God of Destruction

Chapter 2232: Special world

The second thousand two hundred and thirty-two special world

The sudden appearance of the heart demon was something that many Taoists did not expect, and they were caught off guard. If these many Taoists were prepared, there would not be such a crisis. After all, as Taoists, their Their minds are extremely firm, and they won't be easily shaken by external forces, but it's a pity that all this happened so suddenly that they never thought of it. . .

The appearance of the heart demon is of course also a test of the Heavenly Star Palace for these Taoists. Whether you can survive this calamity, it depends on your own character. After all, you will be rewarded only if you pay. These Taoists want to seize the inheritance of the Heavenly Star Palace. Then you must have such preparations, even if you can't pass this level of your own, and how can you get the ancient heritage of the Tianxing Palace!

Xing Tian and Queen Black Bee didn’t know how much the Taoist masters behind them were affected by this step, because when they stepped out, they had disappeared from the lake and appeared in another world. , Everything is just as Xing Tian had previously guessed, they came into a new world, and this world shocked Xing Tian and Queen Black Bee, and also made them ecstatic. Everything here is right. They have incomparable temptations.

What world can shock them so much? When he traveled through the world, it was only an instant, the last moment Xing Tian was still in the world of the star palace that day, and he immediately felt that he had come to a new world. The breath here and the feeling it gave Xing Tian were different from those in the previous Tianxing Palace, and Xing Tian could still perceive this.

When he was standing firm, Xing Tian immediately looked at everything around him vigilantly. For newcomers, he didn't know where he was sent, so it was necessary to check the first time. In Xing Tian's past experience, he has encountered such a dangerous scene, and it is the most correct decision to be cautious.

After a lot of scrutiny, Xing Tian found himself appearing on a flat ground, and there were no traps or dangerous places around. After confirming that there was no danger, Xing Tian's mind was relaxed a lot, and his mind sank to the breath of the world. I want to understand the specific information of the world I am currently in.

This time, even though Xing Tian had prepared in his heart before, Xing Tian had to remain more vigilant about this unknown world. After all, in a world unfamiliar to one party, any danger could arise.

auzw.com Just when Xing Tian was about to receive the world’s information, a sudden spiritual touch emerged. When Xing Tian focused his eyes, he saw new changes in the surrounding environment. Between a few breaths It has become very bad, the earth is cracking, there are shocking cracks, one is, it has been dry for many years. Obviously, everything Xing Tian had done before was an illusory image, but now it was real.

"What's going on... Could it be said that this is a world that is almost to be destroyed? Or is it still illusory that I have opened now." Just when such a thought flashed in Xing Tian's mind, but the next moment , He changed his mind, put the idea behind him, and raised his head in shock.

At this time, the temperature around Xing Tian himself rose sharply, and the entire world was also full of endless light. He seemed to suddenly be in a world filled with endless light. The strong light made him almost open. If it hadn't been for Xing Tian's eyes that had already refined Wushuang's divine eyes, I'm afraid he had already been hit hard.

"So... what is that?" Xing Tian was suddenly falling down in the extremely distant sky, a huge sun that couldn't be described. And as this round of sun sets, the world is full of endless brilliance, and the entire world is shrouded in this endless brilliance, and everywhere is filled with infinite light.

It is clearly the supreme sun, but at this moment it gives Xing Tian a strange feeling that he can't feel the majesty and vitality that the big day should have, as if this sun is about to sink into the dark sunset. The endless light is the same as the last light it emits, but in these lights, it has lost the inviolable dignity of the past. When the light flashed, the original dazzling power disappeared. Xing Tian no longer felt the slightest discomfort, even if he did not activate his own divine power and divine eyes, he could clearly look directly at the sun.

At this moment, Xing Tian's mind seemed to be able to hear the world's screams of sorrow, seeming to be mourning the fall of a powerful creature. The endless brilliance, still on the earth, seems to be directly integrated into the earth, the whole world is undergoing amazing changes, as if the creatures in this world are dissipating.

I don't know how long it took, this round of infinitely shining sunset finally fell on the earth, there was no earth-shaking change, and there was no amazing breath, only quietly sinking into the earth. And as it disappeared, the whole world fell into the endless darkness from the endless brilliance in an instant. The entire world became dark, a little light, and the most important thing was that Xing Tian was in this world. Can't feel the breath of the big day.

At this moment, Xing Tian stood still on the spot, but in his heart there was a stormy sea, an endless aura of desolation, frantically flooding Xingtian’s mind, which could not be dissipated for a long time, that was the sorrow of the world. The world's Xing Tian couldn't control his own emotional theory. When he recovered, he suddenly felt a little wet in his eyes.

Xing Tian let out a long sigh and tried to recover his state of mind. Although it was a short time, Xing Tian understood that the reason why he had such a strong emotion was mainly affected by the power of this world. It is the power of the power of this world that affects the power of one’s inner world. That sadness fills every corner of this world. A creature with an inner world will be affected by this power, even if Xing Tian’s will is no longer determined. , Can not resist the influence from the power of this world, this is the general trend of the world, unless Xing Tian's power can be strong enough to overwhelm the existence of this world power, obviously Xing Tian can't do this, unless he can prove the master of the Tao. Such a possibility! ,,. please:

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