God of Destruction

Chapter 2915: Upheaval

Chapter 2915 Upheaval

At this time, Xing Tian thought he should have a conversation with Xuan Yu and You Xin. This was not only for his own safety, but also for the survival of the entire tribal civilization. Maybe they had good arrangements, but they really could be here soon. Can it be realized in the changing world? Xingtian didn’t hold much hope for this. Once the Great Tribulation of the World Destruction occurs, any change can happen. No one can truly grasp the direction of the Great Tribulation. Even Xuan Yu and You Xin have experienced the destruction of the world once. The Great Tribulation is also unable to grasp the trend of the Great Tribulation, after all, their strength is too weak to grasp the overall situation.

Not to mention the existence of Xuan Yu and You Xin, even the powerful ancient gods and demons could not control the general situation of the world. They want to manipulate this world extinction catastrophe, it is just a joke, what arrangement, in the real extinction They were not able to withstand a single blow in front of the robbery. They were able to escape the robbery in the Third Civilization Era. It was because of their weak strength. This time they were afraid that they would not have such a chance. What's more, they are still trying their best to seize the world of heaven. Master this world of heaven.

Although only a comprehensive understanding of the land of the Lord of Destruction’s punishment, Xing Tian can conclude that this world of heaven is going to change, the whole world is going to change, and the whole world will be there. I was trembling during this dramatic change, and I was not far from the Great Tribulation of World Destruction, I had to prepare in advance. The three worlds of oneself are unsustainable, and that little power of oneself is unsustainable, and one needs time to grow and develop oneself.

While Xing Tian led the tribe leaders who followed him forward, he did not encounter any obstacles again, because Xing Tian with one experience can grasp the power of this heavenly world and avoid all dangers directly. To the core of this heavenly world, like that Xuanyu and Youxin, can move freely. Although this trace of power seems nothing, but in this heavenly world, it is like a fish in water, without fear of heavy obstacles. .

Xing Tian was advancing, and that Chongtian ushered in a terrifying upheaval in the core of the world. He has always been optimistic about by Xuan Yu and You Xin, and the strong support of Zhan Tian has finally completed its confrontation with the Chong Tian. The refining of the origin of the world, a mysterious power condensed on his body, and a terrifying pressure radiated from his body. Although Zhan Tian has not woken up yet, his body has changed and has been The guardian Xuan Yu and You Xin were shocked.

"How is this possible? This is the breath of ancient times. How could Zhantian suddenly change his own origin and move closer to the ancient avenue? What is going on, can it be said that there is still hidden in this world of heaven? A deeper secret!" When seeing the change in Zhan Tian's body, Xuan Yu and You Xin were stunned by the shock.


This is not a general change. It is an essential change. Although it is just the beginning, Xuan Yu and You Xin understand that this is unstoppable. Such a change is out of their grasp, and once Zhan Tian is completed With this change, he will no longer be a member of the tribe. He has transcended tribal civilization and has become the existence of ancient civilization. In their hearts, this ancient road is a forbidden existence and is not allowed in the road of heaven and earth. The presence.

There are gains and losses. The emergence of this world of heaven is not as simple as Xuan Yu and You Xin thought. Although they have experienced the destruction of a civilization era, their understanding of ancient times is still very limited. The understanding is still very limited. From the moment they made arrangements, from the moment Zhantian devoted himself to the sacrifice of the origin of the world, everything changed, and everything was developing in an unknown direction. Everything has deviated from the original track.

"This is the atmosphere of fighting and fighting, and the power of the ancient fighting road. Could it be that this world of heaven is a big world condensed by the fighting gods and demons? How is this possible? Hasn't he been completely destroyed in that world? In the midst of the robbery, how could the Heaven and Earth Dadao still retain his inheritance and still exist in this world of heaven!" At this time, Xuan Yu's face had become a little pale, this kind of unexpected change Make her heart uneasy.

"It is indeed the Avenue of Fighting Battles. Although the atmosphere of this Avenue is still weak, this is the Avenue of Fighting Gods and Demons. Didn't he be besieged and killed by the heroes at the first moment of the Great Tribulation? There is a great way to pass down, can it be said that he was also prepared long ago, leaving behind for himself, if this is the situation of Zhantian, it will be dangerous, I don’t know if he can fight the power of Zhantian gods and demons, can he? To resolve this crisis, if we can’t, then our trouble will be great!” In contrast, You Xin’s heart is even more disturbed. You must know that this is not a general crisis. It is related to the life and death of tribal civilization. If he fails, the fighting **** and demon will take Zhantian's body and live again.

"It seems that the Great Tribulation of the World Destruction is about to come in full, and our time is really running out. If the ancient powerhouses in this world of heaven are resurrected, the ancient road will definitely return to heaven and earth, and the whole world will be pushed there. In the midst of the Great Tribulation of the World, we must also be prepared and can no longer be so conservative. We also need to strengthen ourselves, and we also need to embark on the ancient road! Regardless of the success or failure of the battle, our tribal civilization has no choice. Now!" Xuan Yu soon woke up, his eyes revealed an extremely firm expression, no longer repelling the ancient avenue, who made everything out of control!

If you get it, you will lose your way. Today's Zhantian has gained the way. It has been inherited from the power of the ancient Third Civilization era. It has already embarked on the ancient avenue. This is an unchangeable fact. The tribal civilization wants to seize that ray of life. They can only change themselves accordingly, and the ancient road is their only opportunity, and also the only opportunity for all beings in this world.

If you want to fight against the ancient strong, fight for the luck of the day and the place, and fight for that gleam of life, they can't do it with just their own strength. It is only the ancient road that can fight against the ancient strong, and only the ancient road can. Against the ancient avenue, the incomplete avenue, and the avenue restricted by the heaven and earth avenue, it cannot defeat those strong men who have been resurrected since ancient times. They cannot confront them head-on. Others don’t know how powerful the ancient strong men are. The creatures of the Third Civilization Era, Xuan Yu and You Xin understood the gap between them.

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