God of Destruction

Chapter 1067: Festival artifact is born

After a search, Xing Tian did not hesitate anymore, changed his identity with a move of mind, and then quietly left the pavilion of the Heavenly King, but he was able to leave easily without accidents, and Xing Tian would himself A small part of the searched from the Tianwang Pavilion was thrown into the crowd. As soon as he made this move, all those battles were frantically rushing, naturally no one would pay attention to his existence. It is precisely because of Xing Tian's ingenuity that he can easily escape from the Tianwang Pavilion!

After leaving the Tianwang Pavilion, Xing Tian hurriedly left Fang City. He did not dare to stay here. Xing Tian believed that it would not take long before Fang City would discover the Tianwang Pavilion. Then he would block the entire premises and search for himself. , If you get to that point, it will be very difficult for you to escape!

Everything was just as Xing Tian thought. Not long after he left, Fang Shi discovered the changes in the Tianwang Pavilion, but when Fang Shi discovered that something went wrong, the entire Tian Wang Pavilion had been looted. Even if Fang Shi wanted No one was found after the investigation. The only thing that can be known is that Zao Wou-ki ransacked the Tianwang Pavilion.

On that day when the masters of Wang Pavilion were in Xingtian’s whereabouts, they did not want to receive notice from Fang Shi. When they learned that the Tian Wang Pavilion they were in was looted by Zao Wou-ki, they were furious and couldn’t bear it. The residence yelled: "Zao Wou-ki, we will never die between us!"

Yes, they never die. It is impossible for the three warlords of Tianwang Pavilion to reconcile with Xingtian. For Xingtian, since he dares to calculate himself, he must be prepared to pay the price. This is just the beginning. .

The fact that Xing Tian ransacked the Tianwang Pavilion as Zao Wou-ki soon spread throughout the mysterious realm of Heaven. After all, the Tianwang Pavilion was opened in the middle of the world, and it was a neutral existence, with people from all major civilizations. So this matter naturally spread, and once such a matter spread, that day the three power kings of Wang Pavilion. The reputation of the Heavenly Fire King and the Kamikaze King has plummeted. After all, they were knocked on the door and ransacked the entire dojo in one fell swoop. This was a shame. What's more, why such a thing happened? Everyone checked carefully and found a bigger secret. It was the Tianwang Pavilion who first betrayed Zao Wou-ki's news and secretly wanted to harm Zao Wou-ki, but the harm was not enough to be retaliated. As soon as the news came out, the Tianwang Pavilion suddenly became stinking, and no one was willing to interact with them anymore, and they were afraid of being sold.

"Big brother, we can't let go of this **** Zao Wou-ki, it was this **** who caused us to lose face, we must find him and break him to pieces in order to dispel the hatred!" King Kamikaze is crazy! The ground roared, that expression was full of endless murderous intent. This upheaval made them lose out.

"My third brother, I said at the beginning that when we open the door to do business, we must be honest, but you just don’t listen. You have to do these crooked things well. This is all right, and finally you get beaten up. You are satisfied, you want to kill Zao Wou-ki. But can you find him, even if you find him, can you kill him? He can kill those people from the Sun family. Then there is the strength of the King of War, even our three brothers Together, I’m afraid it’s hard to kill him, not to mention that we don’t even know where he is now, and we don’t even have a target of revenge!" As the second king, the Heavenly Fire King couldn’t help complaining about the Kamikaze King. You must know why there is such a thing in the Tianwang Pavilion. That was all made by King Kamikaze.

"Enough, what are we still arguing about at this time? We acquiesced in this matter at the beginning. Although something has happened now, when we acquiesce in this matter, we should think that there will be such a day. It's a bit early, isn't it just a shame, what's the big deal, as long as the three of us are still alive, no one dares to underestimate us!" Shenli Wang roared in a deep voice, very dissatisfied with the complaint of the Skyfire King.

At this time, King Kamikaze said, "Big brother, second brother is right. This time it was my fault. I was too careless. I lost my vigilance. I didn't arrange for someone to carefully understand Zao Wou-ki's bastard. Real facts, that’s why we have such a disaster like today, but we can’t find that bastard, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t kill him. We can tell the truth, and say that the twenty-odd tops in the Tianwang Pavilion have fallen. There is also a powerful source in Xing Tian's hands. As soon as this news comes out, we don't need to act, and naturally many people will replace us to kill him!"

As soon as King Kamikaze's words fell, the faces of King Fire and King Divine Power changed color that day, and they shouted in a deep voice: "Okay, the third brother is a great plan. This matter is easy to do sooner than later, so we did it. See if that **** Zao Wou-ki can hide there!"

I have to say that King Kamikaze and the three of them are very insidious, and they want to use such a trick to calculate Xingtian, but it is a pity that they look down on Xingtian too much. After making a big vote with Zao Wou-ki, Xingtian didn’t think much. I want to immediately abandon this identity again, but Zao Wou-ki is completely news in the mysterious realm of heaven, even if there are many people who want to find his whereabouts, it is impossible, because early in the mysterious realm of heaven There is no such person anymore.

Just when some people are crazy about Zao Wou-ki, they don’t want something big to happen again, and the supreme is about to be born again, and this time, the supreme born is the best. You must know that the medium birth time is usually three months. Above, or even longer, the first-class birth time can reach one to five years! This determines that the higher the level of the treasure, the more intense the competition. It is impossible to be born like those treasures, and it depends more on luck. With good luck, you have come across a Lingbao born, and no one is vying with you nearby.

High-level births are not the same, even if you are the first person to discover it, but if you don't have the strength, you won't get it. Unless your luck is really against the sky, no one will find out that the treasure was born within a few months or even a few years, but this is obviously an unrealistic thing. You must know that the movement of the supreme birth is too great, even if it is thousands of miles away, you can find the movement before its birth.

What was born this time is a supreme piece of supremacy. The soaring light has been felt by many people. The power of countless races and civilizations is madly gathering here. They want to participate in this competition. in!

When he learned that there was another supreme being born, and it was still a supreme supreme, this made Xing Tian also tempted by it, Xing Tian also rushed to the place of birth.

When Xing Tian rushed to the place where he was born, there was only a blue gleam in the distance, Xing Tian's vision was not weak. Naturally, he could see clearly, but when Xing Tian arrived, many people had already gathered here, and Xing Tian also found his enemy. The three kings of the king's pavilion were among them that day.

Xing Tian was flying there while thinking about other things. It was not the first time he participated in this kind of treasure hunting. In such battles, he participated in me several times. For Xing Tian, ​​this scene is considered Nothing. What he was thinking about was how to use this treasure hunting battle to kill the three kings of the king's pavilion that day without revealing his identity, which is a little bit difficult for Xing Tian.

There is a saying that Wangshan runs to death. This sentence is also very reasonable in the spiritual world. Although Xing Tian's naked eyes could clearly see the cyan light permeating, it took him three full days to fly before he was in the area covered by the cyan light, and he more intuitively felt the kind of supreme quality before it was born. Huge Reiatsu.

Before that, Xing Tian had also encountered a lot of unparalleled births, and he also understood all of them. This blue light shrouded nearly a thousand miles. People can't see the details deep in the light. However, the supremacy of supreme quality is powerful. In the past, when the treasures he participated in were born and the scene before him, the strength of Rei Pressure alone was at least countless times weaker than the current Rei Pressure, even if it was as strong as Xing Tian. Feeling the tremendous pressure, dare not to lightly cover the area covered by the blue light, knowing that Xing Tian is the king of war, a powerful war king, you can imagine how amazing this supreme power is.

For this supreme struggle, it is not a simple matter. Ordinary people can't participate, this kind of competition will only be carried out between warlords, but there are too many greedy people in this mysterious realm. Even if they knew that this battle was very dangerous, they weren't able to participate in it, but there were still tens of thousands of battles rushing madly.

"Look over there." Suddenly someone pointed to the distance and shouted loudly. When this voice appeared, someone immediately looked in the direction he was pointing. I only saw a warship galloping here quickly, and even some people with powerful gods could see the shadows standing on the deck of the warship.

auzw.com This warship is very huge, like a small town, exudes endless coercion. Although it is not Eternal Shenzhou, it is not inferior to Eternal Shenzhou, or even worse.

"Damn it, it really is unavoidable that there will be a fight." A war king couldn't help humming coldly when he saw this happen, his expression revealed endless murderous intent and a little bit of anger.

"It's Zerg's bastards, they are not easy to deal with." A warlord of human civilization couldn't help sighing when he saw this warship. Zergs are much more difficult to deal with than orcs, especially now they There is also such a powerful warship.

"Zerg!" Xing Tian was also quite surprised when he saw this warship. The Zerg is one of the six super civilizations. Their methods are very strange. If they cooperate with such a powerful warship, I am afraid that there are not many. People are qualified to compete with them for the supreme supremacy that is about to be born. After all, the coercion emitted by the warship they control is too powerful.

Zerg warships are essentially different from warships of other civilizations. Their warships are all biological warships, which are alive. Warships have their own consciousness and can cooperate with their masters to burst out terrifying power, especially It is that the warship still possesses the powerful magical powers of the Zerg, which is impossible to defend.

"Hey, there are cultivators of human civilization. Do we want to kill them now? Knowing that these people are worth a lot of rewards?" The zerg cultivator on the battleship couldn't help but see the human civilization in front of him. Speak.

"Hey, it turned out to be the genius Evil King of human civilization leading the team. This Evil King is too fierce. Let's not mess with it. We will wait until the Supreme is born." The leader of the Zerg race took a closer look and shook his head. Said.

What gathered together in human civilization was a powerful warlord, the Shi Xuandai team known as the evil king. Among his ranks, the strong warlord had more than a dozen Zerg leaders who could not help but retreat.

The Evil King, that is not a genius of ordinary human civilization, but a super genius. He died in his hands but a **** king with several orcs. Although he was only a junior **** king, he also made people understand the power and fierceness of the evil king. So the leader of the Zerg didn't want to fight with him at this time, it was not a good thing for them.

"No, boss, look at that person. Is it Meng Yi, the human genius Saint Son of Light, who is the most wanted human genius of the Orc?" A Zerg member recognized Meng Yi in the evil king's team.

As the most prosperous genius in this human civilization, Meng Yi is naturally also on the list of the orc civilization's key rewards and killings. After all, such a genius, the orcs do not want to grow up.

Meng Yi is different from Xing Tian, ​​he is not as cautious as Xing Tian. He has always been hiding his identity, but standing upright with the evil king, because they are people in the same camp and have a strong team, so they are not worried about their own safety. In his opinion, they have teamwork. Below, in this mysterious realm, no one can like himself.

"Hey, this is really this person, brothers, we have made a fortune. We dare to be so arrogant in one battle. It seems that we are really lucky, hahaha! Killing Meng Yi is better than fighting for this one. What's more, the price offered by the Orcs is three times that!" the leader of the Zerg clan shouted loudly.

The wanted of the orcs is also divided into internal and external, and the external wanted is three things, but the internal is more than that. The Zerg race and the Orc race are in an alliance. If they kill Meng Yi, they will negotiate with the Orc race after returning to the clan. Each one can get a heavy reward. Even the supreme supreme weapon issued by each person may be crazy. When they saw this situation, they became crazy about it, and they were all excited about it!

at this time. The leader of the Zerg can no longer help the war in his heart. Although the supremacy of the birth is very attractive, it is not worth mentioning compared with the reward of Meng Yi. You must know that when the mysterious realm opens on this day, civilization The geniuses who are aiming at the hostile ethnic civilization have offered their lives a generous reward, which is to inspire the ethnic civilization and other civilizations to kill their enemies crazy!

"Do it!" There were no outsiders on the Zerg warship. They are all Zerg’s own people. The Zerg race is very powerful, and when they heard this order, the dozen or so warlords of the Zerg race agreed to this decision.

In an instant, the direction of the Zerg warship suddenly changed. Instead of heading to the place where the treasure was born, it slammed into the direction where Meng Yi and the others were. When seeing Zerg's actions like this, many racially civilized warlords couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They are not fools and understand what this is all about!

"Hey, those **** of the Zerg came flying towards us, what's the matter?" A warlord of human civilization pointed to the Zerg warship and said questioningly, knowing that, according to common sense, there is no limit. Before the birth, everyone will try to avoid conflicts, because no one knows how many forces will participate in the competition before the birth of the supreme. A war breaks out before that, which will only benefit others.

Just as the warlord’s words fell, the Zerg warship suddenly revealed more than a dozen cannons. The muzzle was aimed at Meng Yi and his party. Then they launched an attack without waiting for them to respond. .

"No, this is the Zerg's dead-light extinguishing cannon, everyone quickly hide!" In fact, there is no need for anyone to remind, the reactions of the people present are quite quick, almost just before the cannon on the Zerg warship goes off. Each of them displayed their magical powers and dodged the attack of the Zerg warship.

"Assholes, these lunatics like Zerg want to kill us and get the rewards of the Orcs. After all, these **** are in an alliance with the Orcs, and we all have a lot of rewards!" Soon some warlords in human civilization understood This is why the Zerg will be uncharacteristically, will make such a crazy move, because they do not want to steal treasure, but purely kill.

"Give me a counterattack, kill these **** of the Zerg race, they also have a lot of rewards, we kill them to find the spirit race to offer a reward!" The evil king yelled frantically, and then launched an attack frantically. The power of the Law of Darkness rushed to the Zerg warship frantically. Under the leadership of the Evil King, the masters of human civilization, after avoiding the attack of the Zerg warship, fought back frantically one by one and gave them Also in color.

At this moment, a protective shield suddenly opened up on the warship of the Zerg, blocking most of the counterattacks of the warlords of human civilization. Although their defenses are good, they are too big and still have. Some of the attacks were too strong, breaking the defensive cover, and hitting the hull of the warship. The warship shook violently for a while and the Zerg among those warships was frightened. (.)

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