God of Destruction

Chapter 3139: Festival lore

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Nine

"Boom and rumbling" bursts of loud noises continued to rang in this war fortress. The faces of those strong men who launched suicide attacks also turned pale, and their auras became abnormal like Xing Tian. Weak, and their suicidal attack caused a huge impact on the powerful enemy in front of him, and it also created a perfect hunting opportunity for the Iron Tiger four, giving them a chance to give this powerful enemy in front of him. Fatal blow!

"Tiehu, what are you four **** waiting for? The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss is not to come. We have tried our best. If you still can't take down this terrifying enemy, there is only a dead end waiting for us!" Xingtian screamed frantically When his shout fell, the many powerful men in the fortress of the war looked at the four Tiehu with expectant eyes, waiting for their outbreak!

In this way, everyone has given their lives and paid a huge price, but the four Tiehu who presided over the overall situation did not show the slightest performance. How can such a result satisfy everyone, so everyone hopes that the four Tiehu can do their best. With one stroke, you can take the courage in your heart and bravely come to a life and death duel with this powerful enemy in front of you.

When the war has reached this level, everyone present understands that in such a crazy and terrifying battle, ordinary methods are no longer useful. If you want to succeed, you can only let it go, and only come up with your own ultimate killer. , Xing Tian blew up the magic weapon, what else can the Tiehu four hide? This is when they should stand up!

"Hands!" After looking at each other, a crazy look flashed in the eyes of the four Tiehu, and at this moment, Xing Tian felt the breath of death, and this breath came from the war fortress under his feet. When Xingtian's mind moved quickly to the war fortress, Xingtian suddenly discovered that the origin of the war fortress was shrinking!

In an instant, a terrifying speculation appeared in Xing Tian's mind. This was a manifestation of the war fortress. The four **** of Iron Tiger wanted to explode the war fortress. This is their ultimate killer. They not only want to kill the present. A mysterious and terrifying enemy, he wants to wipe out all of them and eliminate all potential threats in one fell swoop!

"Damn! These four **** are really damned. If Lao Tzu hadn't refined part of the origin of the war fortress in advance, they would be killed directly by them at this moment. These four **** are so sinister and they want Swallow all benefits!"

Without hesitation, Xing Tian immediately colluded with the origin of the war fortress and quickly moved himself away. As for the other people in the war fortress, Xing Tian would not care about their lives and deaths. If they were to blame, they would blame them for admitting their mistakes. People, following the leader, the cause and effect of all this should fall on the four of Tiehu.

auzw.com "Blast!" Just when Xing Tian's body left the war fortress, a deep cry sounded. The origin of the war fortress exploded, and the powerful shockwave directly tore the entire space apart Come, and at this moment, because of the destruction of the war fortress, Xing Tian's mind was hit hard, and he couldn't help but snorted again.

When Xing Tian stabilized his mind and raised his head to look at the war fortress, he saw that the war fortress was already in ruins, and the only creatures in the war fortress were the Iron Tiger, the four bastards, and the mysterious powerhouse. , But at this time they were all in embarrassment. To bear such a terrifying self-detonation force was also a huge blow to them.

"Damn, let the **** Xingtian escape. He actually escaped the self-destruction of the war fortress. This **** really has some ability!"

Although they were unwilling, at this moment, these four **** did not have the mind to deal with Xing Tian. What they had to face was the fierce enemy in front of him, who was suddenly hit so terribly, even if it was that. No matter how strong the body of the powerful enemy is, it is still scarred at this moment. After all, this situation is something he did not expect. He did not expect that the four **** of Tiehu would do such crazy things and ignore the life and death of all hands. , Such a cruel person is too cruel.

"Hahaha, surrender, you have lost everything, let go of your mind, let us test, if you are willing to cooperate with us, then we will let you have a way of life, let your soul reincarnate!" Tiehu crazy The ground laughed, his look was unusually arrogant, but there was a hint of vigilance in that arrogance. After all, the powerful enemy in front of them was not easy. They could not be careless and could not give this powerful enemy anything to turn around. opportunity.

"Okay, very good, I didn't expect that I still underestimated you bastards, but you were too happy too early, you forgot that this is my site, even if it is seriously injured, it is not what you can besieged. !"

"No, stop the void!" In an instant, Tiehu's face changed drastically, and he immediately thought of the problem, but now it's too late to stop the void, because they don't have the power at all. Who made them blew the war fortress before. Shi himself also paid a considerable price, and even more so, they had exhausted their own hands. At this time, they were powerless.

Thousands of counts, they still count less, and count less, even if the body is severely injured, even if they have no combat power, but as long as they are still in the universe, as long as they are still in this world, the enemy They have mastered the initiative. This is the instinct of the Lord of the World, and this is the power of the Lord of the World. In the hearts of Tiehu and the others, they originally wanted to kill this powerful enemy with one blow, but unfortunately they overestimated the power of the war fortress. , Underestimated the defense of this powerful enemy!

The physical body, this is the advantage of being powerful. Even in the face of such horrible calculations and such horrible blows, there is a ray of life, and they can survive the desperate situation. When seeing this result, Xing Tian’s I am more determined in my heart to raise my physical body, which is the root of everything.

At this time, Xing Tian knew the result without even looking at it. Tiehu and the others failed and paid a huge price, but in the end they failed completely because of their madness and greed, allowing this powerful enemy to escape! Yes, at the moment the other party’s words fell, a ray of light flashed, and the figure of the terrifying and powerful enemy disappeared without a trace. This powerful and mysterious powerful man escaped from the sky and escaped from the iron tiger. The lore of the four, tearing apart the void and disappearing between the world!

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