God of Destruction

Chapter 3112: Overbearing

Chapter 3112 Overbearing

"Haha, the ancient gods are polite, please speak inside!" Although they felt the disdain in Xing Tian's heart, these people did not dare to refute, they could only accompany smiling faces. This is the sorrow of the weak, and of course it is possible. It's their calculation!

For Xing Tian, ​​he doesn’t care about the other party’s intentions. No matter what conspiracy it is, he is vulnerable to absolute strength. A small school of Xuan Xuan is not worthy of Xing Tian’s attention. The most important thing is here. Xing Tian of the school feels that they are all those extreme practitioners, and there is no one who can get into the law of Xing Tian. Such a school is really not worth mentioning.

However, not all extreme practitioners are unsightly. Someone still enters Xing Tian’s eyes. Among this small Tong Xuan school, Xing Tian has discovered a practitioner who destroys the Great Dao, and the other party has realized the primitive Destroying the Dao’s true meaning, it’s a pity that he went on the road of extreme practice and lost the possibility of going further. This makes Xing Tian a pity, but this is fate, and Xing Tian didn’t say anything about it. The opportunity to practice, at least in this island!

"I wonder what happened to the ancient gods coming to my Tongxuan Sect?" On the way forward, these people were constantly inquiring about Xingtian's intentions!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "I first came to Tongxuan Island and knew nothing about everything here, so I want to learn some ancient books and learn about some ancient things. I think this is not a big event for you. You should be able to satisfy. My little request will not let me down!"

Hearing Xing Tian's words, the complexions of these Tongxuan Sects changed drastically, and their footsteps stopped uncontrollably.

Upon seeing this, Xing Tian said indifferently: "Why, is there any problem with your school? Or are you people unwilling to meet my small request?" Xing Tian didn't mind the reaction of these people, let alone this. A few people, no matter how many people are, the ants are always just ants. It is not worth mentioning. If these people are acquainted, Xing Tian will give them a little face. If they are not acquainted, then there is nothing to say, Xing Tian will Use violence to teach them how to behave.

"The ancient gods are joking. Although the collection of our school is not rich, it is slowly collected by countless ancestors of the Tongxuan School, and it can only be opened to the elders or disciples of the school. Even the elder Keqing. After you also need to make merits, your request like this really embarrass us."

"Embarrassed? Is that so? It seems that you really don’t know how to advance and retreat, and you are shameless. Go and inform your head and tell him my request. If you dare to object, then there is no need for your Xuantong school to exist, a group of ants. The same existence, I don't deserve to continue to survive!" When he said this, Xing Tian exudes endless killing intent.


When Xingtian’s killing intent came out, these people of the Profound-Tongry School were shocked. Such a terrifying murderous aura was something they had never seen before. A person who could possess such a terrifying murderous aura was absolutely truly evil. Such a person will not be joking. Once he cannot meet his requirements, that crazy killing will be staged in his own school. I don’t know how many people will die, and they don’t know whether the school can Can stop such a ruthless person!

"Get out! I'm here waiting for your answer!" Domineering, at this moment Xing Tian no longer has the peace when he first came, there is only endless dominance, and in this dominance, there are endless killings, making people At a glance, I knew it was a fierce and evil spirit.

"Damn it, how could this be? Such a fierce **** came to our Confucian Profound School!" Although there were endless worries and anger in their hearts, these people did not dare to refute such a fierce **** like Xing Tian and could only leave quickly. Go back to your head, ask the head to decide everything, who let this matter is beyond their control.

Speaking of it, from the very beginning, the Xuan-tong School was too arrogant and self-righteous. Perhaps this is because they have always been the overlord of this island, forgetting what respect is, and forgetting that the dignity of the strong is not to be provoked. He clearly knew that Xingtian was an ancient god, but his head did not come out to greet him. He just sent so few people. This is rude to Xingtian, and it is reasonable to get this retribution. Xingtian did not directly kill the precepts and slammed in. It has given them a bit of face.

If you want to solve the problem quickly, you can’t use soft methods. At least it won’t work for the ignorant people of the Xuantong School. Only domineering can do it. For Xing Tian, ​​as long as he can achieve his own goals, he can use any method. Yes, maybe this is a bit unkind, but there is no human kindness in the practice, especially Xing Tian is not familiar with this Tong Xuan school. The most important thing is that the other party gave Xing Tian an excuse. All this is enough for Xing Tian to teach them a profound lesson. .

Without waiting for these people to go far, Xing Tian’s murderous aura spread frantically. The terrifying murderous aura between a few breaths enveloped the entire Tongxuan faction, but such a terrifying murderous aura did not spread madly and did not attract the world. The shocking change only affected the Xuan-Tong School, which shows how good Xing Tian's mastery of murderous aura is.

Threat! This is Xing Tian’s threat, and it’s a naked, naked, and naked threat on the bright side. It doesn’t give the other party a chance to think about it at all. If a word is inconsistent, there is only killing and only destruction. Xing Tian told this Tong Xuan with his actions. Send everyone their own decision and tell them their true intentions, either surrender or destroy, there is no third way to go.

"Damn it, why is this fierce **** so domineering? This is to discuss with us, this is clearly to persecute us!"

Yes, Xing Tian is persecuting them, persecuting the entire Xuan-Tong Xuan Sect, without giving them any face. This is the strong. The strong does not need to consider the reactions and feelings of the weak. The strong dominates everything. This is the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. It's the general trend!

In the face of the general trend, no one can stop, and there is only a dead end that dares to block. The next step is to see how the ignorant Tongxuan Sect chooses. Once they make a mistake, only death is waiting for them, and the whole sect is only destroyed! Under Xing Tian’s crazy murderous aura, the entire Xuan Tong School was trembling and fearful. The shadow of death covered their hearts, making them fear and uneasy from the bottom of their hearts, but they did not dare Rebel, dare not resent!

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