God of Destruction

Chapter 1008: Festival shock

"Get off the horse?" Xing Tian couldn't help but suspect that the challenger was arranged by Tianbinghou. Although Tianbinghou's face was not good, it was not impossible. After all, Tianbinghou had the intention, so he wanted to do this. The situation couldn't be easier. Xing Tian had to doubt it.

"Who is this person?" Xing Tian asked the patriarchs of the surrounding four big families softly. Although it seemed that this was an ordinary challenge, Xing Tian always felt that this matter was not that simple. He had to be vigilant. After all, He is now the target of being hunted by hostile races of human civilization, even if it is a small matter, Xing Tian must be careful to guard against it.

"This person is Yu Jun, the Young Patriarch of the Yu family. He is called the first genius of the Heavenly Soldier Empire. He is less than 10,000 years old. However, he has reached the level of Viscount Fifth Heaven in his cultivation. The possibility of being promoted to Earl is extremely high. There is the possibility of impacting the gods, but Yu Jun attaches great importance to him. Speaking of this Yu family, in the Heavenly Soldier Empire, it can be regarded as a family with a long heritage, but I don't know why this junior was allowed to make such a mess this time. "The Tang Family Patriarch explained to Xing Tian.

Regarding this Yujun, Xing Tian turned aside his lips. With such a vigorous world, it takes more than 10,000 years to be called a genius. This genius is really worthless. The most important thing is that if he has real skills, The human civilization cannot abandon him. After all, this Shenwu Continent is a region that is under the attention of human civilization. It is a genius who cannot be missed. The only explanation is that this genius took a shortcut.

Taking a shortcut means that the foundation is unstable. The most important thing is that he has always been in the Shenwu Continent. He has not experienced any wind or rain, even if the Shenwu Continent is good at martial arts, but he has not gone through real killings. That is never known. The horror of killing, so the name of this genius is naturally greatly discounted.

Although Xing Tian looked down on Yujun, he would not have the slightest carelessness, because he was now being targeted by the hostile civilization of mankind. A slight error would cost his own life. With Xingtian's caution, he would naturally not commit such a low-level mistake. Even if this place can be regarded as the hinterland of human civilization, Xing Tian still doesn't care about it. You have to know how many human geniuses are because of such ridiculous thoughts that they will ruin his life. Was beheaded by hunters of hostile human forces.

"Yu Qing's family, today is a day of celebration. Some people shouldn't use knives and guns?" Tianbing Shenhou said hesitantly. After all, Yu Jun's behavior made him a little bit embarrassed by Yu Jun's behavior, so he had to use this To decline.

It is a pity that the heavenly soldier’s intentions did not make Yu Jun retreat in the slightest. This person seemed to swear not to stop without reaching his goal, and said in a deep voice: "Going back to the Lord, my heavenly soldier empire is prosperous. In the past empire celebrations, there have been There have been many challenges and trials, and the ministers admired Xingtian Academy for a long time. To do so under such an occasion is also helpful."

At this point in time, no one has stood up to oppose it, and of course no one has stood up to agree, because everyone is unwilling to trap themselves! At the same time, many of the many people present wanted to use this opportunity to touch the bottom of Xing Tian, ​​a genius of human civilization, and understand Xing Tian's reality!

At this time, the Heavenly Soldier God Hou couldn't say anything more. After all, Yu Jun has already said that he has no retreat. You must know that in the many celebrations of the Heavenly Soldier Empire, there were indeed precedents such as challenges. The entire empire attaches great importance to and respects the challenges raised on such occasions. After all, this is the root of the empire’s development and growth.

Tianbing Shenhou looked at Xing Tian with some embarrassment, and then said: "I don't know what Dean Xingtian wants?"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Well, since Friends Yu Dao insists on doing this, then I will naturally accompany him." The matter has reached this point. Naturally, Xing Tian cannot refuse. If he refuses, he will leave people with the impression of being timid and fearful. This is very detrimental to the development of Xing Tian. It will even give some people in human civilization a chance to use the topic. After all, in human civilization It's not monolithic, Xing Tian doesn't want to give these people a chance!

In fact, when Yu Jun issued a challenge, Xing Tian had no choice. As a genius to be cultivated vigorously by human civilization, if he could not even accept the challenge of someone who did not participate in the human civilization training system, then He has completely lost the face of human civilization, and it is also difficult to gain a foothold in this heavenly soldier empire!

"Well, since Dean Xing Tian agreed, then we will put on the martial arts stage!" At this time, the gods of the heavenly soldiers became very crisp, and directly moved the banquet to the martial arts stage. There is no way for him to do this. After all, things have already happened, even if he wants to stop them, so there is no need to say more, and directly arrange this challenge!

When seeing this result, the patriarchs of the four major families showed a sneer on their faces. It was a sneer for the family. They all understood that no matter what the outcome of this challenge was, the Yu family had already offended Xingtian. The dean of the Supervision Institute offended the heavenly soldiers, and this result naturally made them very happy. After all, they no longer have to worry that Yujun will affect their interests and will not threaten their status!

It is very pleasant that in front of the Royal Fighting Platform, there are many nobles, large and small, expressing their importance to this challenge, and the heavenly soldiers preside over this challenge! Tian Bing said: "Two contestants, please come on stage!"

As soon as the soldiers were waiting for his words, Yu Jun jumped onto the martial arts platform and looked at Xing Tian with arrogance.

At this time, the Shenyang who had been guarding Xing Tian, ​​said: "Little Master, you have to be careful, this person's situation is a little strange, but I can't find a problem from him!"

Although Shenyang's words were a bit vague, Xing Tian nodded. For this Yu Jun who challenged himself, Xing Tian didn't care about it from beginning to end. Even without Shenyang's reminder, Xing Tian would take precautions. After all, Xing Tian's The situation is not very ideal. A small matter may endanger one's life. Even if there is nothing wrong with the army, who can guarantee that the nobles of the Heavenly Soldier Empire standing around will have no problem. There is no problem among them. The existence of the betrayer would not exist the hunter of the hostile forces of human civilization.

The human **** king can seize the strong from other races and refine it into his own clone, just like the stone man **** king in charge of the inheritance pavilion, he is the clone of the human sky blue **** king. And humans can do this, and many other powerful races can naturally do it. Using such a method to assassinate the genius juniors among the enemy races can't be more powerful.

As for Yu Jun as a challenger, was he really not aware of that day. Don't have any doubts? No, the heavenly soldiers have some awareness, but he can't stop all of this. After all, as the lord of the country, he will continue to doubt his courtiers without evidence. That would shake his own foundation, so he could only watch this happen.

Of course, in the minds of the heavenly soldiers, he does not think that Yu Jun will betray human civilization. You must know that he now represents Yu Jun. If he dared to betray human civilization, then Yu Jun will be destroyed. The top families in the second grade would not make such irrational choices, and it was precisely because the heavenly soldiers had such thoughts, so he did not stop all of this from happening. Ren because the army is so arrogant.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Shenyang, don't worry, what can a viscount's fifth-tier monk do to me? If I can't deal with him, then I am not qualified to be a genius cultivated by human civilization, but You have to be careful around you, after all, we don’t know if there are any betrayers among the nobles of the heavenly soldiers empire!"

When auzw.com said these words, Xing Tian jumped onto the martial arts stage and looked flatly at the challenger in front of him, without the slightest fluctuation in his expression. He didn't put opponents like Yu Jun in his eyes at all!

However, there was no embarrassment for the many nobles of the Celestial Weapon empire present with this attitude of Xing Tian. After all, everyone knew what it meant to be a genius that human civilization focused on, and how terrifying genius was. Even if Yu Jun had some assassin, he would definitely not be able to fight against a genius like Xing Tian, ​​so they never thought that the army would win, they just wanted to use Yu Jun to test the reality of Xing Tian.

Of course, as the Lord of the Heavenly Soldier Empire, the Heavenly Soldier God also has this idea. So he opened his mouth and said: "The martial arts competition will only last until the end. Please also pay attention to the two of you. Don't happen to something that shouldn't happen!"

Without waiting for Xing Tian and Yu Jun, the challenger to express his views, Bing Shen Hou jumped off the martial arts platform that day, as if his words were just a process, and when he saw his actions like this Xing Tian couldn’t help but sneered in his heart. Xing Tian could understand the meaning of the heavenly soldiers. This was to show his goodness. Unfortunately, Xing Tian didn’t care, because when this challenge appeared, Xing Tian looked at the heavenly soldiers. There is no good impression.

If the Celestial Soldier Shenhou really has no malice towards him and has no thoughts, then this challenge will not arise. Xing Tian does not believe that the Celestial Soldier Shenhou cannot even control his courtiers as the lord. If he even has this If it can't be done, then the Heavenly Soldier Empire should be moved instead of being controlled by him.

When the gods of the day left the martial arts arena, the formation on the martial arts platform was in motion. A powerful barrier appeared around the martial arts platform. This formation was used to isolate external forces, not just To prevent the aftermath of the battle from dispersing and spreading to those who watched the battle, it can also isolate the secretive methods of some masters from the outside world.

When the powerful formation on the Wudoutai was in operation, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a wave of doubts in his heart, and he couldn't help but secretly said: "Is it because I have been too worried, this challenge is nothing. Conspiracy is just an ordinary challenge. With this powerful formation, it is not easy for God to break open!"

After feeling the strength of the formation on the Wudoutai, Xing Tian couldn't help but change a little bit, but Xing Tian is a battle-tested fighter, even if there is a trace of doubt in his heart, but his However, there was no change on his face. It was still calm and waveless. People couldn't see the depth. Only this point made many people extremely recognize Xing Tian's state of mind.

"Dean Xing Tian, ​​please advise." Yu Jun did not hesitate. When the soldiers left that day, he immediately held his fists to challenge Xing Tian. Although his mouth was very humble, there was nothing in his voice. With a strong arrogance, it can be seen that Xing Tian, ​​the dean of the Superintendent of the Heavenly Soldier Empire, was not regarded as the same thing in his heart.

Regarding Yu Jun's arrogance, Xing Tian's expression was still calm and calm, and he said flatly: "Please, Patriarch Yu."

Xing Tian replied politely, ignoring the arrogance of the other party. Although there were no fluctuations under this plain, no fluctuations were the most unacceptable for Yu Jun. Because it means ignoring.

As if being irritated by Xing Tian, ​​Yu Jun was not polite at all. When he moved his mind, two short knives appeared in his hands, and the two short knives flickered with cold light. There are several secret patterns looming in the light of the sword, and people know at a glance that these are definitely two extremely extraordinary weapons.

It's right to think about it. The Lord of the Heavenly Soldier Kingdom, the Heavenly Soldier Shenhou itself, is an existence at the refining master level. As a courtier of the Heavenly Soldier Empire, Yu Jun can naturally get a lot of benefits. Naturally, the weapon of the magic weapon is just the same.

"Good fellow, is Yu Jun crazy? Yu Jun's hand is actually the cold ice skate of Yu's Zhen Clan magic soldier!" Some of the many nobles who know about the military could not help but yell. Very shocked by Yu Jun's performance.

When he saw this magic weapon in the hands of Yu Jun, Xing Tian couldn't help but secretly said: "This challenge is really premeditated, otherwise the opponent would not be able to bring such a magic weapon with him. , And also appeared at the banquet. It seems that the Lord of Heaven and God is dissatisfied with me, the Dean of the Supervisory Institute, and he wants to give me a blow!"

From Xingtian's eyes, it is natural to see that what is in the hands of the army is a supreme top grade. Such a treasure would not necessarily be possessed by some powerful people at the pinnacle of the earl, but now it appeared in the hands of a junior like Yu Jun. This situation shows what Xing Tian is not a fool.

When seeing the emergence of this magic weapon, the heavenly soldier Shenhou was extremely angry, and he hated the army very much. You must know that Yu Jun’s move was to push him, the lord of the country, to the crater, directly with Xing Tian is guilty! As for the patriarchs of the four major families, all of them were shocked in their eyes, and they were also stunned by the situation before them. They didn't expect this to happen, knowing that this is not a trivial matter!

Then Yu Jun didn't know how shocking his actions had shocked everyone present. After the magic weapon was in his hands, he shouted: "Take me. The ice is frozen for thousands of miles, and the ice world is coming!" Yu Jun is a ruthless person. As soon as he shot, he directly used the magical powers of this magic weapon in his hand, directly turning the entire martial arts platform into a world of ice and snow.

In an instant, a biting chill burst out violently. The terrifying cold air rushed to Xing Tian frantically, trying to invade Xing Tian’s body and freeze Xing Tian. The cold air was very domineering and did not have the slightest reservation. This is no longer a challenge, but a direct killer, thinking To kill Xingtian directly.

"Hey!" For an instant, the many nobles of the Celestial Soldier Empire who were watching the battle gasped involuntarily. They were all stunned by Yu Jun's domineering attack. This situation was unexpected. Time they couldn't help being stunned on the spot, their minds plunged into a blank.

"Crazy, the Yu family is really crazy, and the lord of the country is also crazy. He even arranged such a challenge. This is a challenge. This is clearly a warning and threat to Xing Tian, ​​a human genius who has just received the seal of the Supervision Institute! "The hearts of many nobles in the Bing Empire that day could not help but secretly thought, and their hearts became tense involuntarily. After all, once such a thing appeared, it meant a break with Xing Tian. This was for the entire Heavenly Bing Empire. But a very important thing.

When seeing this situation, the mood of the Celestial Soldier Shenhou is even more conceivable. If he can do it himself, the Celestial Soldier Shenhou has the intention to kill Yujun directly and kill Yujia, but he can't do it now. This, and even he can’t do it in the future, because in the eyes of people, all this is arranged by himself. If he kills his family afterwards, the prestige of the royal family will be completely wiped out, and no nobles will obey. Royal order!

"What a good Yu Jun, it's a good method. I dare to use this Shenhou as a spearman!" The heavenly soldier Shenhou's heart secretly became ruthless, and Yu Jun gave birth to endless killing intent. After all, he is The emperor was accused of playing tricks by his courtiers. Such a result was unacceptable to him, and Yu Jun naturally became the target he wanted to kill.

Explain, explain to Xing Tian afterwards that all this was not arranged by himself, and that everything was just made by Yu Jun himself? That would not work. Xing Tian would not believe such an explanation. Not to mention Xing Tian would not believe it. Everyone present would not believe it. It can be said that when Yu Jun made this crazy move, the entire royal family had already fallen into this. In the face of the challenge, he has stood on the opposite side of Xing Tian, ​​the genius of human civilization! (.)

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