God of Destruction

Chapter 3176: Upheaval in Festival Space

Chapter 3176: Upheaval in Space

It is not too difficult to seal the huge power in itself. As long as Xing Tian is willing to make up his mind, it will be very easy. When the Undead Demon Emperor rushed out of the world of the cave, Xing Tian also completed the seal of his own power. No matter how great the benefits are, it is not as important as his own life. Especially at this dangerous time, Xing Tian cannot be careless.

After sealing the terrifying source power released by the blood cell, Xing Tian stood quietly in the empty starry sky. His combat power at this time increased greatly, and his body became extremely powerful, but with the appearance of the seal, for a short time Within, Xing Tian has no chance to use external forces to increase combat power, unless Xing Tian can unlock the seal and can fully absorb the original power released by the blood cells, otherwise Xing Tian can only rely on a long time to wipe out the origin of the blood cells little by little. Power, let it blend into its own chaotic avenue, but the time it takes is really too long!

After feeling his own situation, Xing Tian still showed a faint bitter smile on his face. This result is not what he wants to see, nor is he willing to accept it. It's just that things have developed to this point and he can't help but not do it. It can be said that under the pressure of the general environment, Xing Tian also had to compromise and was unable to do what he wanted.

Although the world of the cave mansion was not completely destroyed, and although the entire land of silence was not directly destroyed, Xing Tian had already felt the formation of a storm of destruction. This was just the length of time. For Xing Tian, ​​he was not willing to give up the hugeness here. Resources, he is reluctant to give up the power of the origins of the many planets, but when the situation has reached this point, Xing Tian no longer wants to waste his time. Even Xing Tian can't kill the undead emperor, and the four **** of Tiehu, but Had to give up and had to leave, because Xing Tian worried about the situation of the deity, worried about the changes in the ancient battlefield world, and worried about the arrival of the world extinction.

Although there are countless resources and huge benefits here, there are also conflicts and dangers behind this benefit. Xing Tian does not want to let himself fall into that danger, and does not want to keep himself dragged here, so Xing Tian wanted to leave directly, wanted to leave the land of silence, and leave the entire world of fusion!

Following the normal path, Xing Tian will inevitably meet those strong men in the giant tree world, and even inevitably meet the undead emperor, and the four people of Tiehu. At that time, there was only one result of everyone meeting, immortality, and This is not what Xing Tian wants to see, nor is it the result Xing Tian is willing to accept, so Xing Tian wants to directly tear open the void and go straight away.

Looking at the empty starry sky, Xing Tian wanted to break through the void and leave here. With a heart move, the great treasure of the Great Dao'Chaos of Life and Death Wheel' appeared in Xing Tian's hands, and the great treasure was in his hand. This is not an ordinary world. In this land of dying, it is not easy to tear apart the void. It will cost a lot of money. The most important thing is to face such a barrier to the world, a mistake. It is very likely that you will fall into the turbulence of space, which will make Xingtian's time more urgent and your own situation more dangerous!


"Open!" Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice, the'Chaos Life and Death Wheel', a powerful Dao treasure flying out, hit the void with a fierce blow, under the blessing of Xing Tian's terrifying Dao power , The'Chaotic Wheel of Life and Death' tore open the void, Xing Tian rushed into the torn void without hesitation, disappearing instantly without a trace.

Although Xing Tian was fully prepared, he found that no matter how much preparation he did, he still couldn't escape the terrifying space storm. When Xing Tian stepped into the void, the terrifying space storm swept across. So, Xing Tian didn't even have time to evade, and he was directly involved in this spatial storm.

Of course, Xing Tian is not very worried about such a result. Although the space storm is strong, even if Xing Tian’s body can not hide, he can resist the erosion of the storm head-on. After all, the body that is now imprinted with the universe is completely OK The most important thing is that Xing Tian's physical strength will not be damaged by the powerful force of this space storm when he absorbs the vitality of the universe between the heavens and the earth on his own to supplement his own consumption. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian naturally does not have that much worry!

It is a pity that Xing Tian did not hold on to such a good mood for long. Before Xing Tian had time to be happy, suddenly, the void was turbulent, and a terrifying force was produced in the storm. Such a shock suddenly changed Xing Tian's face. It became gloomy, making Xing Tian's mood extremely heavy, the space storm changed, and the crisis appeared.

"Damn it, how could this be? That **** has affected the peace of the void, and that **** has broken Lao Tzu's major events!" Although Xingtian clone is not proficient in the space avenue, the deity is very good at mastering the space avenue. The moment this space storm changed, Xing Tian's clone understood that his current situation was extremely dangerous, his plan was frustrated, he could no longer achieve his previous goal, he could not directly tear the void to leave the land of silence, and leave the two worlds. A world of fusion!

Before Xing Tian could react, the power of the mutated space storm directly overwhelmed Xing Tian's body. At this moment, Xing Tian only felt a huge force acting on his body, and directly swept himself into a terror. In the space passage of Xing Tian, ​​at this moment, Xing Tian felt the shock of terrifying power, and his body was traumatized by that shock!

There was a soft sound of "Om", and suddenly, there was a trace of violent spatial ripples in the starry sky, and a terrifying spatial storm accompanied by the spatial ripples. In the light of that sound, a figure staggered and was directly thrown out by the storm. And fell into this starry sky. Then the space storm seemed to have become weak, and quickly dissipated in the starry sky.

Xing Tian, ​​who was thrown out of the space channel, slowly recovered his senses. Although his body was not damaged up and down too terribly, his body was corroded by the aura of space, even if it was only a short time, the storm of space The power of the origin still eroded into Xing Tian’s body, and it still had a certain impact on Xing Tian. To clear the erosion of the power of this space, Xing Tian would have to pay a certain price, and it would take some time, but Xing Tian is now talking What Qia lacks is time.

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