God of Destruction

Chapter 1033: Section reminder

When seeing the horror that flashed across Xing Tian’s face, the Void God King said in a deep voice, “How come you know that you are afraid now? You must know that this is still mild. You have to understand the truth that is too late. You can’t do things too much, or you will pay a high price. The consequences are not something you can afford. There are many factions in human civilization and there are many disputes. Before you I’ve seen it before, but what the teacher wants to tell you is just a small mess. In the entire human civilization, every Tianyutian does not know how many days will be lost because of arrogance. The teacher does not want to see If you follow this example, can you understand this?"

Xing Tianshen took a small breath and said: "The disciple understands, but teacher, is there really no solution to this matter? If you know that Huan Shentian is an opportunity for the disciple to solve his own shortcomings, can't the disciple go silently? Do you want to go through the barriers, to sharpen yourself?" Xing Tian still has a bit of unwillingness to give up. After all, this is too temptation for him. He can't accept such a result for a while, so he still has a trace of fantasy in his heart.

The Void God King shook his head and said: "You don't need to think about chances. It is impossible. You must know that this is not a trivial matter. No one can suppress such a major event. Once you start to act, it will I immediately received the attention of several people. All your information will soon appear in the archives of the hostile races of human civilization. At that time, you will become the target of wild hunting by the orcs. Even if you are a teacher, you can’t help you Safe, do you understand?"

The Void God King has spoken to this point, how can Xing Tian still not understand? After all, he is not a fool, and he can naturally analyze the horror of this crisis. Once he does it himself, it means no more turbulence. The liver retreats.

Xing Tian took a deep breath and tried hard to suppress the loss in his heart, although this might be a chance for him. It was a great opportunity, but now his own power was not enough to face the many threats, so under the pressure of this terrifying world, he could only give up temporarily.

Seeing a trace of unwillingness on Xing Tian's face. The Void God King opened his mouth and said: "Xing Tian, ​​don't be unwilling. The power of Illusory God is not something you can challenge right now. Even if you have the strength to fight, don't challenge Illusive God of heaven. The bridge of life and death will bring you huge trauma and ruin your foundation. You must know that there are so many geniuses in human civilization, but there has never been a genius who can challenge before the peak of the gods. The power of will severely damage your soul. Once the soul is damaged, it will greatly affect your practice. The bridge of life and death is a test of people’s will, with a slight glitch. It will make your mind collapse. For you now, you shouldn’t think about this so-called advanced trial, but digest your previous gains in the Tower of Gods, and it’s not too late to challenge when you have the realm of the gods. , Then you don’t have too much pressure, do you understand?"

Xing Tian understood that the Void God King was good to him, and he also understood that he had underestimated the reaction of the outside world, and he had to know that he was no longer the infamous Xing Tian. By the time he reached the 20th floor of the God of War Tower, his name had spread throughout the entire human civilization. Naturally, he had already received the attention of the hostile races of human civilization. If he made a bigger move. The person who suffered in the end was Xing Tian himself. After all, this was no small matter.

Xing Tian nodded and said, "The disciple understands!" Although he was unwilling, under the absolute threat, Xing Tian had to give up his previous ridiculous arrangement. In the domain of human civilization, all problems are more than Xing Tian. People imagine it to be terrifying. Let Xingtian have to be cautious.

After passing through so many levels of the God of War Tower, Xing Tian had a lot of opportunities to understand the Law of God Monument at once, which made Xing Tian have to reconsider the shortcomings of his plan.

The limelight that should be brought out was enough before. If it goes on, the consequences will be very serious. Xing Tian knows what he should do now after a little thought. This time, he even passed more than a dozen levels, which was a big show. The entire human civilization was shocked by his amazing act. Not only that, several other super civilizations that have always been very human geniuses have heard about Xingtian, who has been cultivating in Qiyuan God City for less than a hundred years, but can even pass more than a dozen levels. You must know about Xingtian. Such a genius is not only the orc side who wants to hunt down. Even other civilizations have this idea. After all, geniuses like Xingtian have a huge heart of killing for them. For such geniuses Only by killing Fang can they be satisfied.

Xing Tian didn’t know that when he came to see his teacher, the Void God King, the upper level of the entire Orc civilization had already issued an order to kill Xing Tian. If necessary, he could send out a powerful person at the level of God King to attack Xing Tian. Because the orc civilization absolutely does not want to see the second war of the human civilization, the master hunters of the entire orc have now fixed their eyes on Xingtian, and are madly carrying all the information of Xingtian, preparing When Xing Tianli turned on Yuan Shen Zhen, it would be nothing to give Xing Tian a fatal blow, even if he sacrificed one or two powerhouses of the God King level.

Crazy, no matter in that civilization, the **** king and the strong are extremely precious. The orcs can make such a ruthless determination, you can imagine how much they hate Xingtian in their hearts.

But the movement of the orcs is so great, how can you completely know about human civilization? It's just that Xingtian is still under the protection of the city of Qiyuan, and he is very safe, even if the lunatics of the orc civilization are crazy, but they I don’t have the guts to single-handedly fight to Qiyuan God City to withdraw from the wild, after all, it’s definitely meat and rice hitting the dog and never go back. Not to mention the **** king, even the **** emperor wants to rush into the Qiyuan **** city alone. It is also impossible.

The shock is there. Now the entire upper level of human civilization already knows that there is a genius like Xing Tian. For Xing Tian, ​​the pressure has been reduced a lot. Now what he has to do is to keep himself low-key again and spend that time. As time goes by, let the shock caused by oneself gradually subside. After all, there are not too many people who really make progress in Xingtian. In addition, there are too many human geniuses. As long as time goes on, without gain, the orc civilization It would only give up all efforts to hunt lunatics like Xingtian.

For the many geniuses of human civilization, most of them now experience themselves on the battlefield, and those geniuses who stay in the city of Qiyuan. All of them understand their own situation, and they will not waste time on disputes of temper. After all, Xing Tian has set a good example for them, and they will all focus on their practice.

of course. Everything is not absolute. Except for a few arrogant geniuses who are quite dissatisfied with Xing Tian in the imaginary space, other geniuses have not made a clear statement. After all, no one is willing to provoke an opponent for themselves under unknown circumstances. That is not a good thing for them either.

Xing Tian didn't pay any attention to all this, after leaving his teacher's residence. Xing Tian was immersed in the cultivation of the Tao of Law. As his teacher said, what he needs now is to digest his own gains, not to expand his reputation without retreat. Although the reputation sounds good, people with reputation are definitely the fastest to die. Xing Tian didn't want to put himself in a desperate situation.

Xing Tian now has more than a dozen opportunities to comprehend the law of the gods. Xing Tian doesn't want to give up such opportunities. With these opportunities, as long as he has enough time, he can go further in mastering the Five Elements Rule. Even if you give up the five elements rule first, you can improve your mastery of the rule. After all, Xing Tian is different. He walked on an invincible road. He was able to take the opportunity of seeing the rule of God a dozen times. Xingtian believes I will go one step further in the mastery of the law!

For a genius like Xing Tian who walks the road of invincibility, he does not have to be subject to many restrictions on the realm of his understanding and control of the law. He can continuously deepen his grasp of the law, and even though Xing Tian is currently The realm is a bit low, but the realm is low. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have strong power. After all, above this level, he can speed up his pace and make his practice further.

The gathering of the five elements of auzw.com is certainly gratifying, but this is just the beginning of the law. After all, the five elements of Xingtian are too small. After several decades of retreat, and after increasing the power of his Five Elements Rule by one point, Xing Tian once again personally visited the teacher, Void God King, to find answers for his next practice.

"Yang Tong, what do you want to see as a teacher?" Regarding Xing Tian's appearance, the Void God King's expression was very calm, as if all this did not attract his attention, he asked very calmly.

"If you go back to the teacher, the disciple has now basically mastered the harvest from the last time. I have taken a step further on the integration of the Five Elements Law, but I will ask the teacher for advice on how the disciples should go on the road behind this." Xing Tian said to himself. Although he had a certain idea about his practice, he still cautiously asked the Void God King to prevent him from taking the wrong path and wasting his time in vain. His practice was affected.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, your progress is so fast. Logically speaking, it is not easy for you to digest the many gains. It takes time. You have completed all of this now. It seems that you You are very talented on the path of law practice. What you have to do now is actually very simple, that is, deepen the power of the Five Elements Law and other laws you have mastered, and start to truly practice the Soul Law. The Soul Law is very, the threat of the orcs. It can’t be ignored, so you have to strengthen your defense in this area!” When he said this, the Void God King’s voice couldn’t help but pause, and then after a little thought, he said, “Xing Tian, ​​I have to ask for my teacher. , With your current strength, do you think you can pass the 20th floor of the God of War Tower?"

Hearing this, Xing Tian couldn't help being stunned. His power was fully deployed. He was on the 20th floor. Even if he rushed to the 25th floor, Xing Tian was confident, but Xing Tian didn’t want to expose his true power. After all, this is his real killer.

When thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head and said, "No, I can't do it!"

The Void God King smiled calmly and said: "Okay, you can think so, but you yourself have thought about why there is such a result. Is there any reason for this?"

Xing Tian still shook his head and said, "I don't know the disciple, please ask the teacher for advice!"

The Void God King took a deep breath and said, "If I didn't expect it to be bad, you had an adventure when you were young, and you have received systematic practices and guidance from ancient traditions. These practices will bring you. There are huge benefits, but when you get these many benefits, it also has a big impact on yourself, so you are now at a crossroads, although you have made a choice, you want to go invincible The road and the physical body polish the dual lines, but all that is still the power of others. If you want to improve your realm, you must find your own way!"

What is one's own way is that the wise see wisdom and the benevolent see benevolence. Everyone has different opinions, and the Void God King's heart is a little worried about Xing Tian, ​​but unfortunately he doesn't know that Xing Tian has already found his own way, but Xing Tian has not revealed his strength. .

Xing Tian asked for advice humbly: "Please also ask the teacher for advice!"

The Void God King said calmly: "The road is at your own feet. The way to open up lies in your heart. If you want to find it, you have to ask your own heart. Everything will deceive you, but your own heart will not If you deceive you, when you understand, you will know what your own way is!"

When talking about this, the Void God King had another meal. After thinking about it, he said, "There is a benefit of getting systematic inheritance, that is, the early practice will not make detours, broaden your horizons, and build tiles. There is no systematic inheritance. People who try to practice on their own will stumble and take a lot of detours in the early stage, and the speed of progress is limited. However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. The practice of this world is created by the predecessors, even the magical method. After all, it is someone else’s. After reaching a certain height, no matter who it is, you have to open up a path of your own, jump out of the shackles of predecessors, and create your own supreme magical powers and secret methods. Although the five-color divine light Very powerful. Although the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light is also very powerful, it is still the secret method of the predecessors, not your own, do you understand?"

This time Xing Tian understood it, no wonder that although he has mastered many of the mysteries of the Innate Five Elements Law over the years, he has not made much progress in the application of fusion. The five-color divine light and the great five elements have nothing to do with the power of extinction divine light. Promotion, now it seems that the problem lies in itself.

The supreme magical powers of the five-color divine light and the great five elements of the extinction divine light are certainly exquisite and can help Xing Tian, ​​but this supernatural power was created by the ancestors and added their own understanding of the law. If the future generations cannot step out of their shackles. It would be difficult to integrate the laws. Over the years, although Xing Tian was able to comprehend the Five Elements Principle in such a short period of time, it was not his own power. He relied on external forces!

Now the question is before Xing Tian, ​​how to create his own supreme supernatural power. This is the problem Xing Tian needs to solve. Only by solving these problems can Xing Tian become stronger. After all, other people's things belong to others. Only the supreme secret method created by himself and the magical powers are the most suitable for him. If you blindly walk the way of others and practice the magical powers of others, you will never be able to reach the peak.

Xing Tian’s current situation is like this. On top of the Innate Five Elements Principle, he has fully comprehended a lot of mysteries, and he has built a very solid foundation, and there has been a little progress in the integration of the laws, but in the application. He still relies on the supreme magical powers of his ancestors, this is the problem Xing Tian needs to solve!

It is not an easy task to create your own supreme magical powers, and create your own supreme secrets. Especially Xing Tian is still only in the realm of a viscount. You must know that if you can do this, you should have the lowest cultivation level. That was only the powerhouse at the pinnacle of gods could do it, but Xing Tian wanted to do it, which was a little overwhelming.

Fusion, only the power of fusion, and only when you create your own supreme magical powers and supreme secrets, can you let yourself see the road to the top, but you want to do this, it is not something you can do overnight , This also made Xing Tian suddenly understand why the geniuses of human civilization would go to the battlefield to experience, even if they were doing such a thing.

Experiencing, Xing Tian also wanted to go to the battlefield to experience, but unfortunately he did not have such a chance, because his current situation is very dangerous, Xing Tian will not act rashly until he finds the hunting of the orc enemies. After all, he didn't know if he would be killed by a stray bullet! You must know that the hunters of the orcs are not easy to deal with. What's more, he doesn't know how the enemies in human civilization will react. For these people, Xing Tian must also be careful to guard against them. Retaliation, dare not careless. (.)

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