God of Destruction

Chapter 3019: Festival clearance

Chapter 3009 Clearance

Death battle, this is a death battle of either you or me. No one dares to have a trace of luck, especially those ultimate powerhouses who are a little unconfident in their own strength, suddenly trapped in the world of heaven. Among them, they can't help but feel a little worried, and under the pressure of this worry, under the threat of death, the fierce thoughts in their hearts are fully aroused, turning them into beasts. Just as crazy, to destroy all enemies in front of you.

Almost all Chongtian worlds are facing the invasion of the army led by the ultimate powerhouse, so the whole Chongtian world is caught in the flames of war, and as this frantic killing continues, the flames of war are burning more fiercely. When I get up, the evil aura between the heavens and the earth is even more intense, and the entire world is enveloped by that evil aura, which makes all beings in the world feel uneasy.

At this time, the mind that had been hidden in the dark and wanted to take advantage of the will of the world became restless. Originally, it was waiting for the Third Civilization Era to fight and lose with many forces before jumping. It came out, but after the sudden change in the situation, it didn’t dare to have such thoughts anymore, because it didn’t know how crazy the powerhouses of the Third Civilization Era would be, and whether they would continue to forcibly awaken those sleeping. The strong.

"Can't wait any longer, otherwise there is really no chance. Under this kind of battle, it is impossible to reap the benefits of the fishermen. Then the lunatics of the Third Civilization Era will not fail to prevent them!" Speaking of this, the will of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth also locked in an uninvaded world of heaven and earth, and directly killed it. Without waiting for the Lord of Life and the Lord of the Earth, the powers of the Third Civilization Era to respond, they forced it. Begin to sacrifice this heavenly world.

As the will of heaven and earth, it is not difficult to sacrifice a world of heaven and earth. It is not difficult for it. After all, the original will of the world of heaven and earth has not been fully awakened, and it is impossible to fight against itself, let alone the will of heaven and earth. Being able to master a little bit of the power of the origin of heaven and earth, can suppress the origin of the heavenly world, and make one's own sacrifices faster.

"Asshole, I know that the will of Tiandi Dadao will not let go of this opportunity, and now we are really in a big trouble, this **** has also jumped out, it seems that this situation is getting more and more unfavorable for us!" When he rushed into a heavenly world and forcibly sacrificed the origin of the heavenly world, the Lord of Life immediately noticed it, but now he couldn't get out to stop it, and now the will of the great heaven and earth has jumped out, who can dare to guarantee that there is nothing else The strong also jumped out to participate in this battle.

"Lord of life, we still need to continue to forcibly wake up more companions, or it will be unimaginable, even if we sacrifice their future, we must also protect the world from the enemy. This is our mission. Now We have no choice!" Faced with tremendous pressure, the Lord of the Earth once again made this crazy suggestion!


Time waits for no one. This time, all the powerhouses of the Third Civilization Era have no time to consider and discuss, because the pressure they face is too great, so large that they can face death directly, in such a critical situation. Under the circumstances, no matter how much kindness is in the Lord of Life, he has to compromise again. After all, this is related to everyone's survival.

The Lord of Life sighed once again, nodded and said in a deep voice: "Do it, as you said, we have no choice but to let go. This time we are evasive, we can only Just bite the bullet and go on!"

When the Great Tribulation of World Destruction arrives, as long as it is the creatures in the world, they all need to bite the bullet and continue. This is the general trend of the world. In the face of the general trend of the world, no matter how powerful you are, you have to compromise, not to mention The Lord of Life himself does not have the ability to go against the sky, unable to face the crushing of the world, so he can only compromise.

At this time, the Lord of Life couldn’t help sighing in his heart: “Perhaps everyone was too self-righteous and too self-confident. The catastrophe of the world is not as simple as imagined. He wants to resurrect all the people in the new era. The powerhouse of the Three Civilization Era, forcibly reviving the entire Third Civilization dynasty, it is an impossible result. It is just that it is just the beginning to face such a terrible crush. If you wait for the resurrection of the many more hidden ancient powerhouses, then What will happen? Perhaps from beginning to end, our so-called avoiding the catastrophe of the world is just a joke. It is in the grasp of others and a **** in their hands!"

Although the Lord of Life is unwilling to believe his guess, and even more unwilling to accept this possible fact, he has to face all this and he has to be vigilant about it. After all, in the face of the general trend of the world, he is just one Being like an ant, it can't control its own destiny, but can only move forward with the billowing current.

The sky has changed, and the hidden powerhouses are all anxious. This change in the heavens and the world is a test, and it is also the first clearing of the field in the great tribulation of heaven and earth. It will clear out those who do not know how to advance and retreat, and have no strength. Saying that this was a frantic clearing before the Great Tribulation of World Destruction began. Xing Tian knew this in his heart. The ancient gods and spirits in the desert of death also knew it, because when the killing continued, they could all feel a little bit The faint power of the world-destroying origin grows in this world, absorbing the endless evil spirit, and when this trace of the world-destroying origin grows to a certain extent, it is when the real world-destroying comes, then the real death The crisis will fall from the sky and deal a devastating blow to all living beings.

"I hope these **** can hold on for a little longer, so that the puppet clone has more time to refine the Zerg world, so that they can have enough time to prepare for everything, otherwise this time things are really big! "Faced with such a crazy situation, Xing Tian's heart was deeply moved, and it was extremely heavy. The time left for myself is too short, and I am eager to have enough time to prepare, but I can't help myself to make all of this.

In the face of this world-destroying catastrophe, let alone Xingtian, no matter how strong it is, no one can be the master. This is the great power of heaven and earth, and all forces in front of the great power of heaven and earth will be crushed. No force can stop the formation of the great power of heaven and earth. The torrent, anyone who dares to block will be crushed by the torrent!

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