God of Destruction

Chapter 1071: Festival of Gods Battlefield

No one saw Xing Tian's departure, even if they saw it, it was useless, because they could not stop Xing Tian's departure. The "Eternal Shenzhou" in Xing Tian's hands was fully exploded at this moment, as fast as lightning, and those who were behind Xing Tian Those people who saw the opportunity late, even if they escaped very quickly, were still worn away by the power of the end. Not to mention that they did not see Xingtian, even if they did, they were powerless to stop Xingtian. Leave.

Trap, this is a trap, a trap that everyone thinks is, a trap aimed at their people, otherwise how could such a horrible change suddenly occur, even wanting to cause a deadly change.

Flew away, what they came to was a death catastrophe. How could this not make them angry and annoyed by it. You must know that under this catastrophe, those who participated in the treasure hunting died suddenly Ninety-nine percent, such a heavy loss made their heartache to the point of collapse. Under this catastrophe, most of their power was weakened to the extreme, or even completely wiped out. How could this result make them fail? anger.

"Who is it, you have the ability to stand up and do such despicable and shameless deeds secretly, come out!" Some people couldn't help yelling frantically, but no matter how loud their roars were No matter how angry they are, they can’t find the answer. No one will stand up. They think this is a trap in their hearts. In fact, they are wrong. This is not a trap. All of this is They asked for it, but they didn't want to admit it.

In fact, among those survivors, many people know the ancient legends and the cruel killings and calamities in the mysterious realm that day, but they didn't expect that they would land on themselves, and they would be caught off guard.

After some venting, their moods gradually recovered. This is the mysterious realm of heaven, where there will be life worries anytime and anywhere. They encounter such a problem, it is normal. If you really want to resent, then you can only resent themselves, they themselves are too careless, too arrogant, it is they who caused this disaster. Why did the six super civilizations have an agreement and were unwilling to attack wantonly in this mysterious realm? The simple reason is that they are worried that it will trigger the slaughter and calamity. After such a long time, everyone has gradually forgotten this. I have forgotten the lessons of the year, and that's why it caused such crazy results again.

Regret, the immense regret in the hearts of these people who escaped this disaster, they all reflect on themselves, but when they reflect on themselves. Everyone thought about this matter from beginning to end again, and at this time, the blood-sucking worm king was hated by everyone. If they had not just experienced a catastrophe of killing, they would not be able to kill the blood-sucking king. , Because all this was caused by this bastard, if it weren't for the arrogance of this bastard, things wouldn't be out of control.

The Vampire King is not a fool, and he has been distressed after everyone wakes up. Especially when he felt the mad anger of everyone, he had to shrink back, and could only separate from everyone quickly, because he was worried that if he stayed here again. Standing with everyone, you will be devoured by these people. After all, the consequences that he caused this time were too serious, too serious for him to bear.

Although everyone hated the Vampire King very much and wanted to kill him to dispel their hatred, but when they thought of the previous killing and calamity. Thinking of the terrifying power of ending, they all had to give up this idea one by one, because they were worried that it would cause such a disaster again. With their current strength, they were unable to escape such a terrible disaster again, so they I can only hold back the anger in my heart, and can only desperately restrain the murderous intent in my heart.

The reason why these people let go of the Vampire King was not because of their kindness, but because they were worried that they would cause the slaughter disaster again. They were worried that if the Vampire King was pushed in a hurry, the previous disaster would happen again. Watching the Vampire King leave in this way, no one stopped him.

No more, my own men suffered heavy casualties. The emergence of this disaster was almost a catastrophe for them. They all hurt to their bones. They all paid a heavy price, even though it was a killing at this time. Enemy, there is a good time to grab rewards, but no one dares to do it, even those civilizations outside the six major races dare not do it, especially those bounty hunters.

"Don't even read it. I hope you can remember the lesson this time. We used to take the lesson of the year as a whistle. We thought it was just a legend. Now everyone has experienced it once, and everyone should understand the danger. It’s already a lucky thing to be able to escape alive this time. I hope everyone can maintain this mentality and don’t take a big shot at the rewards on the so-called hunting list, or else they will end up ruining their lives. !" The strong human civilization stood up and warned everyone in a deep voice.

In fact, there is no need for such warnings, and no one dared to take action anymore. After all, this time the incident has put them under too much pressure. It is not easy for everyone to persevere without breaking down. The matter is, their hearts will not regenerate the slightest heart of killing.

"Let’s go, the killing disaster has appeared. I am afraid that the last place of inheritance in the mysterious realm of heaven is about to begin. Everyone should go back soon to restore their own strength and prepare to participate in the last treasure hunt. It is the most mysterious place in the sky, I just hope that there will not be such a crazy disaster again!"

Although everyone was able to stabilize the murderous aura in their hearts under that terrible killing disaster, they would never forget the **** who caused all of this. The Vampire King was not only hated by these people, but also that The Zerg was also completely hated by others, after all, this time they paid a heavy price.

Xing Tian didn’t know what impact this disaster would have on the people of the major civilizations, but even if he knew nothing, Xing Tian wouldn’t care about it at all, because it had nothing to do with him. Xing Tian’s heart at this moment It was a pity that a great opportunity was wasted in vain. It was clear that the opportunity was in front of him, but he was unable to grasp it.

After such a terrifying killing disaster appeared in the mysterious realm of Heaven, Xing Tian believed. Many people in this periphery have to be cautious, and they don't dare to be as crazy as before. If someone dared to kill wildly, it would definitely arouse public anger. At that time, he would definitely die miserably. Xing Tian didn't want to be hated by others, so he decided to leave here and go to the last place in the mysterious realm that day to find his own chance.

Although there is a means of communication that can communicate. What happened here will quickly spread throughout the mysterious realm of heaven, but Xing Tian does not think that this incident will dissipate the killing of the mysterious realm of heaven. After all, there are many lunatics in this mysterious realm. They would not believe this. Everything is full of endless greed in their bones. For them, as long as they don’t experience it personally, they will not believe it. They only have benefits in their eyes, especially those who go deep into the gods. The proud son of heaven in the depths of the secret realm. They all have their own mission, even if such a thing happens, they will still not give up their intentions.


After this terrifying killing and calamity came, the entire mysterious realm of heaven fell into a very strange environment. For those on the periphery, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and they no longer worry. I don't know when I will be killed, murdered and robbed of treasures, but for others, it is completely different, especially those who are going crazy toward the depths.

Youdao means people die for money. Birds die for food, and without this slaughter disaster personally, they will not let the true pride of heaven succumb to it, and they will not give up because of this so-called disaster. After all, they have their own obsessions and madness. For them, they will not believe the so-called legend. The most important thing is that some people have survived this killing disaster. Since these people can survive, they also have it. Such confidence can survive the killing disaster. So they are not afraid of the disaster, on the contrary, the atmosphere in that deeper place becomes more terrifying.

No one would care about what kind of racial civilization agreement, what so-called restrictions, and no one would take him to heart. You must know that in the depths of the mysterious realm that day, but the most powerful heritage of an era, there is an ancient era. The many inheritances are also the most terrifying and powerful inheritance in that era. The wealth there is amazingly large, and even the inheritance of the Lord of the Era will appear. How can such a temptation not make everyone crazy about it?

In fact, the opening of the last region of the mysterious realm on this day is a temptation that can make people crazy about it, and all the civilizations are crazy about it, because there is the inheritance of the Lord of the Era, the inheritance of the Lord of the Ancient Fallen Era. , In the inheritance of those ignorant small civilizations, this will not be known, but for those powerful civilizations, Dujiangyan City understands that the Lord of the Era is not immortal, at least in the ancient era. Beheaded.

What kind of opportunity will be able to open the final region, only the disaster of killing comes, and after the disaster of killing, soon the proud of the heavens in the mysterious realm of the sky are notified of the ethnic civilization, and go all out!

Since the killing disaster will lead to the final inheritance area, why did the previous civilizations of the major races be unwilling to do this, unwilling to take the risk? In fact, it is not that they are unwilling to do this, but that they cannot do it. They have tried it before. Several times, it’s a pity that the crazy killing did not lead to the killing disaster. On the contrary, the six major races and civilizations suffered heavy losses. Those major civilizations were also unbearable. In the end, they could only give up, but did not expect this killing disaster. It has actually come, how can this not make them crazy about this they are shocked.

This final area of ​​inheritance is called the battlefield of the gods and the cemetery of the gods, because there are buried countless heavens and even the mighty Lord of the era, so it can make countless people crazy. .

When Xing Tian was advancing to the depths of the mysterious realm that day, he soon received a notice of ethnic civilization. When Xing Tian saw this news, a huge wave was set off in Xing Tian's heart. Xing Tian never expected that he would When such a situation happened, I did not expect that a killing disaster would lead to such an amazing opportunity!

Although for these proud people of heaven, ethnic civilization has not given orders to force them to participate in it, as long as they are people with ideas and ambitions, when faced with such a temptation. No one can resist it, and Xing Tian can't. Originally Xing Tian just wanted to control the area, but he didn't expect to have a more mysterious cemetery of the gods. The Heavenly God Battlefield was opened, how could such a treasure Xingtian give up.

Gathering, to participate in this great opportunity, it is necessary to gather, although Xing Tian is not willing to expose himself. However, he had no choice. Unless Xing Tian gave up participating, otherwise he would only have to gather with many of the heavenly prides of human civilization. After all, there will be a big conflict in the battlefield of the gods, that is, the cemetery of the gods. A racial civilization is unwilling to see other civilizations benefit from this battlefield of the gods, and naturally they will desperately block the proud sons of other civilizations!

Gathering, the proud children of human civilization who want to participate in this great opportunity gather in the control zone. Time waits for no one, when the killing disaster strikes. It won’t take long that God’s Battle Realm is about to open that day, and there is not much time left for them. For those who have already been in the control zone, they don’t need to worry about being late, but it’s completely different for others. Up.

"Asshole, I didn't expect that the killing disaster would have such a big chance. I knew this was the case. I shouldn't be merciless at the time. I should kill the Zerg grandchildren directly and let the **** escape for nothing. The racial civilization is not good, so I concealed such news!" The pride of heaven among the human civilizations who escaped from the disaster of slaughter couldn’t help shouting loudly about this behavior of racial civilization. And annoyed, in their opinion, the action of ethnic civilization is ruining their chances of earning military exploits.

In the eyes of these people. I think it’s inappropriate for racial civilization to make such a cover up. I think it’s a bad opportunity for themselves, but they just consider the problem from their own standpoint, not from the standpoint of racial civilization. For them I don't think this should be done, but it has to be done for ethnic civilization. Because racial civilization does not want to see those ambitious gods leading out of the battlefield of the gods and killing frantically, causing racial wars in this mysterious realm, the vitality of ethnic civilization is greatly injured, so they have to hide this secret, they Doing so is the development of ethnic civilization, so they have to do it.

The proud children of human civilization are screaming frantically, and the proud children of other civilizations are not like this. After receiving the notification of the ethnic civilization, they are all extremely depressed, and they can't help being crazy. Earth vented the dissatisfaction in his heart, and even the blood-sucking worm king and the proud sons of the Zerg tribe who caused this killing disaster could not help but vent their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

It’s a pity that all of this has happened. If you miss it, it’s wrong. No amount of dissatisfaction in their hearts. They can only accept all this silently, but the resentment in their hearts is to be better. It’s buried in my heart, with the opportunity to explode, and when such a situation occurs, one can imagine how cruel the battle in the battlefield of the gods will be, and I don’t know how many gods of the sky will fall. In the battlefield of God that day.

When receiving such a notice, there is another notice, that is to desperately block all the proud children of the hostile race civilization in the depths of the mysterious realm, strike as far as possible the strength of the hostile race civilization, and weaken their possible inheritance. Every time a proud man of heaven is killed, the ethnic civilization will pay a huge battle achievement. When seeing the terrifying battle achievement, some battles become crazy about it, even the earl-level people. Going crazy, one person can’t stop the enemy, but a group of people have this ability, so soon the people of all major races in the mysterious realm of the sky began to form cliques and gathered frantically. They are doing their best to stop the heroes of the enemy civilization.

If in the time when the killing disaster began to spread, the periphery became calm and there was almost no killing. However, with the order of the ethnic civilization, the entire mysterious realm became murderous, and people were crazy. Acting, whether it is on the periphery or elsewhere, there will be killings at any time, marching through the mysterious realm of the sky to the point of madness, everyone has forgotten the threat of the so-called killing disaster!

The killing is on. Everyone knows that with the order of ethnic civilization, the entire mysterious realm will evolve into a race war, a race war involving civilization, and the race civilization is crazy under the temptation of that interest. ! (.)

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