God of Destruction

Chapter 3041: Broken World

Chapter 3401: Broken World

Tribal civilizations have endless regrets in their hearts, and the regrets in the hearts of the third-generation civilization powerhouses who are in charge of the heavenly world are heavier than them. If they could recognize the situation earlier, they would not end up like this, or lose so. Disastrous, not to mention that above the manpower, the loss of the first world is a heavy blow to them, and now it is too difficult to reconcile a world in the world, and the price paid is too terrible. .

I don’t know how the situation in other worlds is, but for the ancient battlefield world today, all forces have suffered considerable losses, and this loss is difficult to recover in a short time, but they have no choice but to endure this. The result, especially the slaughter **** and demon, this **** and demon transformed from the will of heaven and earth, even if he knew how good this war was to himself, but he didn’t dare to make a move. Suffering.

This is the general trend of the world, this is the test. If he can't even pass this test, he is not qualified to face the real catastrophe. As for Xingtian, he doesn't have the mind to fight with others now, and his energy is devoted to it. On top of the clone and cast onto the Zerg world, once the situation is dangerous, Xing Tian deity will not hesitate at all, and will directly tear open the Zerg world and rescue his own puppet clone, even if it is to bear a little causal karma. No matter what.

Why in this short period of time, Xingtian deity would suddenly make such a decision, because the puppet clone has made new discoveries, and this discovery shocked the Xingtian deity. If this discovery spreads, I’m afraid the whole All sentient beings in the world will be astonished, because all this is incredible, everything is incredible.

What discovery made Xing Tian so shocked? It is the mystery of the world, the mystery of this world, the mystery of the ancient world, in the origin of extinction, in the origin of the Zerg world, there is a mysterious and broken world, that world exudes a strong ancient aura, That breath shocked Xingtian’s puppet clones. The simplicity of this breath surpassed the breath of the First Civilization Age and the Golden Age that he knew. This shows that before that golden age, before the ancient gods and demons, Be civilized!

It’s just that this broken world can’t be discovered by everyone in the power of the world’s origin of destruction, and the most important thing is that this broken world is connected to the origin of the Zerg world. When this was discovered, Xing Tian In his heart, he instantly understood the insidious intentions of the worm mother. Before, he underestimated the worm mother, thinking that the worm mother was to get rid of the constraints of the power of exterminating the world, and wanted to get rid of the limitation of the black hand behind the scenes. In fact, this is only the surface. The other party’s real purpose is likely to be this broken world. As the master of the Zerg world, Xing Tian doesn’t think that in those endless years, the Zerg mother will not find the existence of this broken world. Detonate the entire Zerg world, and then seize this broken world.


Although Xingtian still doesn’t know what this broken world is, one thing Xingtian can understand is that there are absolutely amazing secrets in this broken world. Even this secret is likely to be related to the whole world and the whole world, and it may also make I knew what kind of black hand was behind the scenes. It was precisely because of this kind of speculation in his heart that Xing Tian decided to give it a go. Even if the deity paid a little price, he would not hesitate. As long as he can get the secret of the broken world, everything will be paid. It is worth it!

After exhausting hard work and paying a huge price, Xingtian’s puppet clone entered the broken world without disturbing the power of the world-destroying origin. Fortunately, this world is already broken and incomplete, and has long been lost. Because of all the original will, Xingtian’s puppet clone was not blocked too much. Of course, the most important thing is that Xingtian’s puppet clone can enter so smoothly, not only because of the power of its original treasure, the great mill of destruction. It's even more because he has three inner worlds as his support. If he wants to sneak into it, he will be sucked away by the broken world. One must know that not any creature can pay such a huge price for the original source. Perhaps this is also the worm mother. The reason for being blocked.

Entering into that broken world, in the dark sky, there are no stars, no sun and moon. Above the earth, there is only a vast ocean, and no land can be seen. The whole world is surrounded by the vast ocean. It is not so much a world as it is a vast ocean. There is nothing in the whole world. The earth, there is only the boundless ocean.

Such an astonishing situation shocked Xingtian’s puppet clones. Such a world is really weird. What makes Xingtian most uneasy is that, unlike the normal world, Xingtian can’t feel any vitality in this world. , The entire vast ocean is lifeless, without the slightest sign of life, giving people the feeling that the entire world and the entire ocean are dead.

A world without life, a world without creatures, this shows that this broken world has lost its origin, lost everything, and can no longer recover. This is a dead world, a world without any hope! In this world, Xing Tian’s puppet clone can clearly feel that his body is being corroded by the force of death. If his body is not a puppet, not flesh and blood, I’m afraid it will Being sucked away by the deadly world.

"What is going on in this broken world? Why is it like this? No matter how broken the world is, there should be a little bit of life. The world without life should have been shattered long ago. Why does it exist in the origin of the world? In the middle, there is a connection with the Zerg world, what secrets are hidden behind all this!" Xing Tian frowned and looked at the scene in front of him. He was a little unbelievable about all of this in his heart. This world is really weird and beyond. My own imagination.

Since Xing Tian's puppet clone entered this world, what came into view was such a lifeless, dark world without light. The sky is full of darkness like death, and the gray sky seems to hide a great crisis, even if it is his own puppet clone, he dare not touch it easily, because the gray sky seems to be able to swallow all vitality. Destroying all living beings, such a weird performance made Xing Tian's puppet clone couldn't help but face it with great energy.

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