God of Destruction

Chapter 2989: Change every day

Chapter 2989

"Who is it? Can he hide in this heavenly world without being discovered? When he left, he caused the world to shake, and things that even the Lord of Destruction could not do appeared in him. What is this? What's going on?" The Lord of Life couldn't help but lose his voice when he saw the shock of the Great Heaven World. Such a shock made his confidence hit once again.

"Good familiar breath, who is it that can cause this change in the heavenly world? Why do I have a familiar feeling about this aura? Could it be that he is not an ancient powerhouse in the heavenly world?" Another strong man, Zhan Tian, ​​couldn’t help being shocked by what happened before him. Although it was said that after everyone left the Chongtian world, the whole Chongtian world was constantly changing and transforming towards a better direction, but in his heart But there is no happiness at all, on the contrary the pressure is heavier.

For Zhantian, the longer time dragged on, the more disadvantaged he would be, and the more ancient powerhouses would be resurrected in this world of heaven. Even at this moment, Zhantian was worried about the shock that just appeared. Whether the change is also the resurrection of the ancient powerhouse, knowing that one person is resurrected, it is enough to show that the ancient powerhouse in this entire world has a chance to be resurrected.

There are many resurrected powerhouses, and Zhan Tian is worried that the first heavenly world that he controls will be transferred, and his life will be threatened. After all, he is the only one in this heavenly world, with his power alone. It was difficult to fight against the ancient powerhouses in the entire Heavenly World, and it was precisely because of the worries in his heart that Zhan Tian had forgotten the familiar aura before.

Xing Tian’s departure made the entire Chongtian world calm again, and his departure completely took away the origin of the destruction of the Third Civilization World, lost the origin of the destruction of the Great Avenue, and made the Third Civilization era no longer consummated, and let it continue. The strong who want to resurrect the Third Civilization Era are doomed to be disappointed, but now that the secrets are unpredictable, the Lord of Life still does not know all this.

When Xing Tian's body was completely separated from this world of heaven. An inexplicable feeling flooded my heart, leaving the Lord of Life with a faint loss, but he did not know why this loss, but soon the Lord of Life had no such worries and concerns. With Xingtian's departure, With the disappearance of the origin of the last Dao of Destruction, the powerhouse of the Third Civilization Era in the World of Heaven adds a point of recovery power, because the existence of the origin of the Dao of Destruction has made this world more alive. .

The change in the world of the heavens and earth did not notice the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, nor did the insect mother notice it. It seems that the sentient beings in the heaven and the earth did not feel this shocking change. Perhaps the origin of the Zerg world has blocked everything, so that they will not be aware of it. , So why is this also part of the great trend of the world, and all this is what the great trend of heaven and earth must happen.

auzw.com When the deity made a decision, Xingtian’s puppet was relieved physically and mentally. Although the deity has not yet descended into this Zerg world, everything is now developing in its own favor. This makes Xingtian's puppet clone unhappy.

Breaking through the barriers of the Chongtian world and returning to the ancient battlefield world, Xing Tian returned to his tribe for the first time, without any lies or promises. Xing Tian directly expressed his thoughts and let the Wu tribe’s All sentient beings choose. Although the Wu tribe is very important to Xingtian, Xingtian never thought of forcing the other party to stand with him and keep it for himself. Even if it is the war gods world, Xingtian is willing to give up, which shows Xingtian’s determination. Big.

Lu was placed in front of the people of the Wu tribe. Although they were shocked by Xingtian’s decision, no one stood up to question Xingtian, and no one stood up to resist, even though there were not many people who wanted to leave the tribe. For those who wanted to leave the tribe, Xing Tian did not blame, let alone embarrassed them, allowing them to leave freely.

Almost 90% of the people are willing to continue to follow Xing Tian, ​​to obey Xing Tian’s orders, and to break away directly from tribal civilization. They have no relationship anymore. They even agree with Xing Tian’s decision to cut the last touch with the tribal civilization. Change the name of the tribe directly and retreat from the tribal civilization.

When the war flag of the Wu tribe, the altar of the Wu tribe, and all the treasures related to tribal civilization were completely destroyed, the luck of tribal civilization fluctuated violently, and the last link between Xing Tian and tribal civilization was completely cut off. , The luck of the tribal civilization was greatly lost in an instant, and many powerful people in the tribal civilization felt an inexplicable change, as if a trace of power was taken away from their bodies, leaving the whole person a little empty, as if The most important thing is lost.

The sky has changed, the luck of the tribal civilization has changed, all the tribes are disappointed, and the mood of the three ultimate powerhouses is extremely low. They all want to figure out what this sudden change is, but unfortunately However, they are obstructed by the power of the world's origin. They have no way of knowing the changes in the ancient battlefield world. They don’t know that the Wu tribe of Xingtian has cut off the connection with the tribal civilization, let alone how amazing their losses will be this time. Know how dangerous your situation is!

The death battle is on the verge. Whether it is Xingtian’s puppet clone, insect mother, or Tiandi Dadao, they are already on the line and have to fight. In this battle, none of them have a retreat. The first battle is either victory or death. There is no other choice. , Even the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth is the same, because this is the world of the Zerg race, this is not its world. Once it fails, its spiritual will, this clone will be completely perished here, this is the confrontation of the world, nothing else Possible.

"Come to fight, life and death are in this battle. It is life or death. It depends on our respective destinies. You don't want to be swallowed by the great road of the day and earth. Then don't fight with me, as long as you can kill me and take me. Origin, even if the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth descends, it is not your opponent. On the contrary, your blood can only be sucked away by me!" With a deep cry, Xing Tian’s puppet clone moved, and his fists were thrown out again, destroying The power of the Dao burst out, and under the battle of life and death, this puppet clone has no reservations.

"War!" Faced with Xingtian's attack, the insect mother also let go of everything at this time, no longer paying attention to the suppression of Tiandi Dadao on her, and doing her best to fight Xingtian's puppet clone, just as Xingtian puppet clone said, As long as it can kill the opponent, it will be able to swallow the opponent's origin, strengthen itself in one fell swoop, and smash the conspiracy and conspiracy of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!

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