God of Destruction

Chapter 3145: Harvest

Chapter 3145: Harvest

With the clone and deity's understanding of the universe and the mastery of the secrets of the universe, gradually the clone has vaguely sensed the existence of the immortal emperor with the help of the power of the universe, but now the Xingtian clone has to make full sacrifices.' Chaotic Wheel', to sacrifice this treasure that carries its own chaotic avenue, without the energy to chase the opponent, so invisibly, the immortal emperor has escaped a disaster, but the situation of the immortal demon emperor is different from that of Xingtian. The second disaster was only a postponement. If Xingtian clone completed the transformation of his own practice, the disaster would once again fall on the undead emperor.

For the immortal emperor, although he is the master of the land of silence, the master of the universe, but now he dare not let go of his hands and feet to absorb the origin of the world and restore his terrifying injuries, but his enemies can ignore it. All madly let go of oneself and swallow all the origins with all its strength. As Xing Tian goes on, it will become more and more unfavorable for the Undead Devil Emperor, unless the Undead Devil Emperor can recover his injuries first. Otherwise, his situation will become more and more dangerous!

The secrets of the cosmic array are solved bit by bit, bit by bit imprinted on the'Chaos Wheel'. Gradually, the origin of the'Chaos Wheel' has undergone transformation, and the original fusion of life and death will once again appear.' Above the chaos wheel, the chaotic origins that merged from the two opposing origins of life and death gradually began to have attributes. The two opposing chaotic origins of life and death appeared. When these two origins appeared, they carried Xingtian’s own chaotic avenue. This treasure has completed its own transformation and perfected its own congenital deficiencies. Although Xing Tian has cultivated the Chaos Dao, the Dao Dao he sacrificed is also the Chaos Dao, but the complete Chaos Dao has its own attributes, and the original chaotic wheel 'There is no such innate attribute, so it is incomplete, and now it is finally made up, and after the transformation of the'Chaos Wheel', Xing Tian clone has a deeper understanding of the chaotic avenue of his practice.

Is the cosmic array strong? Powerful and powerful to the extent that Xing Tian was horrified, the existence of the cosmic array does not exist independently between heaven and earth. It is attached to the great avenue of heaven and earth. More precisely, the cosmic array that Xing Tian felt was attached to. The three thousand avenues of the universe, but the immortal emperor did not really master the complete 3,000 avenues, so this cosmic array is still flawed, and it is precisely because of the flawed cosmic array that the four **** of Iron Tiger Break through.

If you are in a perfect cosmic array, no matter how much the four **** of Tiehu pay, they can’t hurt it at all. You must know that a complete cosmic array will integrate the whole world with heaven and earth. , To confront the big formation is to confront the entire world and the entire universe, and it will instantly be bombarded into nothingness.

Condense your own cosmic array with the great avenue you have understood. This is the Dao of Xingtian avatar. The "Chaos Wheel" has also been transformed because of this Dao. The "Chaos Wheel" has a thought to be born and a thought to die. This is this great road. The horror of the treasure is that the great treasure of Xingtian's avatar still needs time to bred and time to grow.


The huge source of power is constantly being swallowed by the'Chaos of Life and Death Wheel', and it is gradually integrated into this great treasure of the Great Dao. It is constantly tempering the body of Xingtian clone and the Great Dao of its own. When this piece of treasure was completely transformed, it played a vital role in Xingtian’s practice. Even if Xingtian clone did not imprint the cosmic array on his body, he could still bring significant changes to his practice. Being able to improve one's own physique is not something that the Great Dao Treasure can do, and such a success made Xing Tian Cava's heart ecstatic, and the path he chose finally went through.

With time, I only need enough time to complete the evolution of bearing the treasure of the Dao, and I can have a powerful and unparalleled treasure of the Dao, the Dao Zhibao, and as long as there is enough time, I can also transform myself. , Evolution, and also with enough time, one's own body will also be able to be branded on the cosmic array.

The success of the clone is also a huge gain for the deity Xingtian, and it also has a vital role. The clone can sacrifice the treasure that carries its own avenue, and the deity can also do it. The most important thing is the inner world of the deity. It will also usher in a new transformation, and there will be new changes due to the emergence of this universe.

For the deity, the supreme treasure that carries its own Dao is not easy to practice. The deity practiced on the World Dao is the Three Thousand Dao. If you want to carry the World Dao, it is not the ordinary Dao Dao. No such treasure has been found. All the treasures obtained in the past are unbearable on the World Avenue and the Three Thousand Avenues, unless Xing Tian is willing to use the world tree of the supreme spiritual root that supports his inner world. However, this is obviously impossible. No matter how important the Dao is, the inner world is not as important as your own inner world. After all, the existence of the inner world is the greatest strength of Xingtian deity, and it is also the pillar of strength that can maximize its own potential and combat power. .

To destroy the development potential of the inner world in order to carry the treasure of one's own avenue, this is something that wise men cannot do. Xingtian is not stupid enough to do this kind of act of killing chickens and eggs. If such a decision is made, this Xing Tian would not grow up to this point step by step, becoming a powerful and powerful man.

It does not matter whether there is a treasure carrying his own Dao. What is important is that the deity Xingtian saw the opportunity of his own physical transformation and evolution on this cosmic array. As long as the body of the deity can be as strong as the immortal emperor, there is no Dao treasure. It's not important at all, there will be no damage to your own combat power, at least in the body of the undead devil!

The opportunity was obtained. Now Xing Tian lacks time, and Xing Qia time is extremely urgent for Xing Tian. The deity needs time to perfect his own Dao and the universe that he understands. The clone also needs time to complete the transformation of his Dao. Evolution, compared with clones, the deity faces greater pressure. After all, the deity has cultivated the Three Thousand Dao and the World Dao. There is a huge gap in the difficulty of cultivation, and the time required for this gap is also amazing. . Time, will Xing Tian's time be given to Xing Tian for this upheaval in the world?

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