God of Destruction

Chapter 3101: Undead feature

Chapter 3101 Undead Features

"What is hidden in the Land of Annihilation? Is it really just as simple as it appears on the surface? It is absolutely not as simple as it seems to be able to make the will of the world be able to pay such a big price for it. I am afraid that it is hidden here. Great mystery!" After Xingtian clone had completely refined the origin of the world, he was once again wary of this place of dying. The place that can be valued by the will of the world definitely has secrets that he can’t imagine, perhaps his previous Guessing can only touch the surface of the Land of Annihilation, and only the world will know the true situation.

Although Xing Tianfen wants to continue practicing in his body and mind, it is best to be able to refine the'wheel of life and death' in his hand into the treasure that carries his own chaotic avenue, but the previous vows restrained Xing Tian, ​​so that he can not follow his heart. You must know the origin of the refining world. It still has to be explained, it will not touch the oath, and if we continue to refine the'Chakra of Life and Death', the original treasure, then there will be a big problem. Let's not talk about solving the big problem of the original balance, just integrate into oneself. , To blend into one's own chaotic avenue, this is not something that can be done in a short time, it takes a long time, and a long time will naturally touch the constraints of the oath!

I took a deep breath, gathered my breath, carefully blended my body into this external environment, blended into this place of silence, and only blended myself into the place of silence, Only then can you move freely, don’t worry about being targeted by the source here, being attacked by many hunters, in such a dangerous environment, survival is the first place. For this, Xing Tian will not have the slightest Careless, dare not take it lightly.

In the periphery of the Land of Annihilation, although Xing Tian encountered many fierce beasts, Xing Tian did not feel anything wrong with these fierce beasts. These fierce beasts were very violent, but they did not have wisdom. Instinct is acting. Although there are a large number of such beasts, they have no effect at all for the fusion of the two worlds. Even the origin of such beasts, Xing Tian does not look at it, and does not want to waste time hunting. kill.

However, this was only Xing Tian’s initial opinion. When Xing Tian started to kill a fierce beast, an accident happened, but Xing Tian was greatly shocked. With Xingtian’s combat power, he did not kill the fierce beast in one blow. I was afraid that Xingtian would cut the body of the fierce beast outside the land of silence into two halves with a single blow, but between a few breaths, the two halves of the body unexpectedly reunited, and its fierceness was great, if it weren’t on the ground. His blood proved everything, and Xing Tian almost doubted whether what he saw was the truth!

Immortal! In this land of solitude, the fierce beasts on the periphery actually have a trace of immortality. How can such a discovery not shock Xing Tian, ​​know that this is only the periphery of the land of solitude, if it is deeper, I am afraid there will be more I was shocked. Although it is said that this immortal characteristic is caused by the origin of the land of silence, but this characteristic alone is enough to severely damage all foreign enemies. Under such an environment, you can let your means reach the sky. , As long as you can't quickly strangle the fierce beasts, it is very likely that you will fall into a crisis of death and be surrounded by countless fierce beasts.

auzw.com "Damn it, I know it’s not easy. I can have immortality. I’m afraid that the problem of this place of dying has become a big issue. If I want to explore clearly, I probably have to Paying a heavy price, the will of a giant tree world is really insidious. It seems that it has taken a fancy to the origin of this land of destruction. "Xing Tian is not a fool, and he understood the will of the giant tree world in the next moment. Why did the other party pay such a high price for him to come and explore the void.

If it weren’t for refining the world’s origins earlier, and integrating the breath of oneself into oneself, without a trace of leakage, oneself would have been integrated into the external environment and eliminated everything, otherwise the consequences would be serious. , A person who is not careful will really fall into the desperate situation of death, and be brutally besieged by that endless beast.

Fortunately, Xingtian's clone is not a weak person who is incapable. After seeing that a blow was not achieved, his heart moved, a powerful chaotic origin force gushing out of Xingtian's hands, quickly condensed into a sharp sword, a sword. Cut down, no matter how strong this fierce beast is, no matter how strong I am, under the chaos's power, I will also end up dead.

Although the power of chaos wiped out this beast, Xing Tian's own origin also lost a point. As a result, Xing Tian frowned. The beast here is far more ferocious than he thought. The fierce beasts encountered outside are as weak as they have that horrible source of help. Xing Tian believes that many strong people simply cannot withstand such a siege!

After obliterating this fierce beast, Xing Tian found a bigger problem. In this land of nirvana, after the fierce beast died, it left behind a spiritual core that exuded the original aura of nirvana. What the fierce beasts outside of the land of destruction do not have, and even when there is such suspicion, Xingtian feels that it is very likely that if the fierce beast here leaves, it will also not have a spiritual core. Perhaps this spiritual core can only survive in this area. In the Land of Annihilation, for the beasts who leave, at the moment they step out of the Land of Annihilation, the original spiritual core in their bodies will be assimilated by the atmosphere of the outside world and no longer exist. That's why Xingtian In the previous war, there was no such result, and no such powerful and perfect spiritual core was seen.

The power contained in a spiritual core is not worth mentioning for Xing Tian’s own practice, but if there is an endless source of spiritual cores, it is completely different, even if the background of Xingtian clone is profound, facing this The powerful background will be moved by it, such a spiritual core can completely pile up a powerful and true powerhouse who can suppress a world powerhouse.

"It's a weird place, a change of evil intentions, what's going on? Could it be that the origin of this land of silence is different from the two worlds? If it is so, I am afraid that it will not be long before the whole world will do it. shock."

Although Xing Tian had the intention to move on, and wanted to explore the void of the spiritual core, and explore the secrets hidden in the spiritual core, it was just too late in time. Xing Tian did not have so much time to think about this, the previous trading restrictions. The hands and feet of Xingtian made Xingtian very helpless, but fortunately, this is just the beginning, and he still has time!

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