God of Destruction

Chapter 3044: Conscientious crisis

Chapter 3044: Daoist Crisis

Destruction Avenue! Under the effect of chance, Xing Tian’s puppet clone is evolving, and the increase in Destruction Avenue makes his puppet body stronger. There is a hint of vitality in the origin of destruction, and this vitality appears. It is a manifestation of the ultimate destruction of the Great Dao, and such a change will only occur when the power reaches the end.

All that destroys is life. Although the vitality on Xingtian's puppet clone is still so weak and weak, it has brought changes to Xingtian's puppet clone, allowing this puppet's body to begin to transform into a real creature. The puppet’s body began to have the possibility of getting rid of the puppet’s body, but in this case, in the face of such a crisis, such a change is not necessarily a good thing for the puppet clone. After all, this is a deadly world. All vitality will be swallowed by this world!

"Damn, what should I do to keep this vitality in my puppet's real body from being robbed by that external force, how can I keep my path of destruction from being interfered by external forces?" Anxious Xing Tian felt a bit more in his heart. Feeling helpless, facing such a weird and terrifying world, he was really powerless at this time, and a deep sense of despair came to his heart.

Maybe this is destiny, maybe this is the test. Any chance is not so beautiful. It will be accompanied by endless crises. Any practice needs to face the threat of death, only under the endless pressure, only in that Under the impact of terror, only then could I truly understand the great road, the world, and all the power of oneself.

Without waiting for Xingtian to make a counterattack, his puppet’s real body was quickly submerged by that stream of light, and then the whole body was silently annihilated, everything was so peaceful, everything was so weird, and this way The streamer disappeared into the sea immediately, as if it had never appeared before, everything above the endless ocean was that calm!

Xingtian’s puppet body was submerged by the stream of light, but his will, his soul was not destroyed, even under the induction of his soul, his puppet body seemed to still exist, but this existence was different from before. It is different, it becomes so emptiness and misty, as if the body of the entity has transformed into the body of nothingness, and the body is fully energized.

When he found that he still hadn’t gotten rid of the crisis and was still facing the threat of death, a faint smile appeared on the face of Xing Tian’s energized body, even though Xing Tian’s puppet clone had no much hope at this time. , It can even be said that he has been desperate and gave up everything, but the more so, the calmer his heart is, and the more his emptiness is constantly changing, the most important thing is that the faint vitality is silent No interest is blended into it.


It's a pity that Xingtian's puppet clone has not focused on this at this time, did not feel the change in his body, but thought indifferently: "Why is this my destiny, maybe this is my own puppet clone. The deity’s destination, that’s good, after his own death, the deity doesn’t need to continue to be distracted, and can concentrate his energy into his own practice!"

The heart of the puppet avatar became calm, and at this time the external deity is suffering from a headache. The puppet avatar may not feel the situation of the deity, but the Xingtian deity can feel the situation of his puppet avatar. You should know the puppet’s mind. When he was thinking about the situation, Xing Tian himself was laughed angrily. This puppet clone was really ridiculous.

give up! Faced with endless crises and countless deaths, no matter how dangerous or difficult it is, I have never given up, but the puppet clone gave up at this time, under such circumstances, although it was said that this gave up. The mood is extremely calm, making oneself fit the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth more closely, but this is not the result that Xing Tian wants. How can this understanding be of great help to me and deepen my grasp of the Dao, but this kind of knot is not Xingtian didn't want to see it.

"Wake up, this is just a little test. Under such a little strength, do you have to give up your life? Although you can't see any vitality now, as long as your mind is still sober, it will be forever Don't have this ridiculous thought. It will only plunge you into endless crises, and will only make you weaker. Only by strengthening your beliefs and bravely facing everything is the guarantee of success!" A deep drink exploded in the mind of the puppet clone. This is the power of Xing Tian's three worlds directly acting on the puppet clone.

When this voice exploded in his mind, the puppet clone could not help but shudder in an instant, an inexplicable fear rose from the bottom of his heart. What kind of power is this that can affect itself silently. It’s really terrifying that my soul affects my own will. Although this kind of power can make me feel the origin of the Great Dao and the power of heaven and earth more deeply, it is extremely dangerous and can truly make people unconscious. It fell in that avenue of enlightenment.

Taoism! In an instant, the word "Daohua" appeared in the heart of the puppet clone! This mysterious power is leading me step by step towards Taoism, embodied in the heaven and earth, in this broken world, can it be said that this broken world is not what I had previously guessed, no A little bit of vitality, not to mention the will of heaven and earth, its will is hidden in the endless silence, has turned into the spirit of death?

This kind of speculation sounds very absurd, but in Xing Tian's heart he believes that it is very likely to be true, and that it is possible to keep such a broken world from turning into nothingness. This is a big problem in itself. If the will of the world becomes in despair. It is not impossible for the dead spirits to change the entire broken world. After all, as long as they are living, as long as they are wise, they are unwilling to face death and will do their best to save their lives. This world is no exception.

"Damn, where did this broken world come from? How can it be so weird? If you can't get rid of the confinement of this weird power to your body quickly, even if the deity can wake him up this time, he still can't change himself. His destiny will still be guided to death step by step by that mysterious power. Dao is transformed between the world and the world, becoming the nourishment of this world!” At that time, I really never turned around again. Chance!

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