God of Destruction

Chapter 1113: Festival shock

The appearance of xinxing and betrayal shows the difference between the xinxing of the proud people of human civilization. At least the group of Shenhu people is far from being compared with Chen Feng and others. Chen Feng and their hearts still have the existence of human civilization. And these people like Shenhu have only themselves in their hearts, and they can give up everything for their own interests. It is precisely because of their selfish hearts that they have the scene just now, and they have this betrayal!

After Shenhu made such a betrayal, even if he could survive, he would become the target of human civilization. Human civilization would not allow such betrayers to live. It is precisely because of this. , So Shenhu didn’t worry about Luohuluo and the others being fat, because Shenhu believed that Luohuluo would not be willing to waste their strength and fight to the point of life and death with themselves, because there was no grievance between them!

Although the strength of the **** tiger is very strong, but the proud men of the human civilization who shot are all holding the heart of death, and they are completely fighting for life, even if the **** tiger is repulsing these people, but He still suffered a lot of trauma. Although these injuries were not fatal, Shenhu had already experienced a **** battle, and his strength had already been greatly weakened. Once injured, his situation became a little dangerous. Up.

"Luo Luoluo, what are you waiting for? Do you think this will kill them? If you think so, it would be too stupid. These people have assassins that you don't know. As long as they are given enough time, they can Remove the ancient heritage, none of you can get it!" When he felt that he was in a huge crisis, Shenhu directly spoke out some of the hole cards of human civilization to force Luohuluo to wait. People shot.

"Shut up, you traitor, you leaked secrets, and your family will die because of you!" Chen Feng couldn't help yelling when he heard the words of Shenhu. It's a pity that his roar can't change all this, can't change the situation of the battle.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Lao Tzu is already like this, there is nothing to take into account, how is it a death. Then why should Lao Tzu care about that **** worry, and what does the family's life and death have to do with me!" Shenhu Laughing frantically, his expression was extremely crazy and arrogant, and soon his face sank again, and he said with a cold snort, "Chen Feng. You bastard, don't pretend to be a good person here, some of the human civilization. No one knows the means, and only these fools can fight like this. In fact, how can they know that they are just pawns in the hands of those in power, and they cannot be vigorously cultivated by human civilization. What kind of **** genius training plan, Those are all false gains. The real genius training has already been set. They are just bait on the bright side, just a bunch of ghosts!"

The lunatic Shenhu was under the threat of death. All of a sudden, a big secret of human civilization was revealed. When his words fell, the faces of the proud children of human civilization changed drastically. They never thought that things would be like this. They are not geniuses at all, but just a group of dead ghosts. This news makes it difficult for them to accept for a while.

If they were human, they were angry when they heard such words suddenly. After all, no one wants to be manipulated like chess pieces, so it is normal for them to be angry at them. But soon this anger was replaced by another emotion. They were no longer as angry as before.

In any case, they can have the strength they are today because of the cultivation of human civilization. If there was no human civilization training plan that day, they would not have what they are today. They will only reap after they have paid. If they have paid nothing, how can they be reaped. For those who have a grateful heart for human civilization’s pride For. Their emotions calmed down suddenly and were not affected by Shenhu's words.

In fact, at this point, the proud sons of human civilization who can survive are not too selfish people, especially those who stand with Chen Feng, even more so. For them, there may be a trace in their hearts. Dissatisfaction, but think about what you have got, and then look at Chen Feng who can sacrifice themselves to safeguard the dignity and interests of human civilization, which naturally makes them free of so-called grievances.

Seeing that human civilization has not lost confidence or faith under such circumstances, the faces of Luo Huluo’s proud children of foreign races can’t help but become dignified, although they want to be the smallest The battle was settled at a price, but now they had to take action. They were worried that Chen Feng and the others were really capable of transporting the ancient heritage away, so in this case, they could only take action!

With a thought, an invincible king of the Protoss moved, and the light and shadow flashed. The figure of the invincible king disappeared, and then appeared again, but the place where he appeared was shocking. It was in Chen Nei. Behind the Invincible King, who had always presided over the overall situation of human civilization, he directly dealt Chen Feng another fatal blow.

At this time, the arm of the invincible king of the Protoss was already bloody. It was not his own blood, but the blood of Chen Feng. Although Chen Feng had always remained vigilant, after a battle, his His vitality was greatly damaged, even if he had a good reaction, he still did not completely avoid the enemy's sneak attack!

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Chen Feng dodged in time, was not killed by the opponent, but was injured again! Looking at the protoss who was far away, Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of anger, and there was a trace of strong hatred in that anger. You must know that the hands of this invincible king of the protoss are contaminated with many of the pride of human civilization Blood.

It is normal to die in the hands of the demons, the orcs, and the zerg, because they are enemies with human civilization and have indelible hatred, but in this case, they are still being held by the gods. The spirit race was killed by allies who were supposed to be on the side of human civilization, which made Chen Feng and the others unacceptable, but this was the fact.

The opponent is an invincible king who practices the law of the wind, with amazing speed. In the moment this invincible king takes action, three of the heavenly prides of human civilization have fallen, which makes the entire human civilization's proud children of the heavens. There was endless anger and killing intent in their eyes. They were all hating the gods and the spirits, and they were even more hostile than the demons, the zerg and the orcs.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, one thing is certain, when the mysterious realm of heaven ends this time. That will be the opening of the race battlefield. Human civilization will not retreat. They will definitely retaliate. The Protoss and Spirit Race will become one of the targets of human civilization. It is even more hated than the orcs, the zerg, and the demons.

There are some things that cannot be done. If you do, there is no way to turn back. It seems that this crazy battle is only the behavior of the pride of the day, but their behavior can directly affect the development of ethnic civilization. In response to the situation, the proud sons of these gods and spirits chose to cooperate with the demons. Together against the human race, it means a break between the two sides, a break in civilization, after all, human civilization is not a fool, and they will not accept such a result.

When the invincible king of the Protoss took action, the other aliens Tianjiao all madly launched attacks on the proud children of human civilization. They all chose to concentrate the greatest firepower to directly obliterate the heavens of these human races. Proud son.

Just as these alien tianjiao frantically launched an attack on the proud son of human civilization, the traitor of human civilization, the **** tiger, took the opportunity to disappear in front of everyone, plundering the ancient heritage, don’t look at the **** tiger’s betrayal Human civilization. However, he never thought in his heart that he really wanted to give up this ancient inheritance, this ancient inheritance, he caused the division of human civilization, and then his own life betrayed human civilization, if there is no power to protect himself , Then even if he could leave this mysterious realm alive, it would be a dead end, so he started the idea of ​​this ancient heritage.

Although Shenhu's every move has been concealed from the gods and the pride of the foreign races, he has not concealed the true layout of Xing Tian, ​​his every move fell into Xing Tian's eyes. Have been enlarged infinitely.


Seeing Shenhu's ridiculous behavior, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and said: "It's really ignorant, ignorant and pitiful, I can really be a great way for myself. I can command everything and control the overall situation, Shenhu, Shenhu, you If you leave quietly, you will be able to live a while longer, but unfortunately you are too greedy. You actually want to fight this ancient inheritance idea, so your death period will come, let me push you behind!"

When Xing Tian's words fell, just as the **** tiger was about to grab the ancient heritage, an accident happened suddenly, and the ancient heritage that had become dimmed seemed to be stimulated. , A horrible breath suddenly burst out, and only a huge golden light soared into the sky.

"Not good!" When this dramatic change appeared, the **** tiger was shocked in his heart, and wanted to grab the ancient heritage and escape, but it was too late. His every move had fallen to others. In the eyes.

When the golden light came up, people all turned their gazes to the ancient heritage. When they saw that the **** tiger actually wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, they were all angry at it, the proud children of human civilization. Fortunately, after all, they have already experienced the shamelessness of Shenhu, and have understood how despicable this **** is, so they are not too shocked. To know that a person who can betray the civilization of his own race can do anything. It was done, such a small thing is nothing at all, in their eyes they think it is a normal thing!

This is a very normal move for the many talents of human civilization, but it is completely different for other foreigners of the sky. In their eyes, this is a shame, a shame of the gods, and they are all caught by the gods. This **** is playing tricks. God tiger is using them, using them as gunmen, and using their hands to eliminate the proud of human civilization, remove the greatest threat for him, and then take the opportunity to grab the treasure and escape, such a thing Is unforgivable.

"Asshole, **** tiger, you **** it!" Many foreigners of heaven screamed frantically in an instant, showing endless killing intent in their eyes. For them, they have never suspected that this is a game. In their eyes, they thought that the reason for the amazing change in the ancient heritage was entirely because the **** tiger wanted to take it, so they immediately turned their spearheads one by one, and turned their eyes to the **** tiger.

When seeing such an astonishing change, Shenhu's face changed drastically, and he said in his heart: "No, this time I will be unlucky, I can't stay here anymore, or there is only a dead end!" His wisdom naturally understood how unfavorable and dangerous the current situation was, so his first thought was to escape.

of course. Even if he wanted to escape, Shenhu didn't forget the ancient inheritance. He still waved his hand to watch and grasped the ancient inheritance without letting it go, and then rushed out frantically to the outside.

When I see my purpose is achieved. When he saw that the amazing golden light caused the eyes of the proud son of heaven, Xing Tian's heart moved, and the ancient heritage that originally had a strong aura became dimmed in an instant, and the horrible aura was also instantly reduced. , There will be no more pressure on Shenhu. Suddenly it seemed to be subdued, without the slightest resistance. Such a change made Shenhu's heart overjoyed, and naturally he would not give up.

Under this circumstance, Shenhu naturally put away this ancient inheritance, but unfortunately he did not expect that his actions would suddenly become a public enemy of man, whether it is human civilization or other aliens. Regardless of the proud son, they are all angry and annoyed by it. They all pierced the eyes of the gods.

Too much greed is not a good thing, it will cost him his life, and now the situation of Shenhu is like this, his current situation has become very dangerous, at this moment countless attacks are like a mountain torrent. Coming from the blast, that powerful attack was shocked by the gods!

If God Tiger could make a choice at this time and give up the ancient inheritance in his hands, then they still have a chance to live, after all, the goal of many foreign races of heaven is not something else. It was the ancient inheritance in his hands. It was a pity that Shenhu did not make such a choice, and he would not let go even if he died.

The wages of avarice is death. This sentence is suitable for Shenhu. The situation facing Shenhu is like this. He does not want to give up the idea of ​​the ancient inheritance at all in his heart. On the contrary, he wants to carry This ancient heritage escaped from here.

"Unfortunately, how could I make such a miscalculation at this critical moment, but now I can't care about so much. Now that the things are already in hand, I should run away quickly and ignore these idiots!" It was frantically mobilized its own power to break through outward frantically.

If it was in the past, if Shenhu’s hands were not contaminated with the blood of his fellow human civilization, then Chen Feng and other human civilization’s proud sons of heaven would not let the aliens of the heavens easily get away, even if the gods belong to human civilization. Traitors, they will also help them and create opportunities for him to escape. It is a pity that the hands of the **** tiger are stained with the blood of human civilization, which makes everything change. The proud sons of human civilization are in the first place. Time unexpectedly gave up blocking the arrogance of the alien races, allowing them to withdraw from the alien arrogance full of endless killing.

Such crazy changes in human civilization changed Shenhu’s face again. He never thought that he would end up like this, and would be abandoned by those human civilizations. The proud sons of these human civilizations did not. Just as he had imagined, the arrogant son of heaven who blocked the foreign race, let them escape.

"Asshole, how could it be like this, Chen Feng, how can you do this and allow the enemy to leave?" Under such an astonishing change, Shenhu couldn't help feeling the shock and anxiety in his heart, and angrily sent Chen Feng out of court. Suspicious, it is a pity that Chen Feng and the others did not give any advice about his ridiculous suspicion, but a trace of disdain flashed across their faces, allowing Luo Hula and the others to attack wantonly.

With a cold snort, Chen Feng turned his gaze away from the **** tiger. Although they were dissatisfied with the fact that the ancient heritage had fallen into the hands of the **** tiger, they did not regard it as a child of human civilization at all. It is one thing, letting the constant conflict of the situation occur.

Although Chen Feng and the likes of human civilization are also reluctant to bear this treasure, they all understand that they have no choice under these circumstances. They have no power to change the situation. After all, this happened too suddenly. No one expected such an astonishing change at this time.

"Come on, the storm will be more violent, Shenhu, I hope you won't let me down, I hope you can make a **** road, and kill the enemy to death!" Xing Tian muttered while watching the battle show being played. Talking to himself.

For Xing Tian, ​​this situation couldn’t be better. He never worried that the ancient heritage he created would be dismantled by others, because things have fallen into the hands of Shenhu. No matter how crazy it is, his fate has been doomed! (.)

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