God of Destruction

Chapter 3096: Section requirements

Requirements for Chapter 3,96

dilemma! This is the current situation of the Great Aoki. The will to alarm the giant tree world for this matter is really worthless, and now it is very unfavorable for world integration to alarm the giant tree world. But if you don’t do this, Xingtian will not Stop, the **** like the Great Emperor Demon Grass will die, and the consequences will be even more serious.

"Friend Xingtian, you should first talk about your own requirements. If I can be the master, then everything is okay. If I can’t decide, I will report to the will of the world. We don’t want to see wars happen internally, no matter what the outcome is. , We will all give a satisfactory account to fellow Xingtian, and we will never disappoint fellow Daoists!"

Under this situation, the first thing that Emperor Qingmu thought of was how to serve Xingtian in peace, rather than to intensify the contradiction. As long as Xingtian can let people like Emperor Demon Grass, then everything is easy to say. As for Xingtian's request, will it be too much? Outrageous, this is not what the Great Aoki has to consider, it is really impossible, and he can only report everything and wait for his approval!

Xing Tian's eyes stared at Emperor Aoki stubbornly, and it took a long time before he moved. During this process, Emperor Aoki naturally faced it, without a trace of dodge. It was obvious that Emperor Aoki had nothing sinister in handling this matter. Attention, at least for now, otherwise he wouldn't be so natural, after all, this is not a small thing!

"Okay, I'll give you this opportunity, but I want to explain in advance that there is only one chance. If there is something wrong in the middle, then don't blame me Xing Tian for being cruel and killing these bastards!" Under the current circumstances, Xing Tian also Reluctant to do things too extreme, nor really want to go against the powerhouses in the giant tree world, that would be of no benefit to him.

At this time, Emperor Qingmu didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Okay, we are determined by one word. Fellow Xingtian can safely say what he wants. As long as I can decide, then I will never turn aside, and if I can’t make the decision, I will also report, and I will definitely give a satisfactory account to fellow daoists and will never disappoint fellow daoists!"

Satisfactory confession, this is not an easy task, but once Emperor Aoki says it, he will definitely implement it, even if it is difficult, he will definitely do it. This is the basis for cooperation between the two sides. If this is not possible , The relationship between the giant tree world and Xingtian will be completely broken. The consequences are not what the Great Aoki can bear, and even the whole world may not be able to bear it, so it’s just a last resort, unless it is impossible to do it, the Great Aoki is Will not regret it!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "My requirement is very simple. I only need a treasure full of powerful vitality, even a branch of the giant tree world. I think this requirement is not excessive. Although these **** have no brains, But their strength is still good, a powerful treasure for their lives, it is definitely a good deal!"


Is it cost-effective? It is true to say that no matter how good a treasure is, it will not play a great role without strong human control. After all, war is based on manpower, not treasure. It is really very good for a treasure to replace the Monster Grass Emperor. Yes, Xingtian's request is really not excessive. If there is no treasure, it can be exchanged with a branch of the giant tree world. It can be said that the entire transaction Xingtian took into account the situation of the giant tree world, and did not make any embarrassment to the Great Emperor Qingmu. Place.

"Okay, we are determined in one word. Daoist Xingtian can understand our difficulties in this way. This is the basis of our cooperation. Don’t worry, I will satisfy Daoists and I will never let them down. It’s a life full of life. Treasures are not difficult for us people. As long as a little bit of time, the treasures will naturally be delivered, and Taoists can wait quietly!"

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Okay! I hope everything is as the Taoist said, I don't want to see the killing scene, after all, we have fought together, and I don't want to get the blood of my companions!"

When he heard Xingtian’s words, Emperor Qingmu didn’t think there was any problem, but Emperor Demon Grass cursed in his heart: “Asshole, you dare to say such things, if you don’t want to get the blood of your companions, then How could you hurt us as a killer, if it wasn't for Qingmu to come quickly and stop your behavior, I'm afraid all of us have fallen under your butcher knife!"

Although he was scolding Xingtian in his heart, the Great Demon Grass did not dare to show that who let Xingtian control their lives and deaths, even if they were stupid at this time, they knew that Xingtian was a lunatic, a lunatic, and he didn't care about anything. Madman, it would be a terrible disaster to be an enemy of such a bastard. If he dared to make trouble again at this time, this lunatic would never sell the face of Emperor Qingmu again, he would kill himself by killing him.

It was the Great Demon Grass who saw Xing Tian clearly, so he was enduring it, even if there was no amount of anger or hatred in his heart, he could only endure it. At least now, he can’t show the slightest. As for this Duan hate, wait for the day of liquidation in the future.

Xing Tian knew exactly what the **** like the Great Demon Grass thought in their hearts, but for these bastards, Xing Tian didn't take them seriously. After this battle, their moods were broken, even if they could survive, then His own practice has also come to an end, and Xing Tian is not afraid that they will tell the truth again, that will only give himself a chance to kill these bastards.

As for the back of this conflict, Xing Tian also understood something in his heart, but now he can’t pick everything out. After all, there is still a big opportunity in this world that he needs, and he still needs to continue to compromise with these bastards, but with After this incident, Xing Tian had no illusions about the new will of the giant tree world. The so-called world origin, I am afraid that it is difficult for him to get it, and even if he barely succeeds, it is difficult to bring it out. this world.

People are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. Since the other party is already calculating himself and has the intention to violate the previous agreement, then he will not be so stupid that he must abide by it. Perhaps this time is his opportunity to break the previous transaction. Xingtian believes that since the other party Having already taken action, then there must be other calculations. The Great Demon Grass wants to allow himself to explore the Land of Annihilation, although this is not his own decision, but the will of that world!

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