God of Destruction

Chapter 1132: Festival chase

When Xing Tian felt the breath of the **** emperor, the strong human civilizations directly in front of him also felt this powerful breath. When this terrifying breath appeared, their hearts would not do anything. Anxious!

"No, the enemy God Emperor powerhouse has appeared. If our God Emperor Lord doesn't appear, Xing Tian will be more violent!" For a moment, those human civilization powerhouses couldn't help but worry about Xing Tian's life and death!

"Damn, I'm fighting it, isn't it abolishing the power of the law of space, as long as you save your life, everything is worthwhile, the door of space, open to me!" Xing Tian roared frantically, amidst his roar, A terrifying power burst out of his body, and the power of the laws of space was condensing crazily. Under the power of the laws of space, a silver gate gradually appeared in front of Xing Tian.

Xing Tian survived, so he had to abandon his powerful space law power, condense this space gate based on the great rune that collapsed his own space law, and fight for that ray of life for himself.

"No, the **** Xingtian actually opened the door of space and stopped him. In any case, he can't let his door of space!" When the silver door appeared, the enemies who were besieging Xingtian said They were shocked. They never thought that Xing Tian would have such an ability to open the door to space in this already imprisoned star field. This sudden upheaval disrupted their deployment and many of their calculations. failure.

Especially the **** emperor, who was coming in madness, was even more anxious when he saw such a door of space in front of Xing Tian. You must know that once Xing Tian rushed into the door of space, his action would be complete. If they fail, many of the prices they have paid will be turned into flowing water. That's why the **** emperor roared frantically, hoping that those gods and **** kings could stop Xing Tian. Can stop Xingtian's escape.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. It is not easy to stop Xingtian. What's more, Xing Tian also has a clone of the ancient **** emperor. As soon as the door of space opened, Xing Tian recalled his clone of the ancient **** emperor to protect himself and fight for the opening of the door of space.

"No, explode to me!" A **** madly attacked Xing Tian. Strongly blasted towards the silver door of space, and wanted to destroy it before the door of space was opened. For this reason, they blew themselves up to achieve their goal and complete the blockade against Xingtian. !

It's a pity that Xing Tian had already done a comprehensive defense at this time. Not only did his clone of the ancient **** emperor take action, even his tree of life clone and the black lotus clone were also blocking Xing Tian's body. , Fighting for this last time for Xing Tian Xing Tian has the opportunity to open the door of this space. For these three avatars, as long as Xing Tian can open the door of space, that is victory. After the deity leaves, they can return to the inner world at any time without worrying about being besieged by the enemy.

Under Xing Tian's crazy blessing, the door of space was opened little by little, and a strong spatial atmosphere appeared around Xing Tian. At this moment, the **** emperor also felt Xing Tian's situation. A terrifying attack between waving his hands blasted Xing Tian frantically, trying to kill Xing Tian in front of the door of this space, not giving Xing Tian a chance to escape.

Facing the attack, a sneer flashed across Xing Tian's face. If Xing Tian hadn’t opened the door of space, Xing Tian would still be afraid, but now Xing Tian basically intends this attack. Before that attack is not close, Xing Tian jumped into the door of space in one step, in Xing Tian’s body. Behind the door of space. A powerful space force burst out, and a silver meteor pierced the sky and flew towards the boundaries of human civilization.

When Xingtian's figure disappeared, the **** emperor appeared before Xingtian disappeared, and shouted: "No!" It is a pity that no matter how loudly he roared, it was useless. He failed. Xingtian had already left him. Ran away in his hands.

Xingtian escaped. All of a sudden, those gods and **** kings who frantically besieged Xingtian were dumbfounded. They all couldn't help but stared at the spot, looking stupidly at the place where the space gate disappeared. They paid so much. The price, but ultimately ended in failure, which made them unable to accept that their minds were affected a lot!

"It's all you three bastards. If it weren't for your hindrance, Xingtian wouldn't be able to escape at all. Xingtian is gone. You can leave it to the emperor, let the emperor die, the wind roars and kills me!" He is a powerful **** emperor who practices the law of wind. It is precisely because he practices the law of wind that he has to appear here before the emperor of human civilization. Unfortunately, although he came very quickly, he still did not stay. Xing Tian, ​​so he sprinkled all his qi on the three clones of Xing Tian.

It seems like a good idea to use Xingtian’s clone to vent their anger. Unfortunately, this idea is not very good. If it is a normal clone, it does not have the power to resist, but the three clones of Xing Tian are different. They can be with the deity at any time. Get in touch with the inner world, and when the deity disappears with the help of the door of space, they are already prepared.

"Want to kill us is really ignorant, I will go!" Without waiting for this **** emperor to take action, Xing Tian's three clones immediately colluded with the deity's inner world, and immediately escaped into the inner world and broke directly. This **** emperor destroys his chance.

I was dumbfounded. This **** emperor was dumbfounded again. Xing Tian escaped under his nose with the help of the door of space. Now these three clones are even more remarkable. They disappeared directly in front of him. I haven't figured out how such a result can keep him from anger.

The blow, this is a heavy blow, not only for the **** emperor, but also for the gods and **** kings who spare their lives to besieged Xingtian. I watched the enemy from his own The present disappeared. As a result, their minds received a lot of shock, causing their minds to appear a little bit of cracks. Although it was only a little bit, it had a great impact on their practice. Come out from this blow, then their strength will be fixed, and there will be no possibility of improvement.

Cruel, Xing Tian's hand is very powerful, and it is directly cutting off the future of these people. Although Xing Tian's original intention was not like this, he has caused such an effect. This is a disaster for the five super civilizations, a disaster that they have never imagined, this disaster makes it difficult for them to accept!

The **** emperor woke up for the first time, with a gloomy face. Angrily roared: "I want to run, no way, mana burns open for me, the wind is driving!" With his roar, a powerful source of wind blessed his body for a moment. Road after rune appeared on his body. The **** emperor chased the meteors that Xingtian had transformed like lightning. This **** emperor is now at all costs to accelerate by burning his own mana. , If you want to kill Xingtian before the emperor of human civilization appears, even if you are alone in the territory of human civilization, it will be no hesitate!

Forcibly opening the door of the space in the imprisoned space, even if Xing Tian paid a heavy price, it is still impossible to appear where he wants in an instant as usual, so this emperor still has a chance to catch up with Xing Tian , Have a chance to kill Xingtian. Complete his mission, but the premise is that he can not be affected. After all, Xing Tian has rushed through their heavy defenses and entered the human civilization.

Just as this **** emperor rushed into the territory of human civilization, and wanted to stop Xing Tian, ​​a deep cry sounded: "Migratory locust, you **** are really shameless, you are actually bullying the small and daring to be bad. By law, you have your emperor stay here today!"


When this voice sounded. The **** emperor who was madly chasing Xing Tian couldn't help but stop, not because he was willing to stop, but as a last resort, because he was locked by a powerful force now. He had to stop and deal with it. Although he was willing to pay all the price to kill Xingtian, it was based on his ability to kill Xingtian, and now he simply couldn't do that!

"Emperor Chen, who is it, it turns out that it is you bastard. Your eye saw me bullying me, and your eye saw me breaking the rules. Don't talk nonsense!" Shameless, this migratory locust still It’s really shameless. As a god, it’s shameless to open your eyes and talk nonsense, but this is a race war. There is no justice or evil in a race war, and there is no shamelessness. There is only interest, racial interest. No matter how shameless it is!

"Oh, if you didn't bully the big with the big, then why did you act on the arrogant of my human civilization before, you didn't have bad rules, then why chase Xingtian, you really regard us as fools, you Zerg dare to ruin the Lord of the Era The rules laid down, then I can’t blame our human race for being cruel and cruel to keep you behind!” Emperor Chen looked at the migratory locust with disdain, and the migratory trembling could not help but shudder with that expression, and a chill rose from behind him. .

"Could it be that this is a trap of human civilization? Are these **** trying to use Xing Tian to figure out the emperor's failure?" Suddenly the migratory locust began to guess wildly in his heart, feeling that all this is like a trap, a trap against him. !

"No, it's impossible. No matter how crazy human civilization is, it is impossible to risk a arrogant person like Xingtian. It must be the emperor Chen who is frightening the emperor and wants to scare the emperor away. This **** is really sinister. This emperor was almost deceived by him!"

When thinking of this, the migratory locust showed a sneer on his face, and said disapprovingly: "Emperor Chen, are you scared when you are the emperor? You can play such ridiculous tricks because of your three-legged cat's skill. , And want to keep the emperor, it's really ridiculous, you think that the emperor's rules are in vain!"

The migratory locust cultivates the law of the wind. If he wants to escape, the Emperor Chen will be useless no matter how to stop it. The migratory locust who wants to escape has an absolute advantage, and it is precisely because the migratory locust has absolute speed. That's why he was sent here to block the boundaries of human civilization, even if he faced the mighty Emperor Chen, he also had the ability to retreat!

"What a little locust, it's really arrogant. I dare to be so arrogant in the domain of human civilization. Emperor Chen can't kill you. But since you broke the rules, you can't blame us. The emperor stay!" A deep drink suddenly sounded, followed by a terrifying coercion, which instantly locked the migratory locusts!

Faced with such a terrifying coercion, the migratory locusts had not yet responded, and were overwhelmed by the coercion, unable to move at all. At this time, he could not help but curse in his heart: "Asshole, this is really the result of human civilization. The trap laid, this emperor is miserable now, and he really wants to throw his life in the realm of human civilization!"

Just when the migratory locust thought that he was dead, he quickly snorted: "Red Emperor. You have to bully the small with the big, and have the ability to fight against the emperor. You can bully a small divine emperor. !"

When this voice sounded, the migratory locusts felt their own pressure alleviated. However, he still did not dare to act rashly, because the coercion of the Chi Emperor still locked him, if he dared to act rashly, it would definitely die.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Who am I? I turned out to be the Devil Scorpion. Your Zerg is really shameless. You broke the rules first, but you have to put the blame on others. One, then don’t blame us for doing the fifteenth. If you don’t give me an account of human civilization today, then you will all stay. Human civilization is not something that you can manipulate, you have to pay for your actions! "As soon as Chidi's words fell, a terrifying murderous intent flared from his body. It seems that human civilization is really angry this time, and it is necessary to take this to a duel with the five super civilizations, a high-level duel!

"What an arrogant tone, Chi Di, you really can decide that this emperor will not succeed, and you are too high on your own ability!" Facing the threat of Chi Di, Emperor Devil Scorpion sneered disdainfully, and did not take this threat at all. It is the same thing, although human civilization is very powerful, but now they are trapped by their five super civilizations. Human civilization has fallen into a disadvantage anyway, and has no right to threaten itself!

When he heard the words of Emperor Devil Scorpion, Chi Emperor had no words, and looked at Emperor Devil Scorpion disdainfully. The look in his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person. The Emperor Devil Scorpion was very annoyed, but before the Emperor Devil Scorpion spoke and ridiculed, a terrifying force suddenly fell from the sky and pointed directly at Emperor Devil Scorpion. Emperor Scorpion instantly felt the breath of death.

"Not good. The **** of human civilization are really crazy, they dare to send out the Lord of the Era!" The Devil Scorpion screamed in his heart, madly wanting to move his body, wanting to get out of this terrifying attack Fleeing, it is a pity that his power is too weak. The **** emperor is very powerful for ordinary people, but he is still an ant in front of the Lord of Era. Under the attack of the Lord of Era, he has no chance to resist.

"Qiyuan, you are too much. This is a fight between juniors. As the master of the era, do you have to intervene?" When the voice fell, a black gloom appeared, blocking it. In front of Emperor Devil Scorpion, the terrifying blow was resolved, saving Emperor Devil's life.

"Heisha, you broke the rules first. Since you dare to let your disciples use the big to bully the small, chase and kill the arrogant of my human civilization, and still use the **** emperor to chase down the earl’s junior, then you must understand that there will be such a day. , Your people dare to do this, and we dare to do the same. You can destroy the arrogance of my human civilization, and our epoch masters can also destroy your civilization!" The master of Qiyuan sneered and said with that voice. It was filled with endless killing intent.

Although the Lord of Qiyuan and the Lord of Black Sand did not appear, it was just a confrontation in the air, but their shots shocked the entire universe. Civilizations other than the super civilization felt fear. Everyone knew the era. The Lord made a big move, what kind of result would it be for Tianyu Wei, I am afraid that the entire Tianyu will be destroyed, and the civilization will be annihilated.

The strong men of the five super civilizations underestimated the reaction of human civilization, and also underestimated the cruelty of human civilization. No one thought that only because of a Xing Tian alarmed the Lord of Era, it was not that they made a big shot, Lord of Era. The five super civilizations couldn't help but become frightened.

Perhaps their five super civilizations have more eras than human civilizations, but even if they can use the power of the master of eras to destroy human civilizations, so what, the other party can also destroy their civilizations, and the result is bound to lose both. Consequences that the five super civilizations cannot afford.

Under the pressure of the Lord of Qiyuan, the Lord of Black Sand could not help but sighed and said: "Well, Qiyuan, this time our people broke the rules, but this is not what the Lord of your Era should intervene. Even if you have dissatisfaction in your heart, you should discuss it with us instead of doing it yourself and leaving Tianyu at risk!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha! It's extremely ridiculous, Heisha, don't you think your remarks are ridiculous? At the beginning, we had an agreement. Soldiers against soldiers, against generals. Even if it is racial destruction, I can't wait. But now that you have taken the initiative to break the rules, I naturally have a reason to take action. This is a matter of course. If you don't give us an explanation, then don't blame me for waiting for the big bully to kill your younger generations!" Qi Yuan The lord said disdainfully! (.)

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