God of Destruction

Chapter 3158: Demolition of the bridge across the river

Chapter 3158

Crazy! sinister! But this is indeed a very good choice. Only in this way can Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor be able to retain their current advantages. Faced with such a suggestion, Xing Tian nodded without hesitation. Perhaps this choice is crazy and dangerous, but Compared with the ultimate safety and harvest of oneself, it is the best!

Tear apart the space, they will surely cause riots in the void they are currently in. Without any preparation, the people who follow will be impacted by the turbulence of the space. If they are not careful, they will be hurt by the force of the space, even It will be directly involved in the turbulence of space. Such an arrangement and such calculations are indeed insidious, vicious, and unpredictable!

kindness! There won’t be here, and it won’t happen to Xing Tian and the undead emperor. It can be said that as long as they enter the cave, everyone is a rival, and they are almost enemies of life and death. , No matter how insidious means, no matter how madly conspiring, that is what it should be, no one will be so stupid to play fair! There is never any fairness in this crazy war. There is only cruelty and killing, and the survival of the strong and the survival of the fittest is the mainstream of the world!

Xing Tian nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this. It's in line with the strength of you and me. It is not difficult to tear apart the space. If you can kill the **** behind, it will be good for you and me. One thing, even if you can’t, you can delay their pace so that we can have more time to complete our plan!"

"A great way of chaos, chaos annihilate the world, open!" As Xing Tian's shout fell, the powerful chaos origin aura radiated crazily from his body, and then instantly locked a space, blasted away directly without dying The Devil Emperor did not hesitate, and attacked with all his strength. His own terrifying body was also erupting frantically. The powerful energy of blood rushed out of his fists frantically, and together with Xing Tian, ​​he bombarded the place that was locked by them. Void, the powerful power made the entire cave tremble!

If you want to successfully calculate the enemies behind, you have to take an unusual path. This choice is the best. Under the combined attack of Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor, the void barriers are torn apart, and the terrifying space turbulence. Furiously began to wreak havoc in this space, and at this moment, Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor did not hesitate, rushed directly into the space turbulence, directly passed through the barrier of the void, and disappeared into this void. , And when they just left, the entire space was shrouded in terrifying space turbulence, and the power of terrifying space was wreaking havoc on everything!

It succeeded. Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor successfully entered the new space together. They were not taken away by the turbulence of the space. When they entered this new space, both Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor quickly moved away from each other. They are all guarding against each other!

When seeing each other's reaction, Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor both smiled indifferently. Without waiting for Xing Tian to speak, the Undead Demon Emperor preemptively said: "Friend Xingtian, our cooperation is about to end here, and then we need to act separately!"

When auzw.com heard these words, Xing Tian did not feel any surprise. In fact, at the beginning of the cooperation, Xing Tian knew that there would be such a moment, and now the immortal emperor does not need to help himself. , The most important thing is that the other party knows more about this place than himself, so naturally there is no reason to continue to cooperate, let yourself follow the dip for nothing!

"Immortal Devil, you are going to cross the river and tear down the bridge, but that's all, since you have such an idea, then we will separate, lest we go to war before we see the real treasure. Now a peaceful breakup is also a good choice. Next time When we meet again, it will be the enemy of life and death, please please first!" Xing Tian gently signaled the undead emperor to take the lead!

Seeing Xing Tian’s plain expression, the Undead Demon Emperor’s heart was startled, and then nodded again. Although he didn’t know what Xing Tian thought was in his heart, it’s best to break up peacefully now. As a result, as to whether Xing Tian would follow him secretly, this was not in the worry of the Undead Demon Emperor. With the strength of the Undead Demon Emperor, he had sufficient confidence to get rid of Xing Tian!

In fact, in Xing Tian's heart, he never thought of following the undead emperor secretly. After entering this space, Xing Tian felt that his avenue's treasure, the chaotic wheel of life and death, had a vague reaction. After all, this treasure is The key to open this cave house, perhaps its existence will guide you to find the ultimate treasure first!

It is precisely because Xing Tian has such golden fingers, he is not willing to turn his face with the Undead Emperor at this time when facing the current situation, even if the other party is hiding many secrets, but Xing Tian doesn't care about it. , There is no need to care!

"Okay, fellow Xingtian, let's not pass it! The origin of space appears, space shuttle!" When the voice of the undead emperor fell, a powerful space origin power burst out, and the emperor instantly grasped the power of space from Xingtian Disappeared in front of him, and at the moment he disappeared, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if mocking Xing Tian.

Yes, in the heart of the Immortal Devil Emperor, he is laughing at Xing Tian proudly. In his opinion, Xing Tian wants to follow him in secret, so he is laughing proudly, feeling that he is playing Xing Tian between his palms, making Xing Tian lost. Calculated for myself.

Looking at the instantaneous disappearance of the Undead Devil Emperor, Xing Tian's mouth also showed a faint sneer. For the Undead Devil Emperor's expression, Xing Tian could see clearly what he was proud of!

"Immortal Devil, you are too happy too early. Do you think that if you have more secrets, you will be able to find the treasure first. Unfortunately, you don't know what you missed before. Your calculations are really ridiculous. Extreme!” When Xing Tian said this, Xing Tian thought. The Great Dao Treasure'Chaotic Life and Death Wheel' appeared in front of him, exuding a faint breath, guiding Xing Tian and pointing a direction. Xing Tian grasped the'Chaotic Life and Death Wheel. 'Also quickly left!

As for who can have the last laugh, who can get the final opportunity and treasure, everything depends on the abilities of Xing Tian and the Undead Demon Emperor. Everything is unknown, but as Xing Tian said before, when they meet next time , That is the enemy of life and death, who will never stop dying. From this moment on, the ridiculous'friendship' between them has been completely shattered! 8)

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