God of Destruction

Chapter 2547: Jie Ming Wu

Two thousand five hundred and forty-seventh

With the Snake Orb, it is not far from the Hua Jiao. Although the Jiao is not a real dragon, the ability of the strange snake will be a qualitative leap after the Hua Jiao, but Xing Tian has no intention to think about these little things. For now, we are facing the siege of these hundreds of strange snakes. There are hundreds of strange snakes in the flesh ball. Such a huge number can pile up death penalty days, even Xingtian’s blood and gas cannot stop. Living in such a bombardment, how could such a terrifying snake ball prevent Xing Tian from feeling palpitations? If he was surrounded by hundreds of strange snakes at once, Xing Tian would not have the confidence to allow himself to retreat under such an attack!

This is not what makes Xing Tian feel uneasy the most. What makes Xing Tian's heart palpitations the most is the piles of strange snakes squirming together, the body is full of sticky transparent liquid, as if it has just been hatched from an egg, giving people An unspeakable feeling, even a determined person like Xing Tian, ​​his scalp was numb, and he couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Of course, Xingtian’s anxiety is not because of the disgusting look of the strange snakes. You must know that Xingtian, who has experienced countless wars, has seen many things worse than this. What Xingtian is really disturbed is the breath of this strange snake. Xing Tian felt the aura of the origin of Black Mountain on his body. Although it was very weak, Xing Tian could still find it.

So many weird snakes are placed here, and this kind of snake ball is formed. Xing Tian will not believe it if he is only conspiring against the intruder. After all, he does not need to do so, and he can think otherwise, and this kind of conspiracy also allows The strange snakes can't open up a bit. You have to know that there are hundreds of strange snakes, and they can only truly exert their maximum ability when they are scattered. If they are together, it will not only fail to exert their ability, but also make it easier for people to hang them all.

What is the reason for the enemy to get these hundreds of snakes together? Xing Tian was thinking about this issue in his heart, and there was a faint feeling in Xing Tian's heart that if he could figure out this question clearly, it would very likely enable him to find the true intentions of the enemy and find the greatest secret in this legendary city.

One by one thought flashed through Xing Tian’s mind. Whenever he thought of an answer, he was quickly abandoned. Xing Tian had thought of hundreds of answers in a short period of time, but none of them could make Xing Tian Agree, time is passing bit by bit, and gradually Xing Tian can't bear it anymore. You must know that facing the threat of these hundreds of strange snakes, Xing Tian also has to be cautious, otherwise it is very likely to kill him. Give ruin here.

The scene in the valley left a deep impression on Xing Tian. Faced with this kind of strange snake who doesn't know the details, with his strong body, it is impossible to completely resist it. After all, his own blood furnace is the supreme magical power. It is not that there is no limit, once the qi condensed from the blood furnace is broken, then one's own fate is conceivable!


"Snake beads, meat balls, hundreds of strange snakes are wrapped in meat balls. Why does this sound a little weird? Could it be that this meat ball is not the disguise I thought before, but has magical powers?" When Xing Tian was muttering to himself, suddenly another aura flashed through his mind, a trace of understanding appeared, and Xing Tian figured out the problem in an instant!

Indeed, these hundreds of strange snakes are not secret invaders. Their true intentions are actually very simple, that is, evolution. The creatures who built this legendary city put them here for only one purpose, relying on the entire city. The power of condenses the endless origin to transform these strange snakes into dragons, and then seize the origin power of Black Mountain. Once Black Mountain's original power is taken away by these strange snakes, it really has no chance of turning over.

In fact, Xing Tian should have thought of this a long time ago. After all, Xing Tian had also thought of the meaning of the existence of this legendary city before, but for a while because of the large number of strange snakes, Xing Tian himself felt threatened, and for a time forgot this most problem!

Speaking of it, no matter what the dark enemy thinks or what he wants to do to himself, his ultimate goal is to kill the Black Mountain, and kill the earth-veined black dragon that has fallen for an unknown amount of time. To say that the meaning of this legendary city is to do this, there is no other meaning at all. As for the secret to safely leave the desert of death from here, it is just a joke, it is not true at all.

The origin, these monster snakes with snake beads already have a trace of the origin of Black Mountain. They shouldn't have appeared so early. They can only be born after they are truly transformed, but their own arrival has destroyed these monsters. Snakes’ chance. They lost this great chance and were born early. That’s why they felt uneasy in these strange snakes. Instead, the creatures would be angry when they knew their chance was destroyed by others. Naturally, these strange snakes are no exception.

After thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. There was no hesitation anymore. The sword of life in his hand was slashed out quickly, and the sword light was like a big net toward the hundreds of monsters. The snake was directly cut off. Under Xingtian's sudden attack, these strange snakes were directly beheaded by the terrifying sword light before they had time to show their powerful power, and their original power was directly by Xingtian. It was swallowed, and the power of killing magical power was once again displayed perfectly.

Use killing to enhance your own combat power, use killing to seize the enemy’s magical powers, and seize the opponent’s luck. This is the cruelty of this world. When Xingtian kills these strange snakes, although he lets himself and the secret The black hand has forged great cause and effect, but it has also received huge benefits. Compared with the benefits, this cause and effect is nothing. You must know that even if Xingtian does not take action to kill these strange snakes, the secret enemies will also be. Xingtian will not be let go.

For the secret black hand, Xing Tian was already on the list of his must kills. This was not only because the other party might have the intention of taking Xing Tian, ​​but also Xing Tian’s appearance destroyed his plans. Many of his plans were If he failed, he was unwilling to accept such a result. Therefore, for Xingtian, the intruder, the dark hand would naturally want to get rid of it. You must know that only by destroying Xingtian can he have the opportunity to accomplish his goal and then be able to. Let your plan no longer be unexpected!

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