God of Destruction

Chapter 3024: Festival divides the world

Chapter Three Thousand and Twenty-Four Split the World

When there is pressure, there is motivation. Under this huge pressure, the potential of Xingtian’s puppet clone is gradually released. The power of destroying the world and his original treasure, the great mill of destroying the world, are constantly running together, letting This puppet avatar, respected by the Great Way of Destruction, gradually accepted the power of destruction. Although the process was slow, it was a good start. Even if the Xingtian avatar paid a heavy price for it, It is worthwhile in the long run.

The power of destroying the world that is run in by the ultimate treasure of the own puppet clone, the great mill of destroying the world, is completely the power of the Xingtian puppet clone itself, and will not be affected by external forces. Even the black hand behind the scenes cannot use it. Xing Tian’s puppet clone was influenced by the power of exterminating the world. Xing Tian always treats external forces with care from beginning to end, without any carelessness. He has seen too many killings, too many conspiracies, Xing Tian profoundly Understand a truth, only one's own power is truly one's own, and all the power obtained by relying on external forces will have hidden dangers!

Under such a world environment where the future cannot be clearly seen, under such an environment full of endless destruction, under the coming catastrophe, any trace of carelessness will bring endless endlessness to oneself. The troubles brought by endless crises, even a little-minded powerhouse would not make such a choice. The most important thing is that the one who jumped out first may not be the last, so at this time, in this situation Under the circumstances, Xing Tian needs to be more cautious.

After carefully separating the origin of the Zerg world, Xing Tian’s puppet clone began to move the origin that he had mastered even more carefully, heading towards the edge of that world, and taking a third of the world of the Zerg. The intact environment transfer allows oneself to fully control this one-third of the world, waiting for the time to come and completely split the Zerg world.

When calculating the Zerg world, Xing Tian’s puppet clone was also carefully watching all the actions of the Zerg army, trying to find the Zerg mother clone among the many Zerg army, but Xing Tian was greatly disappointed in the end. No matter how hard he made, no matter how much effort he expended, there was no way to find the worm mother clone from the Zerg army. This result shocked Xing Tian's mind. This result was also unacceptable for him. .


"Could it be that the **** of the Zerg mother is really dead? It really hasn't left a clone in the world of the Zerg, and is not ready for its resurrection?" Xing Tian couldn't help but have a little doubt in his heart, but very The mind of Kuai Xing Tian’s puppet clone became firm again: “No, it’s impossible. It’s impossible for the worm mother that **** to be unprepared, and it’s impossible to give himself up like this. If it has no ambitions, if it really has to be dedicated to this zerg. As far as the world is concerned, it is still possible, but it does not exist at all. Otherwise, it is impossible for it to cultivate so many Zerg armies mastering different avenues. This **** must have been prepared long ago, but it is difficult for me for a while. I found it!"

When thinking of this, suddenly a flash of light flashed from the heart of Xingtian’s puppet clone, and then Xingtian’s puppet clone frowned and secretly said, "Damn, that **** might have cast all the clones on those Among the army of all forces, when the **** blew himself up and died, with the help of everyone’s shock, he merged into the clone, taking the opportunity to get out of the Zerg world. If this is the case, then there is nothing wrong with it. Trouble!"

For the worm mother, such a situation is not impossible. After all, such a method Xing Tian has already seen in the world of heaven. The most important thing is that only with this method can the worm mother be able to completely recover from this. Only when you get out of the world of the Zerg, can you not be affected by the power of destroying the world, and will no longer be the messenger of the world. As for the Zerg world, as well as the Zerg army in this world, it can be discarded by the Zerg mother. After all, this world or army has a strong influence on the world, and it is difficult to get rid of the world. The impact of the Great Tribulation, giving up is nothing to the insect mother.

Of course, the most important thing is that as long as the worm mother merges into the big forces of all parties, there will be a chance to seize the heavenly world, and with the help of her own identity, once again pull up an army that truly belongs to her. Appeared between the world and the earth, and it was completely free from all entanglements at that time, so this war in the Zerg world has probably already been calculated by this bastard, and all this is probably just its layout. , What I saw and experienced before was probably arranged by the worm mother long ago. From the birth of the Zerg army, from the beginning of this war, it was under the careful arrangement of the worm mother!

Although Xing Tian is very reluctant to accept such speculations and believe his own speculations, he deeply understands a truth in his heart. The more unwilling to accept the result, the more likely it is to be true. The result of this has had too many blows for myself, but I have to face it, because if I can’t even accept this kind of result, even this setback, then what resources are there to continue practicing here? Walking down the avenue, how to face the more brutal and terrifying world extinction that is coming, and face more challenges and killings.

After thinking of this, Xing Tian’s puppet clone took a deep breath, and recovered the ups and downs. All this is just the beginning. Even if the layout of the insect mother is more powerful, this is only the beginning, if he is what he is. I haven’t found out that it may be calculated by the bastard, and it will become a substitute for it, but now everything has not developed to this point. I have penetrated its conspiracy. Naturally, it can turn disadvantages into advantages. Following the calculations of the worm mother, let herself get more benefits from this crazy upheaval, such an astonishing change in the world, and this world of the zerg is just the beginning. The worm mother can calculate herself, what can she do? It is not yet possible to calculate it the other way around. Perhaps the worm mother felt that she had already escaped from this crazy battle and was unaffected, but its plan was not very beautiful. It was still in this zerg world. It has the flesh and blood of its real body, and I can use it to figure it out and let it know how powerful it is!

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