God of Destruction

Chapter 3082: Section off the battlefield

Chapter Three thousand and eighty-two

The fusion of the two worlds is bloody. There is no compromise between them. There is only death. As the madness of the war continues, more and more deaths and injuries are incurred in the two worlds. This world is also completely enveloped by the aura of blood evil. When I get up, there is a strong blood and evil aura on every creature. Under such circumstances, the overall situation has become more and more cruel and ruthless. As time goes on, Xingtian's avatar gradually has some tricks. Can’t stand it. After all, this war is really crazy. It’s crazy enough that Xingtian clone can't bear it. The continuous enemies are coming in madly. The same is true for the creatures in the giant tree world. Both sides have no time to rest. Fighting wildly all the time.

For the original creatures in the two worlds, they can all use the power of the world's origin to recover themselves, but the Xingtian clone as an outsider cannot do this, although he can also absorb the world of the giant tree world. The vitality, but cannot really mobilize the origin of this world, which gradually consumes Xingtian’s origin, so Xingtian’s battles have naturally become dangerous, but this situation is not good for the giant tree world, and Xingtian’s clone retreats. No.

After dozens of days of the war, Xing Tian finally couldn't hold on, and said in his heart: "No, you can't fight like this anymore, although this kind of battle can stimulate your own potential and allow you to master all your own power faster. But this war is too crazy and too dangerous. There is not enough power of the original source. If you are not careful, you will die. I owe the cause and effect of this giant tree world, but I will not forget about it. Fight with all your strength!"

No wonder Xing Tian made such a choice. After all, he cannot blame the Xingtian clone, but the giant tree world did not give the Xingtian clone the greatest support and did not allow Xing Tian to integrate into the giant tree world. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian The clone naturally must be subject to self-protection, it is impossible to fight to the death for it, after all, Xing Tian is not a fool.

When Xingtian clone gradually withdrew from the battlefield and retired, the situation in the field gradually became more unfavorable to the giant tree world. Without the full assistance of Xingtian clone, those creatures in the giant tree world who have not yet fully adapted to the war will suffer more casualties. , And what caused all this was the giant tree world at their feet. Who did not allow it to give Xingtian clone full support, who made it still guard against Xingtian clone, and did not give Xingtian clone the right to mobilize the world's origin.

auzw.com"The giant tree world of this war really can last to the end, really can defeat the hostile world, can it become the winner of the integration of the two worlds?" After stepping back, look. As the battlefield changed, Xing Tian couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart, and he was a little worried about the survival of this giant tree world.

Of course, there is no absolute in everything, even if the hostile world’s combat power is very strong, even if they are very eager for war, but they are not without shortcomings, at least above the number of creatures, this hostile world cannot compete with Compared with the giant tree world, there is a huge gap between the two. If the time is delayed, the situation will change. After all, the human sea tactics are also very powerful. The giant tree world can use this tactic to accomplish this. In the battle, even if the giant tree world achieves the final victory, it will suffer a lot of damage and heavy losses.

With a sigh again, Xingtian clone turned around and returned to his previous cave mansion and began to recover the origin of his own consumption. The giant tree world was guarded against Xingtian clone, and Xingtian clone was also against this giant tree world and this world. Xing Tian dare not put his life in the hands of these people, and dare not restore his own origin outside this battlefield, so as not to accidentally end up with a dead end, after all, these creatures in the giant tree world Their combat effectiveness is too weak, and no one knows whether they will be crushed by the enemy in the next moment, exposing the rear area to the enemy's edge.

After a great battle, Xingtian clone had to admit that this war was indeed his own opportunity. After this short battle, his realm stabilized, and his mastery of the Great Dao took a big step forward. During the battle of life and death, the impact of the fusion of the world also exuded a trace of powerful original power, forming a power similar to the power of Chaos, which made Xing Tian's own Chaos Dao a step further, although it was only A small step, but the practice of Dao Dao is very difficult, even a small step, it is also very rare, not to mention the time used by Xing Tian is so short.

After a battle of life and death, although Xingtian clone did not pay off the cause and effect of the giant tree world, it was not far away. Originally, Xingtian clone was still thinking about retreat, but when he developed his own chaotic avenue, such thoughts disappeared. Without a trace, although this war is cruel and merciless, it is dangerous, but this war is also a great opportunity, not only for the original creatures of the two worlds, but also for the outsider, myself. Under the circumstances, how can Xingtian clone be unmoved.

war! After discovering his own changes and feeling that his own strength is growing, Xingtian clone is determined to fully participate in this crazy war and persist until the end of the war, whether it is the birth or death of this giant tree world This war is a great opportunity for Xing Tian, ​​an opportunity that cannot be missed. The fusion of the two opposing origin worlds will greatly stimulate the growth of the chaotic avenue and participate in such a life and death battle. Among them, that is equivalent to practicing, even faster and stronger than self-retreat.

If it were in normal times, perhaps Xingtian would refuse to accept such a war. After all, the war would be dangerous and there would be death. However, under the general trend of the world, Xingtian has no choice. It's not cruel, maybe it can't threaten one's life, but after the appearance of a powerful enemy outside the territory, one's own life will face the threat of terror, want to live in such a cruel environment, want to protect oneself The people around you need strong power, and the life-and-death duel resulting from the fusion of the two worlds is the best way to increase your combat power and improve your practice. Xing Tian cannot give up such an opportunity, nor dare to give up. To give up is to ignore your own life!

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