God of Destruction

Chapter 3071: Washing of the mind

Chapter Three Thousand Seventy One

It’s not that the stronger the power, the more useful it is to me. I shouldn’t have been greedy for the broken world before, or I wouldn’t encounter such a shock. If I have always targeted the Zerg world. , Then there will be no problems with your own practice, and you will be able to upgrade and grow up step by step, instead of having such a weird change now, so that you can’t see the direction of your practice, and you need to reconfirm your practice. Direction, wasting your time.

time! This is what Xing Tian lacks most. The physical changes and power changes are not a good thing for Xing Tian, ​​at least for now, but this is not something that Xing Tian can decide by himself. When the situation has reached this point, everything Xing Tian couldn't help but, even if he knew that his condition was very bad now, Xing Tian had no choice but to continue to bite the bullet and go on.

Originally in Xing Tian’s heart, when he set foot on the world of this huge tree, he would surely alarm the strong in this world, and even arouse the vigilance of the will of this world, but in fact nothing happened, and no strong appeared. , The world did not have the slightest bit of hostility towards Xingtian clone, an outsider, everything was so peaceful.

For such a peaceful world, Xingtian clone has many worries in his heart, worries about his own path of cultivation, although in this peaceful world there is an endless stream of vitality pouring into his body, balance In his own inner world, Xing Tian’s changes have put too much pressure on Xing Tian, ​​which means that his previous practice experience will be useless, and he needs to take an unprecedented road again. The result is Xing Tian Suo. I don't want to see, but I have to accept it!

Although this giant tree world is peaceful, Xing Tian still dare not take it lightly or carelessly. After all, the current situation is too sinister. I don’t know when a war that sweeps all the world will begin, and the world will be destroyed. , So Xing Tian kept looking for a place to stay at will, but needed to find a place where he could hide himself.

Xing Tian moved forward cautiously in this world. For him, although his soul was not weak, he did not mobilize the power of the soul to detect the situation in this world. It would be too dangerous to do so, and if he was not careful, he would be alarmed. The will of this world has attracted the attention of countless powerful people, and plunged oneself into a real crisis.

Along the way, Xing Tian constantly deepened his understanding of this world. Everything here is so unreliable. Even Xing Tian has many experiences, he has never seen such an extreme world before, and his evil spirit is constantly being After decomposition, the pressure on my body gradually dissipated, my soul seemed to have been washed, and to blend in with this world, everything is so beautiful, but Xing Tian has a high degree of vigilance in this beautiful, and always does it. Well prepared for battle.


Time passed quickly. After a lot of searching, Xing Tian finally found a good hiding place, that is, there is a good heaven and earth vitality, and there is a good hiding. This made Xing Tian finally relieved and stopped. Steps, carefully set up here, build a safe rest place for yourself, so that you can completely relax and understand yourself.

After packing up everything, Xing Tian gathered his mind and devoted himself to the understanding of himself. Although he had endless experience in practice, he was still shocked by his own situation and his inner world when Xing Tian's mind was integrated into him. There are not only the imprints of the two avenues of destruction and good fortune, but also countless sources of death, as well as the terrifying killing and fighting intent, and this also comes from the broken world, just the three powers. Existence is enough to give Xing Tian a headache, not to mention that they have now merged to form a new power system.

How to do? Feeling his own situation, Xing Tian couldn't help asking himself, this new power combined by many forces made Xing Tian unable to figure out his clues, and his mood naturally became extremely heavy. What worries Xing Tian most is his inner world. It is obvious that there are the inheritance marks that I got at the beginning, and there are countless dao imprints, and each imprint has been branded on the inner world, and the combination of many dao imprints forms a new system, a Xing Tian Cong System that has not been touched.

"Damn it. I knew this would happen. I shouldn't have made such a crazy decision before that I didn't even have the right to regret it! Such power is said to be the power of the world and it is not the power of the world. No, what kind of power is this, and how can I master it and continue to grow it!"

The mind of Xingtian clone is turning rapidly, thinking about what to do, how to resolve this terrible crisis, how to find a new path of practice, it’s useless to just rely on yourself to think. To truly understand the changes in your own power, you need to invest more strength and increase your understanding of yourself.

If there is a complete practice in this inheritance, then Xing Tian's own power practice has a good choice, but in Xing Tian's body, there is no trace of useful inheritance at all, as if it is All inheritance has been dispelled by this world, whether it is in your own inner world, or even your own new strength, it is difficult to grasp and understand. This is a huge pressure for Xing Tian!

"How did the ancient powerhouses cultivate? Why are there only this road brand left behind, but there is no practice technique? Could it be said that the war of destruction that year was really so cruel? I don’t have any of my own path of inheritance and practice anymore?" Xing Tian was puzzled in his heart, but he could not find any answers. Among all the information he came into contact with, there was no ancient practice method at all, everything was like that. Weird.

Speaking of Xing Tian, ​​he is still over-minded. In the ancient times, although the many powerful men were very powerful, they really did not have their own practice. Their practice originated from themselves and from their spiritual roots. Now Xing Tian thinks To comprehend the practice methods of the ancient Dao from oneself, it can only be wishful thinking, there will be no gain, and it will not allow one to realize the real path of practice, so that one's own strength can go further!

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