp leaping over the dragon gate, becoming a general and becoming a prime minister. He is no longer on the same level as them!

"Chu Tian, ​​don't blame me for not speaking publicly for you just now."

Xuan Mohai glanced at Chu Tian and whispered.

Chu Tian shook his head and replied with a smile: "Haha, Uncle Hai doesn't have to blame himself. In the world of spiritual practice, if you want to gain dignity and respect from others, you have to rely on yourself. How can I blame Uncle Hai!"

"Okay, Huo Qingnian will take you to the city wall next to meet your men!"

Xuan Mohai patted Chu Tian on the shoulder, turned and left.

Next, Chu Tian and Huo Qingnian took a dragon-horse vehicle and quickly rushed to the wall of Beixuan City.

In the carriage, two people were sitting opposite each other.

"Tian Chu, do you know why the fifth commander Xiao Hu reacted so fiercely after the city lord appointed you as the sixth commander?"

Suddenly, Huo Qingnian asked in a deep voice.

Chu Tian was stunned for a moment and replied subconsciously: "Could it be that Xiao Hu had a very good relationship with the dead Leng Shan, so he had strong hostility towards me?"

From Chu Tian's point of view, he and Xiao Hu had never met each other, but Xiao Hu showed considerable hostility towards him, and this was the only explanation that made sense.

"Not just for this reason"

Huo Qingnian said meaningfully.

After Chu Tian heard this, he immediately looked at Huo Qingnian curiously, wanting to know what other reasons there were.

"I won't tell you the specific reason for now. You will know it in half a month at most!"

Huo Qingnian smiled mysteriously and did not give a clear answer.

"All right!"

Chu Tian nodded, showing a hint of helplessness.

Next, Huo Qingnian told Chu Tian about the scope of the other five commanders' respective jurisdictions and the treatment they enjoyed.

Among them, the chief commander is responsible for maintaining order in the central area of ​​Beixuan City, and the other four commanders are responsible for maintaining order in the four major blocks of southeast, northwest and northwest.

According to regulations, every commander in the City Lord's Mansion can receive a basic income of five thousand high-grade spiritual stones every month, even if he does nothing.

This is not the most important thing!

The most important thing is that as the leader of the City Lord's Mansion, as long as you go to any chamber of commerce under the Beixuan Chamber of Commerce Alliance, you can get a 20% discount!

In the entire Beixuan City, apart from the city lord Xuan Mohai, only a few commanders are eligible to enjoy this amazing treatment!

As a commander of the City Lord's Mansion, he not only has a high income and discounts on consumption, but his status in the city is basically second only to the City Lord Xuan Mohai, and he can almost walk around the city!

Originally, there was no commander on the city wall, because basically no sieges had occurred in recent decades.

Now Xuan Mohai suddenly appointed Chu Tian as the commander of the city wall. In fact, he arranged a position for Chu Tian with a high status, a relatively leisurely position, but a lot of oil and water!

After all, the commander on the city wall is responsible for all entry and exit from the city, and no matter who it is, if they want to enter the city, they must pay a high entry fee!

"Haha, Uncle Hai, you really underestimate me."

Chu Tian couldn't help but grin when he thought of Xuan Mohai's good intentions.

As the saying goes, don't do evil because it's small, don't do good because it's small!

Chu Tian did not really understand this sentence thoroughly before coming into contact with the Qi Lun Flow technique, but now he has a deeper understanding of this sentence.

Xuan Mohai looked out for Venerable Huo Zhen and wanted him to be relaxed and make money. It seemed that he loved him, but in fact he was harming him!

Taking it easy and taking advantage of the opportunity to make money, this kind of evil behavior, once or twice, may not be a big deal.

Once you accumulate too much, it will inevitably affect or even corrupt your own state of mind, which will make future breakthroughs difficult!

Not long after, Huo Qingnian led Chu Tian to the towering and wide city wall.

Chu Tian stood on the city wall, with his hands behind his back, looking at the endless yellow land in the distance. Huo Qingnian left in a hurry, summoning all the soldiers on the city wall to meet Chu Tian.

"How did the desolate land come about?"

Chu Tian looked at the boundless yellow land, and a question suddenly arose in his heart.

Chu Tian simply did not believe that this astonishingly large piece of desolate land evolved naturally, but who on earth had the ability to create such an astonishing scene?

"Tian Chu, they are all here!"

Just as countless speculations were arising in Chu Tian's mind, Huo Qingnian's old voice suddenly came out.

Chu Tian heard the sound and turned to look to one side, only to see hundreds of armor-clad soldiers standing together in a large formation that stretched dozens of feet away.

After seeing Tian Chu, these armored soldiers were also slightly startled. It seemed that they did not expect that the commander arranged by the city lord's mansion was actually a young and accomplished warrior in Shengxuan Realm!

"Whoever among you is the strongest, stand up!"

After Chu Tian glanced at it, he shouted coldly.


Soon, a confident answer sounded.

Immediately, a majestic figure as tall as an iron barrel stepped forward and stood opposite Chu Tian.


When Chu Tian saw this, he rushed out without saying a word, and at the same time poked it with one finger!

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