God of Destruction

Chapter 1102: Space tearing

"Asshole, really a madman, what is there that is worthy of him being so mad, even the power of curse is used, what exactly does this madman want to do?" Xing Tian couldn't help roaring again, after all, he was entangled in the power of this curse , Even Xingtian would have a headache for it. You must know that this curse is entangled in Xingtian's cause and effect.

The power of this curse is not the curse of the black hand behind it, but the curse of the black hand behind the death planet with the help of the power of the death planet. It is the curse of the resentful spirits in the entire death planet. How can Xing Tian not be annoyed by the cost of disturbing the peace of these resentful spirits.

Such a curse is not something you can do if you want to remove it. Although such a curse is only a trace, it is extremely terrifying, because it bears the last resentment of the creatures in this dead planet, even if it is stronger than Existence like Xing Tian would also numb his scalp. If Xing Tian’s soul had not been protected by the mighty soul treasure “Tree of the World”, the consequences Xing Tian would have to bear would not be as simple as it is now. I am afraid that the power of the curse has penetrated into one's own soul. Once one's own soul is cursed, even if it is Xingtian's great instinct, there is only a dead end.

If the soul dies, it is real death, completely dissipated between the world and the earth, and there is no chance of rebirth. The black hand behind it has used such crazy methods. This shows that the other party values ​​everything here. In this way Under the circumstances, the trace of desire in Xing Tian's heart became more eager.

Time is running out. Xing Tian can't remove this curse power. This curse power is an extremely different existence. It is one of three thousand avenues, and it is also an extremely special kind of avenue between heaven and earth. The power of power, ordinary methods can't get rid of it at all, the only way is to forcibly kill the cursed power of oneself, but that takes a long time, and Xing Tian doesn't have that much time!

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian quickly made a decision. Regardless of the existence of this cursing power, although this cursing power is very powerful and dangerous, the soul of Xing Tian is protected by the powerful soul treasure ‘Tree of the World’. The cursed Guode still cannot erode his soul. As long as the soul is not affected by the power of the curse, Xing Tian believes that the power of the curse will not cause too much threat to himself in a short period of time, so Xing Tian decided to look for it first. The source, once found the treasure. Then you can leave, as long as you leave this death planet, Xing Tian has enough confidence to eliminate all threats to himself, and can solve this terrifying trouble!

At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a strong killing intent. After being so frantically calculated and teased, Xing Tian would be irritated even if he had a good temper, let alone Xing Tian himself Without a good temper, irritation has naturally become a normal thing.

Soon Xing Tian scanned everything around him, wanting to find out many other conspiracies here. But what makes Xing Tian feel strange is that he didn't even notice the conspiracy here, which made Xing Tian's mood heavy. He understood that this was the effect of the power of the curse, and the power of the curse could now affect himself. This makes Xing Tian's mood that can be imagined.

"I can't manage that much, let's just leave here first." Xing Tian took a deep breath, and he was going to use his powerful force to directly tear apart a piece of space and get out of this space.

When Xing Tian was in a cloud of smoke, Jinfeng's entire space changed, and all of a sudden the space he was in now appeared completely, and even the surrounding space barriers were clearly presented. The space barrier between the real and the shining like crystal appeared in front of Xing Tian. On the space barrier, there were countless ancient silver avenue **** patterns.

When he saw all this, Xing Tian gasped again. He still underestimated everything here. The other party obviously wanted to crush himself to death. Otherwise, it would be impossible to use such a terrifying means. This terrifying space barrier would be difficult to break even for the Emperor, let alone Xing Tian.

Although he understood this, Tian was not reconciled, and his heart moved. When he waved his hand, he slammed into the space barrier fiercely. However, his terrifying punch didn't give the scars caused by the space barrier. On the contrary, after Xing Tian's punch was thrown, the entire space moved, The invisible pressure of Dao shrank crazily towards Xing Tian, ​​and that terrifying space force was constantly suppressing against Xing Tian. The more Xing Tian confronted it, the crazier the shrinking pressure was. Even Xing Tian’s powerful body can feel it. To its terrifying threat.

"Break it for me!" Xing Tian's heart moved and his sword bones moved, a horrible sword aura gushing out frantically, and that powerful sword aura turned into a stream of light and cut it all around frantically, in Xingtian's sword light. There is a powerful space law in it. Xing Tian wants to use space to space, and wants to use the power of space to break everything. Unfortunately, he still underestimates all the power, his terrifying sword When Li collided with this space barrier, he was directly swallowed by it, and even a ripple did not appear, as if it did not exist at all.

When he saw the defeat of this attack, Xing Tian's face became gloomy and terrifying, and he shouted angrily: "Okay, very good, I want to see if your space cage can hold me Xingtian, no one can. Block my way to Xingtian, the eternal Shenzhou will come out, and the dusk of the gods will be annihilated for me! Annihilation! Annihilation!"

When Xing Tian roared, his destiny treasure "Eternal Shenzhou" was madly sacrificed. This time Xing Tian was cruel, and immediately used all the power he could use, wanting to directly rely on these many horrors. The power directly tore through all the obstacles, and oneself can escape from the trap without being threatened by the power of that space.

As soon as the "Eternal Shenzhou" came out, many of the details Xing Tian had prepared suddenly broke out. You must know that this is related to Xing Tian's life and death. He dare not be careless. After all, this is not a trivial matter. , A series of terrifying Dao Laws erupted frantically, and the power Xing Tian could control was exploded in this rain of arrows.

The ‘eternal divine boat’ that has exploded in an all-round way possesses terrifying power. Under this madness, the power of the gods’ twilight is madly operating like a perfect world. As if to master all the power of this space!

The dusk of the gods, although Xing Tian had also used its power before, under the eruption of this terrifying power, the destructive power was frantically bombarding the power from the space barrier. You must know that'Eternal Shenzhou' is Xingtian's destiny treasure, and there is a hint of self-contained aura in this piece.

"Kill me, all arrows return to one, kill the world, kill! Kill! Kill!" Xing Tian roared. The many arrow rains suddenly changed. The arrows shot by Xing Tian were strangely together on top of Xing Tian's head, and then merged together strangely, and then turned into a crazily blood-red Tongtian sharp arrow, facing here. There is a unique law of heaven and earth operating in the only arrow, forming a world of its own.

When this sharp arrow was condensed, it shot at the enemy unceremoniously in an instant, and the arrow shot out was shocking, as if to directly split the power of many seals, and the arrow was like a **** axe. It's the same to open this world.

Wherever the arrow light went, the entire void burst on the spot, and in that arrow light contained the mighty power of the dusk of the gods. The mighty power that can destroy the heavens and the earth, its power is unparalleled, and the originally powerful and unbreakable space barrier was instantly torn apart on the spot with one arrow, and it was divided into two with one arrow. half.


When the space barrier was torn apart, the four powers of earth, water, fire and wind violently burst out, madly raging everything in this world, and at this moment, Xing Tian’s body rushed out madly, as fast as lightning. The same rushed out of this space.

at this moment. The power of Xing Tian's energy was all revealed crazily. Along the way, Xing Tian suddenly rushed out with a violent madness. Not long after, Xing Tian only saw that he had already rushed out of that terrifying space trap. At this moment, he actually appeared in a broken valley. His appearance made the power of countless spaces in the entire valley completely confused, destroying everything here madly at all times, as if to destroy this world. same.

There are countless space blades raging arbitrarily here, and the storm that blows up with the wind fills the entire valley with terrifying sights. The countless spaces have just been healed and they have been cut open again. The space suddenly collapsed and turned into a terrible black hole. Every space is extremely fragile, as fragile as glass, it will shatter when touched.

Faced with such a situation, anyone who doesn't pay attention will be drawn into this space storm, completely lost in the endless void, and can't find the way back. Even more terrifying, it will be directly strangled by that terrifying space force, which is like a terrifying death zone!

"No. Why did I appear here suddenly?" Xing Tian took a deep breath, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. The place where he was at this moment turned out to be in the death passage he had explored before, if not above his head. That terrifying sharp arrow, I'm afraid Xing Tian's situation won't get better there now.

In the face of such a situation, Xing Tian's expression changed drastically. He never thought that his front foot had left the danger, but his back foot would step into a more terrifying death channel. This result made him Can't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

"No, I still forgot something. Although this place is dangerous, it is the place I longed for. It is the only way to go inside the planet of death. Even if I pay a high price, I will not give in. Yes!" Xing Tian yelled frantically, and then rushed forward frantically. He knew that he had to rush through all these obstacles in the shortest time. Only by rushing over, could he have a ray of life. After all, in Xingtian It's not a big deal with Xing Tian's eyes, isn't it just desperate, what fear does he have, even in the terrifying environment, it won't make Xing Tian shrink back.

"You must rush in as quickly as possible, get the treasure, and take the corpse of the ancient peak **** emperor in your hands." Xing Tian scanned the surroundings and found that the space here is extremely unstable, even if It was Xing Tian's suppression with powerful sharp arrows, and it was of no use. He could not prevent this space from going to destruction.

Xing Tian was maintaining the power of that powerful divine arrow, and doing so caused Xing Tian to pay a great price. The power in his body was being madly consumed. With Xing Tian’s crazy impact, Xing Tian quickly turned Entering this death channel, Xing Tian soon saw the existence of a strange pitch black hole in this valley!

It was a pitch-black hole with a radius of tens of meters, like a cosmic black hole in the cosmic starry sky. From the black hole, a terrible swallowing power was transmitted, and the surrounding space was completely disturbed by the black hole, bringing up terrifying space power, making the entire valley extremely fragile, and the space crazily collapsed again.

Especially at the weird black hole, the power only needs to be close. It would be sucked in instantly, what would it be like to be drawn into the black hole, Xing Tian naturally understood that under the power of that terrifying black hole, the power would be shattered. Death channel. There is really nothing wrong with this, here is full of endless death!

Xing Tian himself had cultivated many supernatural powers. For the situation in front of him, he naturally understood the danger, but he had no choice, because Xing Tian could feel that there was a familiar power in the depths of the black hole. It is that power that is constantly attracting him, and the reason why he takes such a crazy risk is precisely because of the existence of this power. When there is such an induction, Xing Tian understands that this black hole leads to death. The passage inside the planet.

With the black hole as the channel to the deep sleep in the center of the earth, I have to say that the black hand behind it is really crazy, too insidious, such a terrifying black hole, it has a powerful strangulation power. Venture in, I'm afraid there will be life worries.

How could he rush in safely, Xing Tian couldn't help but wonder in his heart. Unfortunately, no matter what Xing Tian thought, he couldn't do this. Although his body had immortal power, he also possessed the power of the world and the **** pattern of the law. However, Xing Tian still didn't think he could rush in with the power of his body. If he did so, he would definitely be ruining himself.

Since he couldn't rush in, Xing Tian could only consider what methods could be used to directly pull the short club and the body of the ancient peak **** emperor directly out of the black hole. Just take it away. Although this idea sounds a little weird, this is the safest way. After all, this way you can still have a ray of life. Will not be strangled by the terrifying black hole power!

What he wanted was in the black hole. Xing Tian frowned and his mind was running wildly, trying to use the many magical powers he had mastered, to see if there was any magical power that could do this.

Soon Xing Tian's eyes flashed a strange look, and he thought of a way. I found the magical power that can do this, but this magical power is very dangerous. In the end, Xing Tian muttered to himself: "Got a gamble, now I have no choice, unless I turn around and leave, otherwise I can only I did it!"

In Xingtian’s induction, there are not only the two treasures he desires in the black hole, but also the aura of many origins. Xingtian’s idea is to directly stimulate those origins with the power of the hand of space. The explosion, with the help of the explosive force of the origin, caused the black hole to pause for a while, and then pulled out two heavy treasures with all his strength. Xing Tian knew how great the danger was. Once he could not control the explosion of the origin, he even If there is no time to react, it will be swallowed by the power of that terrifying black hole.

Although dangerous, this is Xing Tian's only way. Only by doing this can he have a chance to get the treasure he wants to get, so he can only take a risk.

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian's body's strength was mobilized, an imaginary big hand appeared out of thin air, and then instantly rushed into the black hole under Xing Tian's control. When this big hand rushed into the black hole, Xing Tian couldn't help but snorted. There was a sound, but he did not stop, still controlling the illusory big hand, and soon a dull voice sounded from the black hole, and when the dull voice appeared, the entire space shook with it. !

"Successful!" When he felt such a change, Xing Tian immediately understood that he had successfully detonated the power of the origin, so he did not hesitate, and shouted: "Take the object from the air, take it for me!" With Xing Tian’s shout, a powerful spatial force burst out from his body. That big illusory hand broke out in an instant. Xing Tian used this illusory hand to display the supernatural powers of taking photos in the sky. The mysterious Dao Yun gushed out, and Xing Tian felt a powerful shock wave in an instant. Xing Tian had felt this shock wave before. It was the divine power on the corpse of the **** emperor. Xing Tian did not hesitate and endured the terrifying divine power. The impact above his own mind, madly burst out of his own potential, forcibly opened a channel, and received the corpse of the **** emperor into his inner world. (.)

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