God of Destruction

Chapter 1633: There is something to do

One thousand six hundred and thirty-three

Time, what Xing Tian Qiaqi lacks is time. Although Xing Tian is in this underground palace, cut off from the dead world, Xing Tian always has a sense of crisis in his heart. He cannot stay in this underground palace for too long, otherwise There will be some unforeseen circumstances that will make you fall into a more terrifying crisis. With the powerful mind that has been built, you will never give yourself time to rest. If you rest here, I’m afraid to use it. It won't be long before this space will be directly shattered and I will fall into the turbulence of the space. In my current situation, I am afraid that there is no life.

At this time, Xing Tian couldn’t help but miss when he had two supreme avatars, allowing him more choices and freedom. Unfortunately, Xing Tian can only think about it now. His two avatars have been fully integrated. In the inner world, he has completely mastered the inner world, and only by doing this can Xing Tian have a stronger foundation and more potential. As for re-cultivating a clone, Xing Tian has not thought about it this way, it will only waste Own time!

The original small world, this is the foundation of Xing Tian’s infinite growth of his own background, and now these many original small worlds have become threats to his own life. The growth of each original small world is a big deal for Xing Tian’s physical body. Pressure, if under normal circumstances, Xing Tian can suppress and master the power of many of the original small worlds, but when his body is severely injured, when he is in crisis, this original small world is likely to become himself The huge hidden danger of, will even explode at an unexpected time, blowing himself to pieces.

The road to invincibility is easy to say, but it is extremely difficult to do it, and the more the later stages, the more terrifying the pressure and threats they face, and now Xing Tian feels this terrifying pressure.

To be willing, there is something to do, and now Xing Tian is facing a terrible crisis. So he had to make a choice. The power of many of the original small worlds in his flesh was too violent, and it had already affected the recovery of the flesh, so he had to abandon most of his original power. Only in this way can the power of undead real blood be able to relieve one's own pressure and fully operate their physical recovery, and abandoning the power of these original small worlds does not completely abandon them!

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian took back the "Supreme Road Map", the most precious piece of evidence, into his body. Yes, Xing Tian is now using the power of the'Supreme Dao Map' to collect the violent origin power in his body. If there is no problem in the inner world, Xing Tian could use the power of the inner world to absorb the body. The source of violent power, but the inner world is undergoing transformation, and Xing Tian cannot mobilize the power of the inner world, so he can only use the power of the supreme road map, the treasure of proving Dao.

As the "Supreme Dao Map" was withdrawn, the violent original powers were brought to the "Supreme Dao Map" bit by bit, and Xing Tian's physical pressure gradually began to calm down. As for why Xing Tian did not choose One's own guardian **** soldier'Supreme Axe'. The reason is very simple. The "Supreme Axe" is the magic weapon of killing. Its evolution and transformation require endless killing. Even if it is blessed with many original forces, it is not as powerful as the power plundered in suicide killing.


Of course, there is still a crazy idea in Xing Tian’s heart. If his supreme road map can swallow most of the original power and transform again, it can condense the unique world of the "Supreme Road Map". It is even more advantageous for himself, and he will have a greater certainty in the next epoch catastrophe.

When I didn't see the horror of this underground palace under Tianyin Temple. Xing Tian was very confident in himself, and didn't have an intuitive understanding of the black hand hidden behind the sky, but now he understood that those exist. It was definitely countless times more powerful than what I had imagined before, at least now I still can't know the true power of the other party.

Why is this, because Xingtian has never come into contact with the existence of a master power beyond the era, and there is no master of the era successfully advanced in the heavens, which can not give Xingtian the data that can be used for reference.

Is the Lord of Era strong? Powerful, but in front of those behind the scenes. I am afraid that it is equally vulnerable. The Lord of Era may have been the most powerful existence in the heavens in the normal period, but the Lord of Era is also just a pawn.

There have been endless epochs in the universe, where are those powerful epoch masters gone? They died naturally. That is definitely a joke. The only explanation is that they were killed by those behind the scenes. Perhaps when the Lord of Epoch is so powerful that he has the ability to threaten those behind-the-scenes stewards, it is when they are destroyed. Perhaps when an era is strong to a certain level, that is, when it is about to be destroyed, of course, it is more likely that when an era has what they need, that is, when those behind the scenes are fighting, it is also when the era of the catastrophe appears. .

The Lord of Epoch is just a **** on the bright side. They have the power of immortality, but if they can’t resist the calculations of the many behind-the-scenes, they will still have to die, perhaps because of it. As I perceive, the masters of those many epochs will hide out of the heavens! No matter what the situation is, the water in Tianyu is much deeper than Xingtian imagined. The more you understand, the greater the pressure Xingtian will endure. Can you move forward under this terrifying pressure? To resist the pressure and use the pressure to explode his ultimate potential depends on whether Xing Tian's own will is firm enough.

When the path of practice goes to the back, the more demanding will be. Without a firm will, our Fa will climb the peak and there will be no way to become the supreme powerhouse, let alone fight against the black hands behind the universe. The dead world Xing Tian is now in, I am afraid that it is also the masterpiece of those behind the scenes.

Power, Xing Tian urgently needs power. Only when he has a strong power can he get rid of everything. Only when he has a strong power can he understand the secrets behind everything and the greatest secret of this universe. Power is the root of everything. Strength you are nothing, you can only endure the coming of destruction feebly, and eventually your body and soul will disappear between the heaven and the earth! (.)

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