God of Destruction

Chapter 1393: Festival Darkness Comes

"Let’s start killing. We need to re-grow an emperor from the endless killing. Only with the emperor can our race have a chance to survive this epoch catastrophe, and only the emperor reappears. , We have only been able to find the whereabouts of the'Sky Swallowing Demon Coffin' through magical powers. We have no choice. The whole clan will attack and smash out a world in the heavens, making me the prestige of the Sky Swallowing clan!

With the fall of these words, the Sky-swallowing clan finally started. As the Sky-swallowing clan that survived the Dark Iron Age, they have powerful powers. They decided to be born early, so they can be in the sky. A **** storm was set off in the middle of the world, and the changes in the entire universe aggravated the process of the epoch.

Now the entire universe has been shrouded in darkness, and all the void is in the darkness. Even if the Swallowing Clan decides to be born early, they are not arrogant enough to directly confront the super civilization and the advanced civilization, whether it is a high civilization, Whether it’s a super civilization, it’s not something that the Swallowing Clan that just broke out of the seal can fight against. Even if there are strong people in their racial civilization, but they don’t have such a powerful background. .

Xing Tian didn’t know that he had killed this enemy and snatched the opponent’s treasure. It would bring such serious consequences to the entire universe, and it would speed up the era of catastrophe, but even if he knew it, Xing Tian wouldn’t care. With a smooth mind, he will not be afraid of the enemy’s strength at the end of his sentence, and will give up. The path he walks is a path of horror. Those who block him are his enemies. For the enemy Xingtian can only Its destruction.

After Xing Tianzai left that piece of heaven and earth, there was a **** storm in the heavens. The Tuntian clan was born and carried out a crazy slaughter of small and medium civilizations, which was originally suppressed by small and medium civilizations. The situation has become more dangerous. The Sky-Swallowing Clan is different from the racial civilization in the heavens, and their methods are extremely cruel. For the Tuntian clan, the creatures in the entire heaven are their nourishment, they are all targets of their destruction, and the racial civilization is just their ‘food’. There is no concept of surrender in their minds, there are only crazy and cruel killings.

Crazy killings in the heavens once again set off those small and medium civilizations that have to surrender to advanced civilizations and super civilizations under the pressure of survival, and have to rely on them in order to seek the protection of super civilizations and advanced civilizations. And with the help of small and medium civilizations and the high-level civilizations and super civilizations in the universe, they noticed the existence of the swallowing clan, and learned of this civilization that broke the prohibition from the civilization of the Black Iron Age.

auzw.com For many civilizations in the universe, although the appearance of the Tuntian clan surprised them, they did not feel anything wrong or uneasy. The strength of the Tianyi clan is still very weak, unable to fight against them, so for the advanced civilization and super civilization of Tianyu, they don't care too much. In their hearts, there are only three thousand detachment roads. As for the killing of the Tuntian clan, no civilization is willing to do it. None of them wants to waste their own strength and make wedding dresses for others. They have no choice. With the killing of the Tuntian clan, and precisely because of this psychology, the Tuntian clan got a good opportunity, a chance to develop and strengthen itself.

Compared with the many racial civilizations in the heavens, the masters of the many epochs blocked outside the heavens. Their faces became gloomy and terrifying. When darkness fell before, they felt the pressure of horror and understood how terrifying the danger Tianyu was about to face. When the Swallowing Clan appeared in the heaven this time, and let go, the masters of the many eras were more disturbed, and they hated the reaction of their own race civilization, because they could feel the swallowing sky. If the terrifying pressure of a race allows such a race to develop and grow stronger. It will be a huge disaster for their six super civilizations. They are all very anxious to break through the road to block the heavens and kill these enemies. Only by killing the Sky-Swallowing Clan can they feel at ease.

"Friends of Taoism, the situation is now even more dangerous. The ancient survivors sealed in the endless darkness finally couldn’t bear to show up directly in the heavens. If we can’t destroy them before they regain their vitality, our only I am afraid that it will be perished. The entire race civilization may perish in this era of catastrophe. After all, they are not the creatures of our era, and their appearance will only bring endless destruction to our era!"

"You Ye, tell us what you think. We are already grasshoppers on the same rope. If we can't hurry up in the sky, we are afraid that it will be destroyed. I always have an ominous premonition that we will appear this time. The ancient survivors are just the beginning, and the more dangerous and terrifying existence is yet to come. If we cannot return to the heavens as soon as possible, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Shenguang said right, You Ye, we can't wait any longer. This time, the Great Tribulation of the Era is too weird. I even have a doubt whether this Great Tribulation of the Era is the end of this era, if so. We are in a very dangerous situation. We must work together now. Only when we cooperate fully can we have a chance to live!"

For the madness of the Tuntian clan, and for the many epoch masters who walked from the darkness to the foreground of this ancient surviving clan, they were all afraid of it, and they were eager to stop their development. These enemies are being wiped out in the bud, to prevent them from causing many influences on the Great Tribulation of Era!

The many creatures in the universe are all fascinated by the so-called Three Thousand Transcendence Avenue, and all of them are in the game, and they can’t clearly see the situation in the universe. This is exactly what the authorities are fascinated by. However, for the masters of many epochs who are outside the universe, they can stand high and see far, can see the situation in the universe, and understand the harm of the ancient survivors to the universe, but they are They are blocked from the heavens and cannot interfere with all the situations in the heavens. Under such circumstances, they naturally desperately want to change everything and prevent the unbalance of the situation! (.)

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