God of Defiance

Chapter 927 Cut off an arm


Qiu Tianren immediately turned his head and scanned the surroundings. He couldn't tell which one was true and which one was false. He couldn't help but frown slightly.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of light blue flaming sword lights stabbed at Qiu Tianren from all directions at high speeds. The terrifying murderous intention appeared overwhelmingly, seeming to completely submerge Qiu Tianren. Inside!

This move is a heaven-level martial arts move that Chu Tian has mastered in his free time in the dark cave in the past three months. It is called Phantom Clone and was transformed from the Hundred Sword Clone.

If Qiu Tianren was given three to five breaths of time, he would naturally be able to distinguish between true and false. However, dozens of Chutians came at them with swords so fast that he had no time to distinguish them carefully.

"Okay, okay, Chutian, I didn't expect that after a few months of seeing you, your strength has improved to this level. Now you are qualified to let me use weapons...one blast with a gun!"

Qiu Tianren grinned, and suddenly a light flashed in his hand, and a black spear with flashing light appeared. He rushed to a random position and fired out with a fierce shot!


The moment the shot was fired, there was an astonishing loud noise from the location where it was hit, and then a black vortex the size of a bowl appeared!


As soon as this inconspicuous black vortex appeared, it immediately expanded rapidly, and astonishing suction forces were violently transmitted from it, and all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the void within a hundred feet radius was rolled back together. And back, rushed into the black vortex!

Not only that, even the dozens of Chutian figures who came to Qiu Tianren could not control their body shapes immediately, and they quickly flew towards the black whirlpool!

Bang bang bang!

As soon as these figures approached the black vortex, they were immediately strangled into countless lights and shadows and quickly disappeared!

In just one breath, dozens of Chu Tiantong disappeared, leaving only one Chu Tian holding a light blue flaming sword, stabbing Qiu Tianren's chest fiercely!


When Qiu Tianren saw this, he snorted disdainfully. Instead of retreating, he advanced, clenched the black spear in his hand, and fired with one shot!


In an instant, swords and guns collided fiercely, and a loud noise that shook the world instantly resounded, and then something unexpected happened!

The moment the sword and gun collided, Chu Tian, ​​who was holding the sword, suddenly collapsed like a human-shaped bubble, and quickly disappeared into nothing in Qiu Tianren's sight!

"What... is not good!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Tianren's expression suddenly changed, he exclaimed, and hurriedly flashed to the side!

"I just realized it now, it's too late!"

At this moment, a faint whisper suddenly came from above Qiu Tianren's head!


The moment the words fell, a light blue flame sword light that was five or six feet long struck down with lightning speed!


In an instant, the flaming sword light falling from the sky slashed past Qiu Tianren's left arm at extremely high speed. Immediately, a bloody arm detached from Qiu Tianren's body and flew high into the sky.


As soon as this arm left Qiu Tianren's body, it was immediately wrapped in a ball of light blue flames, burned fiercely, and disappeared into nothing in an instant!

"Ah...my arm!"

The moment his arm was burned off, a shrill scream immediately resounded!


The next moment the screams sounded, Qiu Tianren hurriedly flashed and appeared more than ten feet away. His eyes were wide open and he stared at Chu Tian with an angry face. His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the void and cut Chu Tian with a thousand swords. Thousands of deaths!

At this moment, Qiu Tianren's heart was not only full of raging anger, but also extremely intense shame and anger!

He never thought that the last time the two of them fought, he had his arm cut off by Chu Tian with a knife. This time, his arm was cut off by his opponent again, and the situation was much more serious than the last time!

Last time, his arm was only cut off without disappearing, and was quickly reattached later. But this time, his arm was directly burned to ashes by Chu Tian. Even if he wanted to reattach it, it was impossible!

The most important thing is that after losing an arm, his strength plummeted by at least 30 to 40% in an instant. Facing Chu Tian, ​​it would be very difficult to even gain the upper hand.

When he thought of this, Qiu Tianren gritted his teeth, and his body suddenly flashed away, turning into a blurry black shadow in an instant, soaring into the sky at high speed, preparing to escape.

"Little bastard, today you cut off one of my arms. I will remember this grudge. In the future, I will cut off your limbs, cut off your head, dig out your heart, and then cut you into pieces and throw you to the dogs!"

While escaping in a hurry, a roar of hatred came from Qiu Tianren's mouth.

"Haha, can you leave?"

When Chu Tian heard this, his face suddenly darkened, he sneered, and made a fist with both hands!


In an instant, several drops of soul blood in Chu Tian's dantian burned violently, countless golden blood lines began to appear on the surface of his body, and the aura throughout his body suddenly surged!

At the same time, Chu Tian's hand flashed with light, he took out the Ji Feng Tianshuo, put it behind his back, and snorted coldly. Suddenly, the Ji Feng Tianshuo shined brightly, and two huge colorful wings flashed out!


After a breath, the two colored wings flapped suddenly, and in an instant, Chu Tian's entire body turned into a blur of colored light and shadow, soaring into the sky, chasing after Qiu Tianren's lightning!

"Hehe, little bastard, you're dead, you're definitely dead. Next time, I will gather many masters to kill you together..." In the sky, Qiu Tianren flew at a high speed, clenched his teeth tightly, and cursed bitterly from his teeth. Qiu Tianren was born in an extraordinary family. He had been smooth sailing since he was a child. When had he suffered such a big loss today? Naturally, he hated Chu Tian to death. "Hehe, next time... you don't have a next time!" However, as soon as he finished speaking, a faint sneer suddenly came from behind and clearly entered his ears. "What!" Hearing this sneer, Qiu Tianren was startled and hurriedly turned back, but his face changed instantly. Not far behind, a blurred colorful light and shadow was accelerating and chasing, and the distance between the two was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Damn it!" After looking back and seeing this scene, Qiu Tianren's face changed drastically and he couldn't help but cursed secretly. If it were normal times, he would definitely have a strong desire for the pair of colorful wings behind Chu Tian, ​​but now that he has lost an arm and his combat power has plummeted, he has no intention of coveting the flying weapon behind Chu Tian!

He only has one thought now, that is to escape!


Although Qiu Tianren fled desperately, he was seriously injured, and speed was not his strong point. In just a few breaths, he was caught up by Chu Tian!


The moment the blurred colorful light and shadow caught up, a cold shout came out, and then a light blue flame long sword that was more than ten feet long suddenly chopped out!

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