God of Destruction

Chapter 2949: Hesitation

Chapter 2949 Hesitation

The Chongtian world is changing, but Xing Tian is still cautiously staying in the void, not daring to make any rash moves, quietly waiting, waiting for the king of life to take action, Xing Tian believes that facing such a situation, The king of life will definitely take action. After all, this world of heaven is the home of all the powerhouses of the Third Civilization Era. It is impossible for him to watch his homeland be corroded by external forces, and get out of his grasp little by little. In the unknown direction, even if there is a chance that can be saved, he will act, and he will not give up the sovereignty of this heavenly world!

With sovereignty, it means that there is still hope for everything. If sovereignty is lost, then everything is really hopeless. Xing Tian understands this, and the King of Life understands that even Zhan Tian understands it, because they have all come into contact with the most fundamental of this world. They all understand the role of the origin of the world of heaven. It is precisely because they understand all this that Xingtian understands the feelings of the king of life at this time!

How to choose, this has become the king of life’s biggest problem. A person’s power is limited, and there are countless heavenly worlds he can master. If the king of life wants to control all the heavenly worlds in his own In his hands, that is absolutely self-defeating, he must give up something, and the abandoned world of heaven is Xingtian's opportunity.

Seize the sovereignty of the heavenly world? No, Xing Tian never thought of doing this. Xing Tian didn’t want to let himself be closely connected with this world of heaven. It was not a good thing for him. After all, Xing Tian knew too little about the world of heaven. , And after endless years, how many calculations of the Great Heaven and Earth Great Dao there are in this world of heaven and earth is unknown. Xing Tian didn't want to fall into the calculation of the Great Great Heaven and Earth Great Dao because of temporary greed.

Time passed bit by bit. Although the king of life still did nothing, Xing Tian was not in a hurry. Instead, he quietly hid in the void and watched. No matter how the king of life delayed time, he finally All have to make a choice, as long as you know this, it is enough for Xing Tian, ​​and you can calmly watch everything in the void.

Xing Tian, ​​who practices the Three Thousand Dao, never has to worry that the Chongtian world he plundered will not be integrated into himself, so any Chongtian world is no different from Xingtian. The only thing that worries Xingtian is time and worry. There will be changes in the ancient battlefield world, and I am worried that other worlds will undergo shocking changes. After all, the whole world is one, and the world is shocking. I am afraid that many worlds will change, and this change is likely to make the situation even more out of control.

While Xing Tian was waiting, the ancient battlefield world changed. Because of the return of many powerful men, and they came so crazy, they soon caught the Zerg army by surprise, killing the Zerg as a river of blood. Killed the originally violent Zerg in a big defeat and retreated, regained many lost ground, and gathered the surviving creatures.


Although it can’t be said that a battle was set, but this time the frenzied counterattack by all parties directly suppressed the worm tide. Such a result shocked Xing Tian. You must know that under the previous worm tide, the entire ancient battlefield The world has suffered heavy losses, but this time the worm wave is so weak, which makes Xing Tian's heart unavoidably doubtful, even wondering if this is a conspiracy.

It’s not just Xing Tian’s heart that has such an idea, all the powerful people from all sides also have such an idea. Although they have achieved staged victory, they have more anxiety in their hearts. Under the influence, those strong from various forces secretly connected and communicated with each other in order to find the weakness of this conspiracy.

Only this time, these people were disappointed. They didn't find any problems at all, as if the worms were so weak and vulnerable. This result made them feel more anxious.

"How can this happen? The Zerg can't be so weak. I believe there must be a big conspiracy. Since we can't find the conspiracy, then we should attack with all our strength and hit Huanglong to kill the Zerg’s lair. Eliminate the Zerg, so that when we go to the Heavenly World again next time, the Zerg will plot against us again!"

"Well said, I agree with this suggestion. Nothing, no end, and direct extermination of the Zerg. Only in this way can we be able to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the struggle for the heavenly world. I believe that everyone present will not Will give up the huge benefits in the heavenly world, and even if we are willing to give up, the **** in the heavenly world will not necessarily get along with us in peace. Their purpose is very clear. Our existence is for them. Say that is a threat!"

One after another voices of discussion continued to sound, and many powerful men were arguing with each other. As they said, no one is willing to give up the interests of the heavenly world, even if the heavenly world is in great danger. They are also willing to give it a go, and if they want to do this, there needs to be a prerequisite, which is to eliminate the threat of Zerg. You must know that they don't want to see the third worm wave appear, and can't afford the third worm wave, so if they want to attack the Great World, they must first destroy the Zerg!

In fact, these people’s worries are right. This time why the Zerg is so weak? This is not a conspiracy, but a problem with the worm mother, so that the power of the worm is greatly weakened, or else these people have rushed back. , Not to mention the defeat of the insect tide, it is hard to say whether you can save your life. The worm tide formed by the zerg army under the command of the worm mother is one level, and the worm tide without the command of the worm mother is another situation.

During that dispute, the various forces gradually reached an agreement, and finally decided to send troops together to destroy the Zerg. Although for many small forces, they are not willing to accept such a result, but in that righteousness Under the oppression of, they had to agree, otherwise they would not wait for the worms to kill the door, and the big forces would concentrate their efforts to destroy their unconscious existence first. You must know that at this time, there is no kindness at all. If they are not friends, they are enemies. There is no intermediate position for them. If someone wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, they will definitely be ruined. Unless they have the ability of Xingtian tribe, they can use the small world to directly pull the whole The creatures of the tribe leave this world!

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