God of Destruction

Chapter 1291: The beginning of the festival collapse

The eradication of the Great Tribulation of Era is only the destruction of sentient beings. As long as the physical body has a strong vitality, it can fight against it. This is limited, but the power of strangulation in this space is different. It is artificial, for many people. The destruction of Era Great Tribulation is extremely terrifying, but for Xing Tian, ​​the immediate attack is the most dangerous! Although dangerous, Xing Tian did not back down, nor did he back down. This was the test he had to face, and he had to endure it. In Xing Tian's heart there was even an idea that this was the obstacle Dadao gave him. I have a trace of fear in my heart, a trace of fear, then it will be controlled by the Dao, and eventually be killed by the Dao bit by bit.

Xing Tian didn’t care about the many attacks that his physical body was subjected to, and he didn’t have the slightest fear. Allowing the power of that terrifying space to crazily destroy his physical body, the danger he faced this time far exceeded that. The crisis that was calculated by the Demon God Emperor in the ancient battlefield, after all, this time Xing Tian was faced with the joint strangulation of hundreds of God Emperors, and the degree of horror was beyond ordinary people's understanding.

"If you want to kill Lao Tzu, you have to bear Lao Tzu's reaction, and let me come out, my guardian soldier, the space is shattered!" Xing Tian didn't make a move, and as soon as he made a move, he took out his most powerful assassin. The powerful force in the "Supreme Avenue Axe" was instantly aroused, and the power of the endless world rushed into the "Supreme Avenue Axe" frantically. Following the roar of Xing Tian, ​​the'Supreme Avenue Axe' flew out. , Turned into a streamer and blasted away at the enemy in front.

This time Xing Tian didn't have an axe in his hand. After all, the great supernatural power Xing Tian that was shattered in this space had not yet fully grasped it. He didn't want to squander his power while killing these enemies and then fall into despair. After all, there are hundreds of emperors behind him, and Xing Tian didn't want to make fun of his life.

As soon as the "Supreme Dao Axe" left Xing Tian, ​​the powerful aura immediately caused changes in the entire environment. The endless heaven and earth vitality was stirred by the breath emanating from the "Supreme Dao Axe", and gradually formed a A terrifying tornado storm. Sweeping forward frantically, no matter what power it is, it is directly torn apart under this tornado storm.

Although the power of the "Supreme Great Axe" has been reduced after losing Xing Tian's power, the power it flared is still terrifying. Under a single blow, there is still a terrorist force that destroys everything, and still forms a terrifying blow to the enemy.

"No, we are in the trick. Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic, wants to die with us, everyone quickly retreat!" When he saw the tornado storm rushing towards him frantically. The **** emperor standing in front of Xing Tian finally couldn't hold on, his mind was shocked by Xing Tian's horrible blow, he had the idea of ​​running away, and roared his own voice.

auzw.com It’s okay to be afraid of death, that’s not a big deal, but he shouldn’t be in this situation, at this dangerous moment, and immediately cause him to say something like this. The heart of fear grew in the heart of the gods facing Xing Tian after the chain reaction. They all had a slight thought of fleeing, and this immediately shook their foundation.

With a soft sound of'pounce', a **** emperor could not bear the pressure of Xingtian's horrible blow. A **** arrow was ejected from his mouth, and his face instantly became pale. You must know the many spaces. Although the blade is condensed with the help of the power of the formation, its fundamental strength still comes from themselves. When the spatial blade is destroyed, their minds will naturally be impacted. Those who are not determined will naturally be under such circumstances. It will be more fearful. Even collapse!

"No, I don't want to die!" Finally, there was a **** emperor who couldn't bear such terrifying pressure, and turned around with a loud roar and fled. The consequences of his escape can be very serious. You must know that this is not just a problem for one person, but will cause the overall crisis. He ran away and did not have to bear the terrible pressure, but the pressure was shared on other people, and his escape It also created a gap in the large array. The most important thing is that he shakes people's hearts.

Although Xing Tian’s attack is infinite, it is not completely incapable of resisting them, the **** emperor. As long as they dare to fight for their lives and dare to fight, they can stop Xing Tian’s crazy blow. After all, this is not a **** level. In the ancient battlefield, they were not suppressed by the force of the rules, and were able to fully explode their full strength, but it was a pity that some people were timid, fearful, and ran away, and suddenly a huge loophole appeared in their perfect siege.

"Asshole, come back to this emperor!" The peak **** emperor who presided over the big formation screamed frantically, trying to bring the escaped emperor back, but the other party did not obey him at all. At this time, the emperor escaped. The emperor of God has already lost his mind. There is only one thought in his mind, that is to leave this terrifying ghost place quickly and stay away from the lunatic Xingtian. It is their business that others want to siege Xingtian, and it has nothing to do with him. I don't want to accompany my own life.

When he saw the ridiculous reaction of the enemy, Xing Tian was overjoyed in his heart. The experienced Xing Tian would naturally not give up such an opportunity easily. With a turn of his mind, Xing Tian shouted: "Open to Lao Tzu!" With a roar, the endless power of the world burst out from Xing Tian’s body. The mighty power of the world madly blasted away the space blade that was madly strangling himself under Xing Tian’s pair of iron fists, and suddenly let Xing Tian escape from the horror. Out of the strangulation.

"No, the lunatic Xing Tian got out of trouble, everyone, be careful!" When seeing Xing Tian out of trouble, many **** emperors were shocked by him, and they never thought that Xing Tian was not only not affected by the powerful spatial power. They were strangled, and they were able to escape with such a domineering attitude, which had a huge impact on them.

You must know that Xing Tian’s body is **** and bloody, and the surrounding body exudes a strong murderous aura. In the face of such a crazy Xing Tian, ​​the pressure on those who are not determined is unimaginable. Under the previous influence, this is powerful. All of a sudden, their minds collapsed. They could no longer bring up the idea of ​​a head-on fight with Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic. After all, the impact was too terrifying and their minds could not bear. (.)

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