God of Destruction

Chapter 1082: Festival burial opens

When seeing Xing Tian’s attack, the many Tianjiao present could not help but secretly said: "Madman, when did such a madman appear in human civilization, who is so unscrupulous? This pose is completely intended to provoke two major forces. The war between races and civilizations confronted such a lunatic. This time, Luo Huluo was kicked above the iron plate. The demons really wanted to steal a chicken instead of eroding a handful of rice. Being able to kick human civilization out of the game, on the contrary, the morale of one's own side was lost. This time, it must be a good show!"

When Luo Hula confronted Xing Tian, ​​the orcs were silent for a while, and all of them became silent. They no longer had their previous arrogant aura, as if they were going to be a tortoise with a shrunken head. Let Luo Hula Fighting against Xingtian, allowing the demons to fight against human civilization, each of them must stay out of the matter.

"Asshole, the orcs are really a bunch of villains. It's really shameless to betray their faith at this time!" Not only the demons are scolding the orcs shamelessly, but also the pride of other races. The retreat of these **** from the Clan immediately made the hope in their hearts come to nothing. The Mozu is not a fool, and Luo Huluo is not a lunatic like Xingtian. If they lose the orc, they will definitely give up. It is impossible for the clan to lose their own interests due to a momentary quarrel. That is not the work of the wise, as long as the slightly wise people will stop!

In the face of Xing Tian’s extinction of the Big Five Elements, those demon gods did not dare to bite their lives into Luo Hula’s hands, although they believed that Luo Hula had the strength to fight against Xing Tian. , But each of them was worried that Luo Huluo would use the knife to kill people, so one by one took the attack from Xing Tian.

The confrontation between Xingtian and Luohuluo followed the action of these people. Xingtian took the blow of Luohuluo alone, but Luohuluo did not take the blow of Xingtian alone, although It shows that Shang Xing Tian has the upper hand, but Xing Tian understands that things cannot be treated like this. Luo Hula is not so easy to deal with.

When things have reached this point, Luo Huluo can only choose to stop. His murderous eyes fixed on Xing Tian and said: "Boy. You angered me this time. If there is a chance, I will kill you! "

Faced with Luo Hula's threatening words, Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and did not treat this threat as the same thing. Luo Hula wanted to kill him, and Xing Tian wanted to kill Luo Hula. , Although Luo Hula is good at strength. But he was just an invincible king, and Xing Tian didn't put him in his eyes either!

When these words fell, Luo Huluo ignored Xing Tian, ​​nor did he care about human civilization and the reaction of other civilizations. He turned and walked towards the front of the demon team, and the many demons around him were They looked at Xing Tian viciously one by one, and seemed to want to keep Xing Tian's face in his heart!

After seeing the Mozu retreat, Chen Feng's expression did not relax, but solemnly said to Xing Tian: "Friend Xingtian, this time you have offended Luohuluo and the Mozu to death. After you get to the burial of the gods, don't think about inheritance and treasures, you must be careful to guard against people, otherwise you may not be able to get out of here, this time you have been hated by those civilized gods!"

Heard this. Xing Tian smiled indifferently, shook his head, and said nothing, because he understood that even if he said what he thought in his heart, Chen Feng and others would not believe it, and no one knew what was going on in that burial. It is useless to say more, everything has to be said in the burial of the gods!

Just now Xingtian’s move made the Demon Race and other civilization’s proud of heaven completely hate it, but for human civilization, this is good news, not only Xingtian’s appearance prevented them from being kicked out early. , Also because of the emergence of Xingtian. Relieving the pressure on them, their chances of winning the ancient inheritance are even greater.

The pride of human civilization these days is really speechless, and the crisis has just passed. One by one, they secretly calculated the little Jiujiu in their hearts, and directly put Xing Tian behind, the man who freed them from the sea of ​​suffering.

As for the pride of the heavens outside of the six super civilizations, after seeing all this, all of them remained calm as usual, without making any remarks, but they all looked at Xing Tian with a strange look. Smile, it seems that everything was right by Chen Feng. Each of these **** hated Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian was an enemy of the whole world during the burial of the gods. Even the proud men of human civilization could not be trusted.

After the conflict between human civilization and the demons ended, the original situation that exuded the atmosphere of war disappeared, and people became silent, and they were unwilling to engage in the inaction. After all, the strength shown by Xing Tian and Luo Hula It was a heavy blow to them and they couldn't help being cautious one by one.

The conflict is over, so the six super civilizations begin to march into the portal, and the arrogant and domineering demons are still at the forefront, even if they have just experienced a failure, but these demons However, he was not affected, and he was still walking in the forefront of many civilizations with his head high!

While watching the other super civilizations move forward, Chen Feng said with a long sigh, "Everyone, let’s go. This time the opening of the burial of the gods must be bloody. You must be prepared. You can be here. What a fortunate thing, I hope you can do it for yourself and don’t be careless!"

Chen Feng didn’t know what was going on in the god’s burial, so he could only open the product to remind everyone to be careful. That was perilous. They had to face not only the many organ traps and killings in the burial of the gods, but also the assassinations of people from other civilizations. Knowing that this is a battlefield that can be done at will.

After all, the burial of the gods was opened. When the people of the demon race walked to the portal, a powerful whirlpool of spiritual power appeared, and countless powers were swallowed and absorbed by it. Only then the portal opened and saw that it opened. At the time of the portal, a trace of enthusiasm flashed in people's eyes, and the demons who walked in the front rushed into the portal at the fastest speed.

Soon we talked about human civilization. After Xing Tian and Chen Feng looked at each other, they also stepped forward and walked into this portal. Only then, the proud sons of civilization rushed into the burial madly. .

When it comes to the burial of the gods. Looking at this burial place in front of him, Xing Tian's eyes flashed with shock, this is not a burial, but a world. In a complete world, when he saw all this in front of him, Xing Tian understood that this ancient Chase was afraid that he had a powerful inner world just like himself. Only the inner world can evolve such a complete world!

"Is this the mighty power of the ancient power? I can still let my inner world run freely after my own death!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, but no one can answer his question, because at this moment, everyone is here. The pride of heaven was shocked by everything in front of me!

After a long time, Xing Tian gradually recovered. After taking a deep breath, he slowly said: "I don't know, where is this true burial heritage, is it in the depths of that world, or in the center!" "

Xing Tian suddenly spoke, and immediately awakened Chen Feng around him, as well as other human civilization's favorites. Only after waking up, they realized what their purpose was. But even though they reacted, they were still shocked by all this before them. Such a terrifying burial, a burial that can own a world, this is the first time they have encountered it, how can this not let them all. Go crazy.

auzw.comFor those ordinary gods, they don’t understand why this burial is so terrifying, but they don’t know, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t. After a little relief . Chen Feng said: "The great powers of the ancient times have all sacrificed their own inner world. With their terrifying background, the inner world is an extremely solid world, and in this world is their ultimate destination. And in this world, they will all build a real place of inheritance, which is why everyone wants the same opportunity!

If you want to get the ancient inheritance, you need to find the real place of inheritance. Where is the real place of inheritance? Xing Tian couldn't help being dumbfounded. He didn't expect to be in the hearts of these demons. And mind all this!

The place of inheritance is there. No one knows, and this world is so big, it is not easy to find the inheritance. Xing Tian can imagine that as the people continue to deepen, the killings will be natural. In such a big world, even a strong man like Xing Tian would need time to walk through this world, but Xing Tiantian did not have so much time, even if he wanted to use some means, it was not easy.

"Okay, let's hurry up! But everyone must be careful along the way. Here is the heritage of ancient powers. For those ancient powers, there is no mercy or mercy in their eyes. In this burial of the gods, there are dangers everywhere. If you are careless, you will die here, and your life will be ruined. It is best for people to do what they can, and not to transition to pursue unreasonable treasures!" Chen Feng reminded again. Everyone, for fear that everyone will forget something!

After hearing Chen Feng's words, these heavenly prides of human civilization immediately dispersed, one by one, according to the distinction of their respective forces, soon dispersed, and one by one dispersed in accordance with their own plan.

After everyone left, Chen Feng did not leave. Instead, he chose to stay with Xing Tian because he was worried about Xing Tian's life and death. After all, it was too dangerous and he had to be careful to prevent the genius of Xing Tian from falling into this burial place. in.

With Xing Tian’s strength, he does not need Chen Feng’s assistance. After all, Xing Tian’s strength is not worse than Chen Nei’s, and even worse. Although there are many dangers here, Xing Tian is confident that he can break everything. He got the treasure he wanted, but Xing Tian did not leave Chen Feng alone.

After being separated from the others, Xing Tian and Chen Feng have been on the road. They have surpassed many people along the way. Of course, they have also been overtaken by others. When looking at those crazy charge of the pride of heaven, Xing Tian There was a calm smile on Xing Tian’s face. For such a proud man, Xing Tian had never thought of blocking them, and there was no need. After all, in such a dangerous environment, if you walk fast, it doesn’t mean you can It is inherited, because Tuangan people can know what is going on here, and everything depends on everyone's own ability.

of course. The proud son of the demon clan also saw Xing Tian and Chen Feng. They were all determined to kill Xing Tian in their hearts, but they all finally stopped. After all, Xing Tian put too much pressure on them. , So big that they would be disappointed one by one. I can only watch Xing Tian, ​​a madman, leave in a leap!

This time, among the many treasures of heaven in this burial of gods, there are really not many who can fight Xing Tian, ​​and these proud children of heaven have already gone madly into the depths, and they have no intention to target A lunatic like Xing Tian went to stop a lunatic like Xing Tian from taking a chance. Because if they did, they would only give up the inheritance here to others, which is not the result they want to see.

The most important thing is that those who are proud of heaven and those who are strong in the invincible king, they do not have the full confidence to kill Xingtian alone, since they do not believe that they can kill Xingtian, they will naturally not be foolish and miss the opportunity.

It has been three days since Xing Tian and Chen Feng were in the burial of the gods. Within three days, he and Chen Feng and Tuangan had found some treasures here. As if there were no treasures in this world at all, this made Xing Tian's mood heavier. He understood that the more ancient gods buried like this, the more dangerous, because you don't know where the crisis will erupt in the next moment. , Will endanger your life.

On this day, Xing Tian suddenly said: "Friend Chen Feng, you don't need to act with me, you leave alone, after all, you carry a huge responsibility on your back, you don't need to accompany me to wander around here so slowly. Ethnic civilization First, I have the ability to protect myself. You don’t need to worry about me!"

For Xing Tian, ​​he does have this ability. Xing Tian made such a decision because he did not want to be influenced by Chen Feng anymore. You must know that with Chen Feng present, Xing Tian had many methods that he could not use. This made Xing Tian feel very depressed. There is also the appearance of these words.

Just when Xing Tian's words fell. Suddenly, Chen Feng, who was walking in front, stopped and his expression became solemn. Xing Tian couldn't help being taken aback. He asked suspiciously, "Daoist Chen Feng, what's the matter, is there anything you can't find!"

When hearing Xing Tian's words, Chen Feng couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Why, don't you feel Xing Tian?"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "Daoist Chen Feng, did you have hallucinations? I really didn't feel anything. Is it possible that Fellow Daoist realized that there was any danger around here?"

Chen Feng shook his head and said: "I don't know if there is any danger, but I know one thing. This world is not as safe as we thought before. It is full of the smell of death and silence, and the smell in front is even more terrifying. I am worried. There is the root of this world. With your strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to retreat all over!"

When hearing Chen Feng's words, Xing Tian smiled indifferently. For others, this place is indeed very dangerous, but for a strong man like Xing Tian, ​​it is not worth mentioning here!

Suddenly, Xing Tian's face changed. The **** aura he felt in front of him. There is only one explanation for being able to possess such a powerful **** aura. That is that the front is indeed the root of this world, otherwise it is impossible. There will be such a terrifying killing aura in such a short time! Such a terrifying killing aura shows that the number of people who perished here is definitely not a small number, I am afraid that someone has done an ambush here.

Being able to do an ambush in such a place in such a short period of time, you don't need to ask Xing Tian to understand that it must be the pride of the other five super civilizations who have suffered cruelly here.

Xing Tian didn't take the initiative to clarify all this, and there was no need for it. After all, those who were able to walk here weren't the people who had lost their reputation. For such killings, Xing Tian didn't take it seriously, it was not what he valued.

What Xing Tian attaches importance to is the ancient inheritance. It is obvious that there is no breath of that ancient inheritance here, because here is not the terrifying ancient mighty power he felt before, so Xing Tian believes that there was even an ambush here. That's nothing, it has nothing to do with ancient heritage.

Xing Tian was right. The war that broke out at this time really had nothing to do with the ancient heritage. They were just using the environment to destroy the enemy, and with their best efforts, they hoped to clean up when the ancient heritage appeared. Some enemies who can threaten their own lives can do their best to gain this ancient heritage with fewer rivals. It is precisely because these people have such an idea that they are constantly being staged here. Waves of killings. (.)

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