God of Defiance

Chapter 894 Why did a young man from Shengxuan Realm come to the scene?


When Chu Tian heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Strictly speaking, he is indeed a super genius, but his reputation in the deserted land is definitely not as good as the other three, and many people at the scene may not even have heard of his name.

"Yes, Lao Liu, your reputation is definitely not as good as those three, and your cultivation is far behind those three, but your real strength may not be worse than them!"

Li Mingjiao said with a smile.

After hearing this, Chu Tian shook his head.

Comparing him with the other three, who is stronger or weaker can only be known after a real fight. Logical inference alone may not be accurate.

"Okay, twenty of you, let's get started!"

Lan Cangfeng glanced at the twenty people who were coming out of Donglan City, with a hint of expectation in his eyes, and opened his mouth to shout.

As soon as the words fell, a strong man with an ordinary face and a black robe who had just become a master of the Death Mysterious Realm stepped forward to the front of the Desolate Demonic Drum.

This Death Mysterious Realm expert looks to be in his early thirties. Although his face is ordinary, he has a powerful aura surrounding his body that no one dares to look down upon.

His name is Zhou He, and he is a master under Lan Cangfeng.

After Zhou He came to the front of the demon drum, he took a deep breath, picked up a mouthful of spiritual energy, and punched the black drum surface with a punch!


An astonishing loud bang of heavy drums was heard instantly, like thunder in the daytime, causing the eardrums of everyone present to ache slightly.


Unexpectedly, after a punch hit the black drum surface hard, Zhou He spurted out a mouthful of blood in an instant. His whole body was like a rag sack, flying backwards for more than ten feet, with a loud bang. He fell to the ground, wailing incessantly.

"Hmph, trash!"

After seeing this scene, Lan Cangfeng couldn't help but his face darkened and he cursed secretly.

Originally, he was expecting the first warrior from Donglan City to get off to a good start, but the Demonic Drum of Desolation only sounded once, and Zhou He flew out in confusion, making a huge fool of himself in front of everyone!

The other three city lords on the high platform all showed a trace of schadenfreude after seeing this funny scene.

Lan Cangfeng, with the Demonic Drum of Desolation in his hand, has always been arrogant and has a high self-esteem, but now he was slapped hard by reality in public.

"Lao Liu, you see, even a strong man like Zhou He, who has just reached the level of the Death Mysterious Realm, can only knock out one sound. You know how amazing it was the last time Lan Tiansheng succeeded in knocking out five sounds. !”

Li Mingjiao said solemnly at this time.

After Chu Tian heard this, he nodded slightly.

Judging from his preliminary observation just now, the moment this desolate demonic drum is beaten, a powerful counter-shock force will be generated.

As the number of ringings increases, this counter-shock force will inevitably increase. The last time Lantian Sheng was able to ring five times, it was indeed not easy.

Soon, another strong person who had just reached the Death Mysterious Realm from Donglan City walked up to the Desolate Demonic Drum and tried to sound the Demonic Drum. However, the result was the same as Zhou He in front of him. He only sounded it once. He was easily bounced away, vomiting blood and falling to the ground!

After seeing this scene, Lan Cangfeng couldn't help but roared angrily again, his expression almost gloomy to the extreme.

Just at the beginning, the experts sent by Donglan City failed one after another. This was definitely not a good sign. Lan Cangfeng urgently needed a victory to cheer up his side!

"Li Liang, try it!"

After a breath, Lan Cangfeng shouted in a deep voice.

Li Liang is a commander of his city lord's palace. He has a small level of cultivation in the Death Mysterious Realm and is obviously stronger than the two people in front of him. I dare not say that there is no big problem if he rings four or five times, at least three times.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sure enough, Li Liang walked up to the Demonic Drum of Desolation, roared, exerted force, and knocked three times. Then his whole body was instantly blown away, he vomited blood and fell to the ground, and then he struggled to get up.


After three rings, the void above the martial arts arena suddenly shook, and a terrifying will as vast as a sea of ​​smoke rushed out of the desolate demon drum, instantly invaded Li Liang's body, and then was withdrawn with lightning.

After a breath, Li Liang woke up, surrounded by a faint tyrannical will. It was a will unique to the Demon Saint!


After seeing this scene, Lan Cangfeng took a long breath, nodded with a smile, and the gloomy look on his face disappeared.

"Haha, after three rings, it only received the blessing of 30% of the demon saint's will. The probability of successfully picking off the demon spirit life fruit is still too low!"

At this moment, Li Mingjiao smiled disdainfully.

After Chu Tian heard this, he immediately asked out of curiosity: "During the demon pouring ceremony, how many times did someone ring the bell at most?"

"Five times! This is what Lan Tiansheng created last time. This time, I heard that he is planning to try to strike the ring six times. Hu Lieshuang and Han Li should also be able to strike five times this time!"

Li Mingjiao replied with a solemn tone.

After hearing this, Chu Tian nodded, kept silent, and continued to observe.

Soon, a powerful person from the Mysterious Death Realm in Donglan City came on stage one after another and tried to beat the Demonic Drum of Desolation.

Half an hour later, nineteen of the twenty people had taken the field, with only Lan Tiansheng left, who had not yet tried.

Among the nineteen people, only four successfully rang the bell three times. The remaining fifteen people rang the bell either once or twice. All of them were thrown away in panic and fell to the ground vomiting blood.


After a breath, everyone present looked at the only remaining person in Donglan City, Lan Tian Sheng!

Lantian Sheng was alone, sitting cross-legged in the eastern area of ​​the martial arts arena. He was wearing blue clothes and had short hair. Although his appearance was only average to above average, the aura surrounding his body was as deep as the sea, making him One cannot look straight.

"Father, after six impacts, I'm not completely ready yet. I'm still a little bit behind. Can you move me to the back?"

At this moment, Lan Tiansheng slowly opened his eyes, looked at Lan Cangfeng on the high platform, and asked calmly.


As soon as these words came out, countless gasps of cold air could be heard throughout the martial arts arena.

"Damn it, I originally thought that this Lan Cangfeng attack six times was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"His grandma's is so competitive. It's so irritating. People started trying to knock it six times, but I could only knock it once!"

"A genius is indeed a super genius. Once he successfully rings six times, this person will definitely sit firmly in the desert and be the number one among the younger generation!"

Immediately, a large number of words of shock and admiration came out.


Lan Cangfeng smiled kindly and nodded towards Lan Tiansheng.

Lantian Sheng is his adopted son, and he is also Donglan City's ace genius. He has the strength to strike six times, but it is just a delay, so it doesn't matter!

"Thank you, foster father!"

Lan Tiansheng clasped his fists and then closed his eyes again.

"Hey, why is there a junior from the Shengxuan Realm here?"

After a breath, Lan Cangfeng turned around and was about to notify the geniuses from Nan Ye City to come on stage. Suddenly he saw Chu Tian standing in the north and couldn't help but let out a sigh!

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