God of Destruction

Chapter 1020: Sneak Attack

"Well, who told us to be grasshoppers on a rope with those idiots. They also got our power when they shot. Now that things fail, we naturally have to take responsibility, and we all have avatars, and both Even if you die if you have a secret method, you can get away by yourself at the cost of sacrificing the clone at a critical moment. The most important thing is that we do this. In the future, the race will compensate us for our losses, so this time our task is to kill that human. The genius Xing Tian, ​​on the one hand, will cause humans to lose a future elite of the **** king, and on the other hand, it can make revenge for the secret base of Shenwu Continent to be uprooted." The **** of the fox clan said this very rationally. When his words came out, it made the tiger **** no longer say anything, just as the fox **** god said, this is their responsibility, they have no choice, it's them Responsibility!

"Is it sure that the junior's whereabouts? This time we can't miss anymore, or we won't be able to explain to the above!" The dragon goddess said to the wolf goddess who has been silent. His face was completely murderous, and looking at his appearance, he knew that this guy was also full of fire, otherwise it would not be this expression.

The wolf tribe is a large branch of the orc tribe. Although the real strong among their tribe are very rare, they are inferior to the tiger tribe and the fox tribe, but they are among the huge tribe of the orc civilization. In China, the status is almost the same. That's because the wolf clan is a natural hunter, and the racial talent magic is to locate and track, arrange traps, and hunt down enemies.

As long as you know the specific route of Xing Tian and others, even if the warship is flying in hyperspace, the wolf clan’s spirit can also intercept and destroy the target in the middle to complete this mission.

In fact, above the level of the gods, their so-called clones have undergone great changes. There are many types, one is the incarnation that is cut out like the three corpses, this kind of incarnation. It can only be transformed into a power level that is a great level lower than the body, but it is the same consciousness as the subject, and has the ability to be autonomous, the consciousness is quite powerful, and the calculation and analysis capabilities are not much weaker than the subject.

The other is to forcibly occupy the clones of other bodies with one's own consciousness, which is called seizure. However, this kind of clone is quite difficult to touch. After all, this requires a strong soul and must be proficient in the laws of the soul. This is not an easy task. After all, the laws of the soul are too mysterious, and those who are not strong in the soul cannot do it. Arrived.

There is also a kind of clone that is the talent clone of the race. In the universe of this heaven and earth, many races are born with powerful ability to create clones, but such races are very rare. Such races are generally affected by the sky. The plunder of many powerful people in the domain did not dare to show their heads, or they would only have a dead end.

Strictly speaking, there is another kind of clone, that is, the clone made by the cultivation of the ancient gods and demons. This kind of clone is the foundation of the ancient gods and demons civilization, and it is created with the help of many powerful ethnic talents in the ancient times. Divine law, but this kind of divine law is controlled by the two races of the gods and demons, and what you get in other races is very few.

After a while, the wolf clan’s **** said: “Finally found the whereabouts of that junior. I didn’t expect these **** to be really cautious and very powerful, but it’s a bit too close to avoid us. They will pass by us in half an hour. It seems that the information given to us by the Zerg **** is still very good."

Having said this, the wolf clan’s gods couldn’t help but said: “But we can’t be too careless. After all, that kid is already wary, maybe they will make a change, so we still have to Be vigilant, just in case!"

"Nonsense, you don't know the methods of those **** of the Zerg, even if we are not careful, they will be calculated by them. It can be said that these **** are spies by nature. They are better at collecting intelligence than our orcs. Double, among the many races, only the **** of the Spirit Race can restrain them.” The Dragon Race's spirit said very calmly.

"Well, we all start to make the final preparations, strive for a hit, and then quickly evacuate before the strong human civilization appears. If you can run away, it is best. If you can't run away, you must quickly explode, otherwise human civilization Here comes the master, even if we have a clone, we may be annihilated by our souls, then we are really dead." The tiger gods calmly prevented these people from talking. After all, they were here to hunt the enemy, not to chat. of.

Half an hour was very long for these orc gods, but they still waited for Xingtian and others to appear. A battleship appeared in their gods. This is Xingtian and they want to return. The only way to get to Qiyuan God City, originally Xingtian and the others said they wanted to use the teleportation circle to leave, but at the last moment, Xingtian made a change because they were worried that someone in the race would still kill him. So the temporary change strategy only made Xing Tian and the others not expect that their whereabouts were still exposed to the enemy's eyes.

When the gods sensed Xingtian’s battleship, the five great gods of the orc race immediately acted, and the five people accelerated the huge divine body at the same time to explode frantically, and immediately killed Xingtian and theirs. The warship was locked, and then there was no hesitation, and it was a violent blow to the galloping warship. In an instant, that powerful force accurately hit Xing Tian's battleship.

Just as the attacks of these orc gods blasted on the battleship, Xing Tian's heart moved, and his body instantly escaped into his destiny treasure, "Eternal Shenzhou", with the help of the powerful defense force of "Eternal Shenzhou" Avoided this catastrophe!

During Xingtian's action, he did not forget the guards of Shenyang and the others. They also dragged them into their own destiny treasure, the eternal Shenzhou, so they were all safe and sound, just the accompanying person and the ship. The operators of, they did not have such a good life, they were all swallowed by the terrifying explosive power at the moment the battleship was hit.

With the help of the power of the "Eternal Shenzhou", Xingtian and the two dozen people survived, but with the force of such a big explosion, Xingtian's life treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" is also very expensive, and the strength of the defensive cover is It was obviously dimmed a lot, and the defensive ability was greatly reduced.

This is the ultimate treasure of Xingtian's destiny, "Eternal Shenzhou" has been transformed once, and it has new enhancements. If it hasn't changed before, I am afraid that Xingtian's ultimate treasure of destiny will be under the frantic blow of the five powerhouses of this orc. 'Eternal Shenzhou' couldn't resist this crazy blow, and had to kill his life here.

After being attacked, Xing Tian quickly calmed himself down and began to think about countermeasures. After all, this sneak attack was too powerful. If he hadn't been vigilant, he would have lost his life here. Why? If you change your mind temporarily, you will still be caught by the hostile person. What is going on? In Xing Tian's mind, he was thinking frantically, whether the enemy is powerful enough to monitor the affairs of Shenwu Continent, or is there a traitor among the high-level human civilization, or even among those defending himself?

auzw.com Unfortunately, Xing Tian himself does not have much time to think about this issue. After all, he is still in that danger. The most important thing for him now is to save his life first. To survive the sneak attack of these enemies, you must know that his destiny treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" is badly damaged, and it is not possible to restore it in a moment.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be so fateful, and you still have such a powerful defensive warship in your hands, but even if you have this warship, you can't change your destiny. You all have to die!" Arrogantly appeared in Xingtian's natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" and said arrogantly not far away!

"Enough, when are you talking so much nonsense? Quickly kill the junior Xingtian, destroy the human elite, and then retreat immediately!" The wolf clan's gods said, and rushed without hesitation. Xiang Xing Tian's destiny treasure'Eternal Shenzhou' frantically culled away, without the slightest pause.

Upon seeing this sudden change, Shenyang immediately said loudly: "Little Master, you have a battleship to protect you, so you should leave here first and let us block them. They are all powerful gods. Even if you have a warship, you can’t fight against it. For your life, leave quickly!” While talking, Shenyang and others are going to leave the "Eternal Shenzhou" and hold the five beasts. Who gave Xingtian a chance to leave.

With Xingtian’s wisdom, he naturally understands Shenyang’s good intentions. Similarly, Xingtian also understands his current situation. Even if he has the ultimate treasure of his life, "Eternal Shenzhou" in his hands, he has the power of the inner world, but he does not have the ability to compete with the five beast gods. Confrontation between the strong, after all, their own strength is insufficient, even if there is a life-threatening treasure like the "Eternal Shenzhou", it is difficult for the power to threaten those orc gods, and it is impossible to force the opponent back.

"Captain Shenyang, you leave with His Royal Highness Xingtian, let's hold the other party!" Soon ten powerful Earl-level men took the initiative to stand up, and immediately burned their own soul without any hesitation. In exchange for a powerful force, able to fight against the orc powerhouse outside the "Eternal Shenzhou".

The secret method of burning the soul exists in every race. Although it is different, its purpose is the same. It is the supreme secret method used by everyone, but the secret method of burning the soul can be stopped. , As long as the primordial spirit is not burned out, then as long as there are enough geniuses and earth treasures, enough divine elixir, and time, it can be recovered, but people below the gods use the secret method of soul burning, it is impossible Stopped, because even if it stops, it is still inevitable to die.

These earl-level guards cultivated among the human civilization are inconspicuous, but when they really want to face such a desperate situation, they will not hesitate to burn their own souls in exchange for a short time enough to resist the gods. Although the result is that their souls will be destroyed and their souls will disappear, but they will not have the slightest hesitation, because they are protecting the future of human civilization and the hope of human civilization, so they are willing to give their own life.

Speaking of, these guards are those who are not too talented in human civilization, and they are very loyal to human civilization. It is precisely because of this that they can become the guards of these geniuses and be able to be the high-level human civilization. Focus on training, in order to be able to change the results at a critical moment.

Perhaps they are humble existences among the many powerful people in human civilization, as small as ants, but at the moment they gave up their lives for righteousness, they are unprecedentedly great and respected because they can pay for their own race. Your own life is something that more than ninety percent of human civilizations cannot do. It is because of their existence that human civilization can develop and grow. It is precisely because of their sacrifices that human civilization can develop and grow. Let human civilization continue and be able to develop and strengthen themselves, it can be said that they are the unsung heroes of human civilization.

At this moment, each of the ten earl-level human experts has a smile on their face, and their eyes reveal an extremely determined light. At this moment, they are willing to die generously for the race, and they regard death as home. , One by one did not wait for Xingtian to react, but they rushed out of the "Eternal Shenzhou"!

When seeing the ten countless powerhouses rushed out of the "Eternal Shenzhou", the gods of the tiger clan simply ignored them and said disdainfully: "If you want to run, it is not that easy. Let you escape from our hands, that would be a real joke, the realm of gods appears!"

Following the roar of the tiger god, a huge aura rushed out of his body frantically, and instantly enveloped a huge area of ​​a hundred li. The entire **** domain is based on the tiger god. In the center, a huge sphere was formed, which directly blocked the entire space, and it was not difficult for Xingtian to escape from here.

Although he was in the life’s most treasured "Eternal Shenzhou" and was protected by the "Eternal Shenzhou", when the realm of the gods of the tiger clan opened up, Xing Tian suddenly felt a powerful pressure to retest, and He also noticed the huge scope of God's Domain, which caused Xing Tian to be shocked. It's pretty good that the realm of general gods can have a radius of ten miles, but now this realm of gods covers a hundred miles. It is not at the same level at all, this is a strong man at the pinnacle of the gods, and even a strong man who has stepped into the realm of the **** king.

At this moment, Xing Tian really felt the mighty power of God, the power of the supreme divine power that he could not resist. Such power made Xing Tian's heart heavier involuntarily. The crisis was a huge one. Crisis, a little caution is to die here, which makes Xing Tian not serious about it.

At this moment, when the enemy’s terrifying power affected the "Eternal Shenzhou", Shenyang opened his own God Realm without hesitation and decisively, although his God Realm is very weak, far from being able to compete with The enemy is confronting, but he is now in Xingtian's natal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou", and the pressure is naturally reduced a lot, so under his desperate efforts, he can also block the pressure of the opponent's **** domain for Xingtian.

When receiving the pressure, Shenyang immediately said to Xing Tian through a voice transmission: "Little Shishu, you leave soon, don't care about us, get out first, don't care about the lives of us people, this time the orcs appeared. The power of is really too strong. We no longer have the energy to protect you. As long as we can delay for a while, many masters in the race will soon come over for reinforcements, and then we will be safe."

Shenyang’s words sound very good, but in fact they just want to let Xing Tian leave here. You must know that the five orcs are the powerhouses at the pinnacle of gods, not to mention them, it is their strength no matter how powerful. Double, that is not the enemy of the other party, and it is difficult to insist on the emergence of the strong human civilization. After all, these orc gods have already arranged everything and will not give Shenyang and them such an opportunity, so they are leaving Xingtian Under the protection of the mortal treasure "Eternal Shenzhou", these people have only one fate, that is, death and soul disappearance. Their power is not as strong as these five orc gods, and they can't fight each other at all. After all, their realm There is a huge gap, which cannot be made up by the number of people.

Seeing the hesitation flashing in Xing Tian’s eyes, Shenyang shouted in a deep voice: "Little Master, if you can leave, we don’t need to be distracted to take care of you, then we still have a chance, but If you are determined to stay, it will only affect our performance. At that time, we people really have no hope of survival. I think Xiaoshushu should understand how we should choose, and we will not let us people. Difficult!"

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. Shenyang spoke to this extent. What else could he say. If he didn't leave, he would kill Shenyang and his guards. This is not Xing Tian. The result he wanted to see, so Xing Tian didn’t even think about it. He moved Shenyang and the others out of the “Eternal Shenzhou”, and then drove the “Eternal Shenzhou” with all his strength to mobilize the people on the “Eternal Shenzhou”. Finally, with the help of that powerful **** and demon giant crossbow, forcibly blasted a space crack in the realm of the gods, and then disappeared into the space crack. (.)

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