God of Destruction

Chapter 2719: Jie Wandao Huiyuan

Chapter 2719

Facing the situation in front of him, Xing Tian calmly analyzed everything. After a while, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. With this crazy experience, although it is not enough to perfect one's own avenue, the gains of oneself are quite astonishing. It can be said that ordinary eternal powerhouses, the gains of the heaven and earth avenue that have been comprehended over 100,000 years, are all It may not be deeper than the short ten-odd days of having oneself. The most important thing is that this result allows Xing Tian to understand that his practice has not really reached the so-called Dao limit, and he may be far from even the so-called Dao limit. difference.

"The flesh is the root, all the ways return to the origin." At the first thought, the illusory Tianmen was once again manifested in Xing Tian's body, and this time the condensing of the Tianmen phantom made Xing Tian's face a trace of pain, but when After the illusory heaven gate in the flesh appeared, it showed a mysterious and incomparable change. Above this illusory heaven gate, there was a bright light, and the original power of the three thousand avenues that he had cultivated was completely imprinted in it. It is a pity that the three thousand avenues did not really merge into the same, but still collided with each other, and there was a soft sound, so that the illusory heavenly gate was shocked by an incomparably bright brilliance, as for the ancient body of Xingtian There is still no change in the power of God, especially in the three major worlds.

If it were not for Xing Tian to confirm that the illusory heavenly gate in his body was self-evolved, Xing Tian would think that the Three Thousand Dao would eventually evolve into a treasure like a jade disc, rather than the supernatural powers he needed. It is an external force, and supernatural powers are derived from oneself, controlled by oneself, and able to accompany oneself all the time.

All things return to the original! It's easy to say, but it's extremely difficult to do. Not to mention Xing Tian's own other powers, just the power of this incomparably familiar Three Thousand Great Dao, can not truly be integrated into one, one can imagine that he is separated from the real ten thousand. How far will the Dao return to the Yuan, but Xing Tian believes that as long as he perseveres, he will be able to succeed, and he will definitely be able to complete this ten thousand roads to the Yuan, so that all his avenues can be integrated, and he will come out of his own real avenue!

The more he explored his own potential, the more Xing Tian understood how difficult it was for him to integrate the ten thousand ways, and he also understood the unfathomable nature of the world, and an unprecedented sense of guilty arose in his heart. An unspeakable sense of insignificance, which is insignificant compared to the vast world. Only the more you understand, the more you know your own shortcomings. Compared to heaven and earth, although he has three big worlds, he is still just ants, not only himself, even those two ultimate civilizations who are fighting wildly are ants in front of heaven and earth, and they will be crushed at any time.

As long as you can’t detach yourself from the world, you can’t do your own life and death. It is naturally vulnerable to the general situation. What is the general trend, the world is the general trend, and there is only one way to get rid of the world and beyond, and that is to strengthen yourself. When one day I know everything about the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and everything is invisible in front of my own eyes, when my own world and power can ignore the world, then I will be detached from the world. .


Such a thought suddenly surged in Xing Tian's heart, and a space in his mind fell into a short-lived epiphany. With a bang, Xing Tian's body and mind shook for a while, and he quickly woke up from the epiphany. His mind had touched the bottom line of heaven and earth, heaven and earth. Xingtian's will would not allow Xing Tian to have such an idea, so disaster struck.

When Xing Tian looked around, he saw a violent shaking of the entire heaven and earth space in his eyes. The power of the origin of the heaven and earth galloping horizontally and horizontally was extremely violent, and the origin of the space showed signs of instability. It seemed that the entire space of the Shenshan core battlefield would be affected by those two. The impact of the two major formations created by the Great Civilization is generally annihilated, and the entire sacred mountain will be destroyed by this force.

The sacred mountain is the pillar that supports this ancient battlefield world. If the sacred mountain is destroyed, the entire world will collapse. Xing Tian also thought that the sacred mountain that supports the world might be destroyed in this racial decisive battle, but this is just one Thought, Xing Tian believes that everything has not gone too bad, even if the will of heaven and earth wants to change the world, it will not easily shake the foundation of the world, but now it seems that he is wrong. The will of heaven and earth is to bury the two civilizations. All the main force, to change the protagonist of the world, perhaps the existence of two major civilizations has threatened the security of the will of the world!

How could this be? What is the will of heaven and earth going to do? Does the war of extinction really start? This time the natural disaster is not only aimed at the two major civilizations, but aimed at the entire world, so that all creatures in the world will be destroyed? Suddenly, all kinds of doubts arose in Xing Tian's heart, but unfortunately no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

Another loud noise rang in my ears, and the mountain was shaking violently. This horrible shaking made Xing Tian’s figure standing in the void unable to resist a violent shaking, and almost fell down without a load. That violent power, as if at this moment, all the power of the heavens and the earth in the entire Shenshan battlefield was violent, and all the laws became fierce, like a sharp blade tearing everything around, making Xing Tian His body was in pain.

Even a powerful physical body like Xing Tian can feel this way. One can imagine how terrifying this violent aura is, and this is just the beginning. With the violent nature of heaven and earth, gradually Xing Tian’s blood fluctuates, and gradually If you don't control yourself, your chest seems to be holding a mouthful of blood, which is extremely uncomfortable! When Xing Tian looked around again, all the vegetation on the sacred mountain seemed to be unable to withstand such a shock, and instantly turned to fly ash.

Is this caused by the power of the will of heaven and earth, or is it caused by the terrifying collision of the two great civilizations? There was some doubt in Xing Tian's heart, but there was no answer at all, because no one would tell Xing Tian that the ultimate powerhouses of the two major civilizations at this moment were completely crazy, and there was no other existence in their eyes. It was only the enemy who was fighting, the rumbling and shaking sound was endless, the space of Shenshan Heaven and Earth was shaking again and again, Xing Tian even saw several strong men responsible for presiding over the two major civilization formations turned into fly ash in the terrifying shaking.

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