God of Destruction

Chapter 1078: Destructive blow

Alien races, alien races with powerful talents, although they have a strong blood heritage and magical powers, they are in a miserable situation in the entire universe. After all, the environment they face is very dangerous, I don't know how many days. The proud son is hitting their ideas, trying to seize them, or even enslave them.

Although the number of these alien races is small, they all have great strength, and each of them is extremely powerful. As long as they are not truly strong, no one cares about their existence and will still hurt them madly. The killer.

These alien races in front of Xing Tian, ​​the metal light on them, is a powerful talent, a magical power with a powerful protective effect, and such magical powers will make them stronger, that powerful magical power Su Xingtian's defense will also make many people desperate.

In any case, the existence of these alien races will cause a lot of people's madness. It should be understood that just their powerful physical bodies cannot be resisted by ordinary people, and their small numbers are precisely because of their talents.

Seeing the four figures coming in front of him, Xing Tian always maintained an extremely calm state of mind. He did not lose sight of such a sudden change. After all, what happened this time was too unexpected, even though Xing Tian treated himself He has confidence in strength, but he is still unwilling to start the battle lightly if he can not fight, after all, that is not much good for him.

When seeing Xing Tian, ​​the alien said: "Human race?" You must know that there are many races in the heavens that look very similar to the human race. If it is not deliberately observed, there is basically no difference. , So when you see Xingtian, the pride of those foreign races must first determine Xingtian's identity.

Xing Tian nodded indifferently when he heard the other party’s inquiry, and just as Xing Tian nodded, four rays of light flashed directly towards Xing Tian, ​​and the tyrannical force caused the space around Xing Tian to burst. The lava under his body was even more excited, and terrifying flames shot out directly, covering the sky.

Xing Tian didn't want to start the battle lightly, but this was in the battlefield of the gods, and everything could not be controlled by him. Many people don't have the same ideas as Xing Tian. As long as they are not of the same race, they are enemies, not to mention that the number of opponents is obviously higher than Xing Tian. Therefore, these anomalies did not hesitate to kill Xing Tian immediately.

Of course, this is not entirely due to race issues, but more benefits. We must know that human civilization is a super civilization, the proud son of a super civilization. Naturally, there are a few treasures on his body. These foreign **** obviously had the idea of ​​fighting the many treasures on Xing Tian's body, and that's why they so madly hurt the killer.

At this time, Xing Tian's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he was not surprised to see the several attacks that were powerfully killed. In the rise of human civilization, it crushed many racial civilizations. In fact, the first super civilization had countless enemies. In the heavens, I don’t know how many racial civilizations wanted to destroy human civilization!

Feeling the powerful power of these attacks, Xing Tian couldn't help but nodded slightly. These alien races definitely have the strength of the King of War, and their realms are all higher than Xing Tian, ​​all of them are high-level. Earl, even in human civilization, is a very powerful existence. It is difficult for many people to fight against it.

In the face of these attacks, Xing Tian did not evade, because there was no such need for him. When those attacks came in front of Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian raised his arm with a move. He did not use magical powers. The blessing of strength, relying only on the strength of his own body to resist these attacks.

In an instant, a powerful shock wave madly dispersed, and under such a mad collision, the entire space was shaken. With one enemy four, even though Xing Tian had a powerful physical body, he still retreated a hundred steps. , And the four alien races had to retreat farther than Xing Tian, ​​one by one could not help retreating three or four hundred steps.

Although this seems nothing. After all, one hundred steps and three or four hundred steps are not a big deal to the strong, but when he saw this, Xing Tian couldn’t help but be overjoyed. He cheated and went directly to the four foreign race’s proud sons. The figure is completely entangled together. Started a hand-to-hand fight with them.

Since joining human civilization, Xing Tian has rarely used his physical body. If the physical body is often not used, it will degenerate. This time when there are no human civilization around, Xing Tian will use these alien races. Temper your own physical fight. Lest the time is too long and affect their physical combat power.

When Xingtian’s counterattack was met by the four pride of the alien races, all of them were shocked. They couldn’t believe that Xing Tian was able to fight the four of them like this with one person’s power. You must know that Xing Tian is complete. There is no supreme supernatural power that can be done using the flesh!

Xing Tian's indifferent attitude made these four foreigners of heaven angry. You must know that Xing Tian's attitude seriously damaged their pride. They all became crazy about it, and all of them took out their full strength. Killing Xingtian, a **** who ignores himself, seems to be the only way to eliminate their hatred, but they forget that this is the battlefield of the gods, and their behavior is foolish. They should not fight Xingtian. That would make them lose their lives here, and what they have to do now is to escape.

It’s a pity that these people have gone crazy. There is only one thought in their hearts, that is, to regain their face, one by one has forgotten the fundamentals of survival in this heavenly battlefield, and in doing so, they are step by step to plunge themselves into In a desperate situation, his life was eventually ruined.

Soon in this world, Xing Tian and the four foreigners of heaven have already fought crazy. Xing Tian can control his body more proficiently, hone his fighting skills, and simply give up all the laws and magical powers. The blessing is completely relying on the physical power to collide with the opponent.

Foreign races are indeed incomparably tyrannical races born with flesh bodies. After the blessings of their natal magical powers, their power is even more powerful to the extreme. A person's power has the level of confrontation with Xing Tian, ​​but their fighting skills and experience are far inferior to Xing Tian. This person who has experienced countless killings, so even if the four of them work together, they still can't suppress the penalty talent.

At the peak of Xing Tian, ​​as long as he displayed all his power, such an opponent could be suppressed with a wave of his hand. But it is different at this moment. After limiting his power, Xing Tian can even say that he basically does not use the power of the law, only using pure physical body to defeat the enemy, so that Xing Tian does not have enough strength to directly suppress his opponent. However, this kind of battle is really enjoyable for Xingtian, and it is also very exciting.

You must know that for Xing Tian, ​​the physical body is also one of his biggest cards, and it also needs to be constantly polished, especially after the physical body is constantly transformed, it needs continuous actual combat to sharpen his own power to be better controlled. , As the war continues. Xing Tian's many fighting instincts not only blended into his own body, but finally when Xing Tian fully mastered his own power, he issued a blow from his extremely strong mentor.

"One punch to open the sky!" This is an extremely powerful killing that Xing Tian has evolved from the Pangu heritage. This is the power Xing Tian first mastered. At this moment, his powerful physical power is violent. That aura was so powerful that the whole world seemed to be torn apart directly under his punch.


Xing Tian’s punch fell heavily on a foreign race Tianjiao’s body, and immediately flashed with a burst of brilliance. The defense on the foreign race Tianjiao’s body was directly torn apart, and that terrifying fist directly smashed his flesh. It was beaten into a mist of blood, turned into a mist of blood, fell down, and fell on this piece of heaven and earth.

Even at the moment of being killed by Xing Tian. That foreign race Tianjiao couldn't believe that he would be killed by a small human civilization like Xing Tian in a physical fight, which made him very unwilling to die!

Not only was this alien Tianjiao unwilling, but the other three alien Tianjiao also couldn't believe their eyes. They couldn't believe that a small human like Xing Tian could smash their tribe with one punch. Seeing this scene At that time, not only did they not have the slightest terror in their hearts, on the contrary, because Xing Tian powerfully bombarded and killed their people, they were completely furious.

In an instant, these alien races suddenly became real. That huge real body appeared crazily between this heaven and earth. As soon as the powerful real body appeared, the terrifying power swept through the many volcanoes on the whole world and the earth violently erupted.

When seeing these alien races so crazy, Xing Tian's eyes showed a cautious look. He could feel how tyrannical the power suddenly burst out of these three alien races. If he relied on the power of the flesh and the opponent During the war, Xing Tian was not sure that he could retreat all over his body. Although he wanted to temper his physical combat, Xing Tian didn't dare to be careless in such an environment that restricted the medicine. He didn't want to be hit hard by carelessness.

With a heart move, Xing Tian's body of the five-way **** ring appeared. It was the power blessing manifested by the power of the five elements law of heaven and earth, and the power of the five elements law was above him. Xing Tian didn't hesitate, and shouted: "The Big Five Elements destroy the divine light, kill!"

Xing Tian knew that if he let the other party go down and let the three aliens burn their true bodies madly, then he would use all his power to fight against it. This is not what Xing Tian wants to see. After all, the movement made like that It was too big, and Xing Tian worried that it would cause unnecessary trouble. After all, this is the battlefield of the gods, and accidents will happen at any time.

Before all the power of these three aliens of the heavens burst out, Xing Tian made a strong move and directly used the supreme magical power of the Great Five Elements to exterminate the divine light, directly giving these three people a crazy crush again, the Great Five Elements The Extinction Divine Light is not the five-color divine light. It is a real killer move. As soon as the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light comes out, a trace of shock flashes across the faces of the three foreign races. They want to escape, but it's too late. Now, they put all their power on the explosion of the real body, even if they wanted to dodge, they couldn't do it.

Under the divine light of the extinction of the Big Five Elements, a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the two of the three alien arrogances. They didn't want everyone to fall here, and they were ruthless to directly meet Xing Tian's bombardment. The Big Five Elements wiped out the divine light, and they wanted to use their lives to give their companions a chance to escape.

Under Xingtian's Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light, although these two alien races had powerful physical bodies and amazing defenses, they were still vulnerable to a blow. Their flesh bodies were directly strangled into nothingness under the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light.

The previous proud son of heaven was also without bones, but he still turned into a blood mist, and the two of them directly turned into nothingness, in a short time. Three of those four foreign race's arrogant sons of heaven have already been killed, only one is left!

Originally Xing Tian thought that the last person would run away, but Xing Tian was wrong and the other party did not run away. Instead, he burned everything madly. Both his body and soul were burned by him. At this time, his figure was no longer in the void, and there was only a huge flame in the flame. Roar and scream that makes people fearful.

This last foreigner's proud son of heaven is going to die with Xing Tian. To avenge his dead companion with his own life. When the flame burned to the end, a terrifying strong man with black flames burning all over appeared from the flame. At this time, the height of the alien race was a hundred feet tall. More than that, just standing above the void gives people a kind of terrifying pressure on the soul, and the breath of his whole body is surging crazily. The black flame seems to be able to swallow everything, it seems to be a kind of extinction. The power of horror taboo.

At this time, Xing Tian took a breath, and he could feel that the strength of this foreign race's proud man had soared more than ten times at this moment, and it could achieve such a crazy increase, it can be said that it is already burning everything.

"The power of the burning body, whether it is flesh or soul, is completely burnt. He can stand here, relying on only his own strong will. This foreign race's pride is much crazier than the heavenly prince. If that day The prince machine also has such a crazy will. If he wants to kill him, it will not be so easy!" For this alien, Xing Tian has a trace of respect in his heart. After all, a person who can avenge and sacrifice himself is not something that everyone can do. Yes, especially for a proud man like him, that is even rarer.

It was really ruthless enough, and found that when he couldn't fight the enemy, he immediately began to burn all his own strength, frantically increasing his combat power. But what he did was using his own life to turn it into a final attack, and a single blow would exhaust his own vitality. It can be said that he has only one blow now!

After completing the final burning, the eyes of that foreign race's proud man looked at Xing Tian with a crazy and bloodthirsty look. For him, he had no other thoughts, there was only one belief. That is to kill Xingtian and avenge his companions. As long as he can kill Xingtian, he will sacrifice his own life.

"Human race, you are really powerful, and you can kill three of us under the siege of the four of us. Your strength is probably the pinnacle of human civilization, but you must To die, no one can save you. Destroy, explode to me, burn the flames of hell, use my soul as the price to destroy my enemies."

When the words of the proud man of the day fell, there was a loud bang, and the alien Tianjiao rushed towards Xing Tian frantically. When he charged, his body began to collapse, and the endless black flames were burning frantically. Xing Tian shrouded madly.

The life blow, this is the final blow of this proud man of heaven. When facing such a crazy blow, Xing Tian's face also became extremely dignified. In such an attack, Xing Tian didn't dare to be careless. Otherwise, his only fear is death, after all, this is a blow made by a Tianjiao with his own life.

When faced with this blow, Xing Tian made a move. Instead of using the great five elements to exterminate the magical powers, he displayed the five-color magical light, the five radiances and one brush, and the five-element rule turned into a ring of five lights. The powerful five-element space on one side is madly obliterating this powerful attack. The terrifying magic flame is constantly being obliterated under the power of the five-element space, and the five-element space of Xingtian is also constantly being wiped out under that terrifying power. Weakened!

Two powerful forces are holding each other frantically, but as time goes by, Xing Tian’s five elements space gradually gains the upper hand. After all, although the opponent’s attack is powerful, it’s a pity that there is only one blow, and Xing Tian has a powerful inner world. With the support of, there is an endless stream of power to fight against each other, and the gap between the two will naturally gradually appear!

Destructive blow, that foreign race's pride of heaven never thought that the final blow he would explode with his life, this taboo power full of endless aura of destruction would be resolved by Xing Tian, ​​and he did not fulfill his wish. , But they all asked for it, because they provoked this battle on their own initiative, so they can’t blame others for such a result. They can only blame them for their bad vision. They also asked for it. All of this is the result of their self-righteousness, they are their own cause, it has nothing to do with Xingtian, everything is their fate. (.)

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