God of Destruction

Chapter 1367: Madness

I was dumbfounded, all the divine emperors who were eager to move were dumbfounded. No one thought that even without the obstruction of the divine emperor, they would not be able to fight on the battlefield. The destructive power produced by this spatial turbulence was so powerful that they were terrified. To the point, their divine bodies were simply unable to resist this pressure, and they were beaten to death.

"No, I don't believe that this collapsed space barrier still has such a powerful destructive power. It must be that the previous **** was not fully prepared. He didn't even have defenses. Naturally, he couldn't succeed!" People die for money, and birds eat for food. Death, under that huge temptation, there are still some fools who disagree, want to use their lives to let go!

Soon, another **** emperor rushed to the battlefield and learned the lessons of the last **** emperor. This **** emperor made comprehensive preparations, with a strong defense on top of his head, and a strong defense armor on his body. There is even more a huge shield in his hand that can protect his body. From the performance of this **** emperor, it can be seen that he has used all his strength to challenge the **** king battlefield with such extreme defenses. The turbulence caused by this collapse.

In an instant, people’s sights were cast on this **** emperor, not only those many **** emperors were watching, but many **** emperors were also watching this challenge. For those **** emperors These divine emperors are their pawns. They want to use these divine emperors to test the situation on the battlefield. They don’t want to risk their lives when the overall situation is settled. It’s not worth it, so their original intention was calm. Act later.

When the last **** king fell, those **** kings who were in the battlefield were all aware of it. At this time, some people couldn't help the anger in their hearts and shouted in a deep voice: "No, the space barrier of the battlefield. It has collapsed. Someone is on the tentative battlefield. I’m afraid we don’t have time to grab these three thousand transcendence roads. We cannot seize this great opportunity from the eyes of the **** emperor and the **** emperor. Our action this time failed. Up!"

When this voice sounded in the ears of many **** kings, the many **** kings who were rushing forward couldn't help but become silent. Before, they were able to deceive themselves and numb themselves. Let yourself believe that there is still a chance to get three thousand detachments, but when someone directly talks about breaking everything, that ridiculous idea in their hearts is naturally shattered.

As the **** king, they naturally understand the power of the **** emperor and the horror of the **** emperor. Even if these people can barely get three thousand transcendence avenues, can they escape under the eyes of the many gods? Impossible, they don't have such strength, even if they are the **** emperors of the same civilization, they will not be relieved to give these three thousand detachment roads to themselves!


"No, we still have a chance. As long as we are willing to give up our lives, we will have a chance. Now the entire battlefield has been hit hard and the space has begun to collapse. We can take this opportunity to attack from within and directly destroy the entire battlefield. The Three Thousand Transcendence Avenue will surely merge into the universe as the battlefield is destroyed!"

Although he didn't say everything, but when it came to this level, the many gods had already understood his intentions. If the three thousand detachment roads were placed in the battlefield of the gods, none of them would have a chance. But if this battlefield collapses, everything will be different. It depends on everyone's chances. If you are lucky, you can get three thousand transcendence avenues when the battlefield collapses. It doesn't matter if you don't. As long as the three thousand transcendence avenues are integrated into the universe, they still have a chance, which is better than letting this transcendence avenue fall into the hands of the many gods.

Although the interests of racial civilization are above all else, when the Great Tribulation of the Era reached this point, no one was willing to believe this. They could not believe that the many gods and emperors would take into account the interests of racial civilization. In front of the Three Thousand Transcendence Avenue, they can give up everything. The interests of racial civilization are just a joke. People do not serve themselves and the heavens are destroyed. When their own interests conflict with the interests of racial civilization, it is natural for those **** emperors. Choose your own interests and not give up your own interests to preserve the interests of racial civilization.

"Well, let's talk back to everyone. We are running out of time. It will not take long before the destructive power generated by the space barrier will dissipate. At that time, we really have no chance again!" When the **** king hesitated, the **** king who made this opinion couldn't help but remind many **** kings.

Time waits for no one. If this matter is delayed, it is indeed very detrimental to them, but it is not easy for them to make such a crazy decision. After all, this decision is also very dangerous. If you are careless, you may be ruined here. You must know that what they have to face is the origin of the battlefield. Although the collapse of the space barrier is terrible, there is still a certain gap compared with the collapse of the origin. This means People want to take risks with their own lives and let them go at the cost of their own lives, and this time they cannot accomplish all this with their own strength. They need to unite, and everyone can work together to get a chance.

"Okay, I agree. Since you are desperate, why not let it go, it's not a big deal even if you die. Instead of looking at others' faces and acting, it is better to let go and fight for a tomorrow!" Dang Among the many **** kings, one person stood up and agreed, and soon many **** kings joined in. In just a short time, one third of the **** kings originally intended to participate in this life and death challenge. Two-thirds of the **** kings are watching. Although they can hope to be free, they are not as bold as the previous ones and dare not make decisions lightly.

"We are now as a whole. As long as we want to get three thousand detachment roads, there is only one way to go. If anyone still has any illusions about the many **** emperors and **** emperors, then he is definitely in the future. Well, if you don’t want to participate, you can leave. We don’t force you. We just hope you don’t regret it in the future. Don’t complain that we didn’t give you such a chance!” Looking at the many gods and kings who are still indecisive At that time, another heavy hammer fell. (.)

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