God of Destruction

Chapter 3128: Arthropod

Chapter 3128: Ant

Not long after a loud noise, the war fortress stopped. At this time, most of the people in the fortress were exhausted, and Xing Tian's mood became extremely heavy. Things were about to showdown at this point. No matter what the other side’s calculations are, it’s time for the showdown, because this is the best time. Almost everyone’s strength has been lost. This is the best time for them to master the overall situation. If they miss it, use It won't be long before everyone's strength will recover.

Just as Xing Tian was faintly disturbed in his heart, a voice suddenly rang in the fortress of war: "Friends of Daoism, it is time for you to give your last bit of strength, in order to be able to break the universe and for the whole world. The creatures in it can get that ray of life. It's time for you to sacrifice. Please cooperate with us and launch an attack on the core of the universe to draw out the ultimate power hidden here!"

When this voice fell, the scene immediately became chaotic. Those who can be drawn here are not fools. Naturally, they understand the meaning of these words. In an instant, the powerful people who had been deceived were sober and they wanted to resist. , It’s just that they don’t have one strength. Even if they have the intention to resist, they can’t get over the waves under the suppression of the **** like the ancestor Tongxuan. How much it consumes, and there is suppression above the realm, no matter how angry and unwilling those people are, it will not help.

"What a poor picture, these **** are really sinister and vicious enough to use their lives to probe the secrets in the core of the universe, and to draw out the hidden ultimate power. Maybe these **** It’s not what he said in his heart. They don’t know if the Immortal Demon Emperor really exists. The Immortal Demon Emperor is just an excuse for them!” For a moment, Xing Tian figured everything out, but it’s a bit too late to figure it out. , Everything has happened, things are no longer under his control, and have developed in an unknown direction.

If the immortal emperor does not exist at all, and if this is just an excuse for the other party, then these **** have tried their best to use the power of everyone and this war fortress to rush into the core of the universe? Xing Tian wanted to know this. Perhaps this was the result that he had always wanted to pursue. Perhaps this problem was the root cause of the change in the "wheel of life and death" in his hands. It is just that it is very difficult to understand this problem, because these **** There is no plan to say anything.

"You fellow daoists, please cooperate with our actions and don’t make us embarrassed. If you are willing to cooperate with our actions, there is still a silver lining. If you try to resist, you will only end up with death. I think everyone understands your current situation. Some people do not know the current affairs and have to fight against us. That kind of result is not what we want to see!" These words sounded very kind, but in fact they were very vicious, making everyone gritted their teeth and wanted to devour them. Up.


"You fellow daoists, don’t listen to their nonsense. If we really don’t resist, we will be dead and dead. We all know the horror of the universe. If we step into it in our current situation, there will only be destruction. A silver lining!"

"Well said, we won't agree, let alone cooperate with your **** actions. Don't think that we really don't have the ability to resist. Even if we don't have ten strengths, but we only have one breath, Then we can dominate our own destiny, we still have the soul, we can also commit suicide, we can blew the soul and the real body, and we can pull you **** to the end. Maybe our own blew will not cause you much trouble, but If all of us explode, even if this war fortress is strong, it will be destroyed. Then you **** will be directly exposed to the world!"

When this voice fell, a tragic breath emanated from everyone. In an instant, almost everyone had the idea of ​​pulling these **** to die together. As soon as this kind of embarrassment appeared, the situation immediately became qualitative. The change of one person is nothing and can’t shake the overall situation, but a group of people is different. The **** of the ancestor Tongxuan and the **** behind them did not count this point. Suddenly the situation changed. .

"Damn, you ants dare to resist, can you really use this threat of suicide to force us to compromise? Are you really able to take you **** for us, there is nothing you can do, you know this war fortress is not what you know? It's that simple, we have enough ability to imprison you and throw you directly into that planet!" When faced with such a provocation, the people like ancestor Tongxuan were annoyed by it, and there was indeed an accident that exceeded them. Imagination, this is that the wise man must have a mistake. In their opinion, as long as they can suppress violently, no one can resist, but they are wrong, and it is very wrong. At the moment of life and death, someone is willing to stand up and challenge them. authority.

When seeing this situation, Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to threaten the other party with suicide and force the other party to give up the previous decision. This is impossible. Xing Tian doesn't think that the ancestor Tongxuan still has them behind. Those **** who will do this will enlarge the family’s way of life, and will give everyone a chance to restore their roots. The more the situation changes like this, the less the other party will not compromise. You must know that once a compromise is made, all the calculations they have done before All will fail.

"Death, **** ant, no one can provoke our authority, you have no choice!" With a deep shout, a stream of light appeared in the air from the war fortress and directly killed the strong man who spoke before. Give the other party any time to react, and the streamer flashed by, and the person who rebelled was dead.

Forced, everything is just as Xing Tian guessed in his heart. In order to ensure that his plan can be implemented smoothly, those **** will do whatever they can and will directly force everyone's resistance and use this **** and violent means to force everyone to obey their orders. , Forcing everyone to risk their lives to leave the war fortress, enter the unknown planet, face the unknown dangers, and face the unknown, because everyone's life and death are in the hands of the other party.

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