God of Destruction

Chapter 1403: Festival Demon Outbreak

The Lord of Era had a good idea, but they forgot one thing, the most important point, this is the Great Tribulation of Era. In the Great Tribulation of Era, all the creatures yearn for the power to get rid of the Great Tribulation of Era. Their only relationship is the era of achievement. The Supreme Way of the Lord, as for other issues, it is secondary to them. ..access:..

There are so many beasts raging in the sky frantically, but the many **** emperors don’t care. For them, as long as these beasts do not affect their own interests, they will ignore them. As for the many in the sky The deaths and injuries of living creatures are not worth mentioning to them, and even the deaths and injuries of their own people are not in their eyes.

The killing of God Emperor Yi Tianyu is completely different to God Emperor, God King and many other existences. They don’t want to see the ravages of these monsters, it will disrupt their plans and affect their growth. Seeing the various ferocious beasts rushing out of the stars madly and descending towards the heavens and the earth, their faces showed an extremely solemn expression. Come, the densely packed, countless beasts, ≥,. Each exudes a fierce air of destruction, as if it is unconscious, only pure killing intent, their existence is purely for destruction ;!

These monsters, where they appeared, almost covered the entire universe, and even some hidden secrets in the heavens were not immune to them. All were under their attack. Fortunately, the secrets and secrets of the major civilizations The small world has not been invaded by it. After all, for the major civilizations, they all have a strong formation to support. Although these monsters possess terrifying strength, they cannot invade silently. Once they attack the major civilizations, they will be counterattacked by the formation, which will alarm the defenses of the major civilizations.

"No. This is an extraterritorial monster. The devil's calamity is coming. Fellow daoists, join forces to kill these monsters. You must not let these monsters plunder the void of the universe, otherwise the entire universe will face an extinction disaster. Worries about'sex' and fate."

"How can there be no one in my universe, fellow daoists, let go and kill. Beasts are not wise, they only know destruction. Once they succeed, the entire universe will be destroyed. Race civilization will be slaughtered." A voice in the sky. There was a sound from above the void of the domain. No matter people were fighting against the beasts that fell from the sky, the killing was going on frantically. As for the many **** emperors, they didn’t care, they were still watching everything unfolding quietly, and there was nothing to do. meaning.

"Bastard. What are those people thinking, don't they understand the horror of this disaster? Why didn't the **** emperor take action!" Soon some people had discovered the **** emperor's abnormality, and stood by and watched the **** emperor. They were all angry for it. Even the people of the same clan were not satisfied with the indifference of the **** emperor, and they were all disappointed by it.

auzw.com For those **** emperors who came from outside the heavens, they frowned when they saw this situation, and they all sighed secretly. Things are much more difficult than they thought, and too many changes have taken place in the universe. They want to persuade these **** emperors in the racial civilization to make a concerted effort to break the space barriers of the universe, but it is difficult.

People's hearts are unpredictable, when the Lord of Epoch is not trapped outside the heaven. They never worried about the many divine emperors in the heavens, but it is different now. After losing the pressure of the Lord of the era, the many divine emperors have begun to change, and each of them has their own private. 'Heart, forget the life and death of racial civilization. This can clearly explain everything from this evil disaster. Under the influence of their own interests, these **** emperors have already thought about the life and death of racial civilization. I have been "fascinated" by the greed in my heart, and I can't see the current situation;

"Asshole, how could this happen? We have finally faced such drastic changes in the heavens. Do you fellow Daoists have any good ideas without us being able to resolve the many pressures today?" In this harsh environment , Some people couldn't help but yelled out their worries, and began to ask others for help. How can the solution be so easy to obtain, especially for those who are not familiar with Tianyu, it is even more difficult!

"Forget it, let's not worry about this, we just go to the'door' and spread the matter out. If they really have ambitions, then just let them. Don't blame us for not warning them in the future. It depends on their own choice to die. We only need to have a clear conscience. After all, our goals are not necessarily the same as them!"

Although there are many dissatisfaction in my heart, but when things have reached this point, those **** emperors who have come from outside the universe can only do so. After all, they have all seen the nature of this dramatic change outside the universe, and they all know the matter. It is serious, so even if they have a little thought about the Three Thousand Transcendence Dao in their hearts, they can restrain the greed in their hearts!

"What a grand blood banquet of slaughter. I don’t know how many creatures in the heavens will survive this slaughter. It was a devastating blow at the beginning, and it went directly to the decisive battle at the beginning. It's really vicious. It seems that those ancient survivors are not as powerful as they thought, otherwise they would not react like this, but that's okay, since they can no longer use external forces to eliminate their hidden dangers, they are killing them. Lieutenant General wiped out all that! The battle axe in my hand can’t wait to use that endless blood to evolve.” Xing Tian’s eyes flashed with a light of'fine','showing' the color of expectation. , Looking at the demon stars flying from outside the sky in the void, endless killing intent was revealed on his face!

Vaguely, Xing Tian’s mind could feel the idea of ​​the “Supreme Dao Map”, the treasure of the Dao, and the idea of ​​the “Supreme Dao Axe”, the **** axe, the desire for that many monsters, perhaps killing those many monsters, plundering Their'refinement' is the best way to strengthen themselves. They can improve the quality of their two great treasures, and they can solve the horrible hidden dangers in the body in the shortest time!

Although the beasts seem to have no wisdom, they have the terrifying power of the "wave". It is obvious that many of these beasts have a strong origin. Plundering the origins of these beasts can directly enhance their own cultivation. In other words, the many monsters are a great tonic! ;

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