God of Destruction

Chapter 1059: Resentment

"Master Kamikaze, do we really have to ignore the life and death of those people? After all, they are the proud children of my human civilization?" On an ‘eternal divine boat’ of human civilization, someone asked uncomfortably!

"The road comes out by themselves. Since those **** dare to rob others, they must be prepared to be robbed. This is what they find on their own. We only have one goal, and that is the control area of ​​the mysterious heaven. The strong inheritance before the epochs, as for whether those idiots are dead or alive has nothing to do with us. It is great that they die. It can save my human civilization, which is also a good thing!"

"But, if we do, how do we respond after the mysterious sky is over..."

Before this person could finish speaking, Kamikaze shouted in a deep voice: "Enough, there are not so many. But, we don’t fail to save them, but we don’t have time to rescue them. We have to think about racial civilization, we Now we bear the interests of racial civilization. Our goal is to inherit from the depths of the mysterious realm, not a group of **** who only know **** each other and waste their time. What mood do they hold, you and I know. If they can attack Xingtian, they have to be responsible for their actions, do you understand?"

I have to admit that Kamikaze's remarks are too strong, and he has found such an upright reason for himself to beautify himself to such a good level, but the real situation is Qia Qia. On the contrary, the reason why he did not Going to rescue, there is a way of seeing death in his heart, he is not that great!

Speaking of it, this situation is not only happening in the "eternal divine boat" of human civilization, but also in the warships of other civilizations. For them, there is nothing, those epochs. The previous inheritance is the most, you must know that they only have this chance in their lives. If a small "eternal divine boat" missed this opportunity, it would be a fool's behavior, it is not worth it for them to do this, and only the demon is too self-righteous. He overestimates his own strength, so he has to pay a heavy price for it.

It is very difficult to be self-sacrificing in the practice field, especially when everyone is still in a competitive position, it is even more impossible, and it is the same for those who are proud of heaven. They don’t have the interests of racial civilization in their hearts, because they are not yet the decision-makers of racial civilization, so they only have their own interests in their eyes. They will not sacrifice themselves for the interests of others, so this is the so-called The request for help is just a joke, a joke that is impossible to get everyone.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. This is manifested in this spiritual world. Of course, the reason for this situation is that. There is also a small reason, that is that many people do not regard Xing Tian as the same thing. Although Xing Tian performed very well, in their eyes it was only good, far different from making them give up on it. Plan, so they will not bother about what Xingtian is doing.

When no new reinforcements appeared for a long time, Demon Lord's mood became extremely heavy, and the mood of his followers couldn't help but become turbulent. At this time, someone said: "Devil Lord, we can't If this goes on again. Otherwise, everyone will die and Xingtian's big formation is much stronger than we thought. We should speed up to rush out now!"

When hearing these words, a gloom flashed across Demon Venerable's face. The gloomy expression was full of endless icy cold. When I saw it, I couldn’t help but tremble. That expression was too lethal to everyone present. For a moment, everyone who still had ideas He couldn't help but closed his mouth, worrying about being hated by the devil.

Just listening, Demon Lord said with a cold snort: "That **** Xingtian has been able to keep us like this. He can kill us. He also looks at his own abilities too much. Underestimating the power of this Demon Lord, he wants to fight. The demon lord fought him. He knew that the demon lord was not easy to provoke. Judging the scales and the heavens and the earth!"

As the words of the Demon Lord fell, a terrifying power burst out from the Demon Lord’s body in an instant. When that power appeared, a pitch-black balance appeared in the void, and at both ends of the day there was Different codes!

As soon as this judgment scale came out, a strong divine light burst out on the trays above the two ends of the day. When the two divine lights came out, they quickly impacted the laws of this star field, and the many forces were Being led to the balance by those two divine lights, at this moment, only saw the balance tilting frantically in one direction!

When seeing such a situation, the Demon Venerable's face became extremely dignified. Things were much more dangerous than he thought. He underestimated Xingtian's ability and underestimated the battle. The karma caused by Xing Tian, ​​in this crazy killing, Xing Tian did not have much karma, on the contrary, it was people like them who had a lot of karma. How could this not make Mozun annoy him for a moment? All have to swear for it.

Although Demon Lord’s rescue action came with a strange heart, he never thought that the difference in causal karma between the two parties would be so amazing, which made his assassin a waste of energy. .

When seeing the change in the balance, the people of Mozun's men said: "Master Mozun, the karma difference between the two sides is too great now. Even if you master the scale of judgment, you can't kill Xingtian. , Even forcing a shot will only endure the power of backlash. It is better for us to retreat first. We can't commit these ignorant fools and ruin our destiny here. There is no value!"

"No, things are not so far. We still have a chance. Although Xing Tian didn't have much karma in this crazy killing, we may not be able to suppress Xing Tian this junior. There is no way to reverse the situation. , This still won’t trouble me.” At this point, a light flashed in Demon Venerable’s hand, and a charm appeared. This is a very mysterious charm and the true trump card of Demon Venerable. Now he protects himself, but he has to Used it!

What kind of charm is it that makes the devil respect so much? This is a spell refined by the small destiny technique. Although it is incomparably compared with the big destiny technique, it also has the powerful ability to reverse the situation.

Just listen, the Demon Sovereign shouted in a deep voice: "The power of destiny, for me to reverse the world, turn things around, and judge the balance!"

With the deep voice of Demon Lord, he fell. That little destiny spell turned into a mysterious aura and blended into the scales of judgment in the void, and when this mysterious aura blended into it, the day Ping quickly reversed, and a powerful force was changing wildly. The trial of the balance. That day, Ping was rapidly changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, twisting little by little. In a flash, the balance recovered its balance, and then began to tilt frantically to the other side.

The power of destiny. This is the power of destiny. Although it is only the power of the small destiny technique, it really reversed the karma generated by this killing, reversed the fate of everyone, and changed the judgment of the scale of judgment.


When seeing this situation, the faces of Demon Venerable's followers couldn't help but change drastically, and said anxiously, "Mother Demon Venerable, these stupid bastards, is it a bit too much to pay such a high price? , You must know that this spell of fate is the trump card we use to fight for the final inheritance. Now that we use it, we are afraid that we will not have the power to compete with other civilizations for the final inheritance, and we cannot explain it to civilization!"

"Explain, why do we have to explain to civilization? Even if we keep this spell, can you be sure that we can fight for the ultimate inheritance? And you can really be in our demons civilization, only we are one Is the team fighting for the ultimate inheritance? You are too naive. Instead of wasting the power of this fate spell, it is better to win enough benefits for us. As long as you can kill Xingtian, paying this price is nothing!" Zun said disapprovingly, and he didn't feel anything wrong with his behavior in his heart.

Between the devil's words. The power of Judgment Scales began to take effect. A terrifying force blasted away at Xing Tian frantically. This force appeared very strange, directly ignoring the power of Xing Tian’s powerful'Zhou Tianxing Array', and went straight from the void. It blasted Xing Tian's body from above, directly crossing the space. This is the power of judgment.

However, although the power of this trial is very weird, if you want to use such a method to kill Xingtian, it is still somewhat insufficient. Xingtian is no longer the previous strength. After having a new understanding of the law of heaven and earth, the strength of Xingtian However, there is a powerful improvement. The most important thing is that this is the mysterious realm of heaven, and with the help of that opportunity, Xing Tian has a little understanding of the most terrifying end power in this mysterious realm, although only a little bit. Understand, but it is enough for Xing Tian to reverse everything.

Yes, it is to reverse everything. The Demon Lord can use the power of the spell of fate to reverse everything, and Xing Tian can also use his own understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, and can borrow the mysterious ending power in this mysterious realm to change the situation of the battle.

"If you want to use this method to come to Yin Laozi, Demon Venerable, you are too overestimating your own power. This is the mysterious realm of heaven, where the power of ending is the root of everything. If you want to kill me, you are not qualified. The five elements are reversed, connecting the heavens and the earth, give me the power of ending, kill! Kill! Kill!" Xing Tian roared frantically. When his roar fell, the power of the five elements in this star field happened. Abnormal change, and at the time of this abnormal change, the power of end hidden in the depths moved.

As soon as the power of ending moved, everyone present felt the threat of death. Although the power of the judgment scale was very powerful, it was still far from the power of ending. After all, the power of ending ended an era, judgment. No matter how strong the power is, it can't compete with the mighty power that ended an era.

"No, the lunatic Xing Tian used his assassin again. I have to run away quickly. This confrontation shouldn't be handed over to the Demon Lord!" Soon the hearts of those heavenly princes once again made the decision to escape and die. Dao friends are not dead and poor Dao, this is their most true thoughts, even if the devil is here to rescue them, it will not make them change their minds.

Originally, Mozun thought that as long as he used the power of the spell of fate to reverse the situation, those gods, as well as the betrayers of major civilizations, would change their minds and turn around to fight Xingtian, but he was wrong, he was too tall Estimated the confidence of these heavenly pride in a decisive battle with those betrayers, and his mistake this time directly pitted himself.

"Damn bastard, what a shit, you are just a bunch of cowards, cowards who can only escape, a bunch of cowards!" The devil was cursing frantically, but no matter how strong he was, he couldn't change his eyes. The situation, those **** who are running away don't care about his cursing. For people like them, as long as they can save their lives and let themselves escape the catastrophe, there is nothing to lose face. Not worth mentioning at all.

Yes, in the face of life, what is the face, as long as you can save your life, let alone lose your face. Even if they pay a higher price, they won't hesitate. After all, they don't have their own lives. Only with their lives can they talk about other things. If their lives are lost, there is nothing left.

"Mozun, what do we do now? Those **** can't count on it anymore?" Seeing this situation, the followers of Mozun's followers couldn't help being silent and asked in a hurry. His complexion became extremely solemn, after all, this is no longer a person's business, but a major event related to their lives.

"Huh, what can we do now. Retreat, leave here first, it would be a big mistake to be with these bastards. I knew that these **** were so shameless and timid as a mouse. Let them down, then we won't end up where we are now! We have all been miserable by these shameless bastards, they are really damned!" The eyes of Demon Lord revealed endless murderous aura, and hated those shameless bastards. To the bone, even more hateful than Xingtian. After all, these **** pit him.

When the Demon Sovereign spoke, the "Eternal Shenzhou" under him instantly turned around, then turned into a stream of light, and ran away frantically. The speed of those warships that had already advanced a step before could not be compared with the "Eternal Shenzhou", they were caught up in an instant, and then surpassed!

"Asshole, Demon Venerable, you innocent bastard, didn't you come to rescue us. How can you be so shameless to leave us and escape, you must die asshole!" Seeing that Demon Venerable had abandoned the battle with Xingtian At that time, and quickly surpassed themselves, whether they were the pride of the sky or the betrayers, they couldn't help but yell at them, as if the devil had done some evil things that were angry and resentful. These people didn't want to think about it. Is it the shameless demon, or they are shameless.

Originally, Demon Lord came to rescue them, but when Demon Lord took action to block Xingtian for them, what did these **** do? They first gave up Demon Lord and did ungrateful things first, and now Demon Lord gave up They ran away alone, it was revenge on them, and they deserved it. They didn't complain at all.

It’s a pity that human nature is like this. For those who are proud of heaven, they can’t make mistakes. The mistakes belong to others, and they can’t. They have never thought about why such a change occurred. They are now the whole person. I was lost by the crazy thoughts and couldn't see the way forward.

To escape, it was beautiful to think, but would Xing Tian give them such an opportunity? Is Xing Tian a person who is generous enough to allow them to escape? No, Xingtian is not such a person. For Xingtian, for these bastards, it is hateful, how can they make them escape? It is impossible to escape from Xingtian's hands. They have to pay for it. They are responsible for their actions at a heavy price.

At this moment, people no longer have the idea of ​​letting go with Xingtian in their hearts. They have forgotten what morality is in their hearts. For them, the only idea is to escape this catastrophe and be able to survive. As for The life and death of other people has nothing to do with them, and they won't care.

It is ridiculous to the extreme when such a situation occurs, but the reality is so cruel, and such a change is more reasonable. After all, when you reach the mysterious realm of heaven, you all know in your heart that you can rely on this mysterious realm. People only have oneself and cannot trust their destiny on others, otherwise it will only be oneself who will suffer in the end, and everyone present has firmly remembered this.

If you want to escape, you have to ask Xing Tian whether he can agree or not. With such a big situation, will Xing Tian make them escape easily? Obviously this is impossible. Xing Tian paid such a high price, how could he let these people go so easily. After Xing Tian set up such a big situation, he naturally wanted to kill them all in one fell swoop. For Xing Tian, ​​he needs to keep his secrets before the real decisive battle, and the only way to do this is to kill. Only by killing these people can he keep his secrets to the greatest extent, and Xing Tian has been in the first place. All ready! (.)

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