God of Destruction

Chapter 3189: Jump pit

Chapter 3,189

"Damn it, Xingtian, how can you **** like this? You can't support it at this critical moment. Is this a waste of my great opportunity? You **** must hold on to it, you can't die!" Don't die at this time. The Devil Emperor began to worry about the life and death of Xingtian, and he was afraid that his "great chance" would be cut off. If Xingtian died, then he would not have a chance to seize the treasure. The treasure of the formation would be destroyed by this terrifying scourge. Not what he wanted to see. . Fastest update

It’s a pity that the undead emperor didn’t know that all this was just an illusion that Xingtian deliberately created. He wanted to lure the undead emperor into fools, let the undead emperor be able to take action, force him to join this crazy battle, and force his opponent. Only in this way can Xing Tian’s ultimate goal be realized, but now it seems that Xing Tian’s performance is still a bit weak, and he has not fully aroused the greed in the heart of the undead emperor, and he did not let him desperately. Join in this crazy showdown.

The undead emperor’s every move was felt by Xingtian’s avatar. When he saw the immortal devil emperor shaken, Xing Tian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, not afraid that the undead emperor didn’t make a move, but that the other party’s heart was firm. Shake, then even if he paid a high price, it would be impossible to induce him to make a big move. After feeling the nervousness of the Undead Devil Emperor, Xing Tian decided to continue, and this time he was going to be even crazier, he must directly force the Undead Devil Emperor to make a big move. After all, Xingtian's time is running out!

For Xing Tian, ​​time is the most pressing. If he can’t solve all this quickly, the situation he faces will be even more dangerous. When another thunder of condemnation fell, Xing Tian snorted, his body It was thrown high like a rag, and a blood arrow fell into the void, and the Array Treasure above the void was directly blown away.

"No, the **** Xing Tian couldn't hold on anymore. He was hit hard by the Heavenly Scourge Tribulation Thunder, and the Array Treasure was also hit hard. How could this **** be like this? You **** doesn't have the strong power and ability to resist the Heavenly Scourge. Arrogant!" This time the Undead Devil Emperor is really anxious. With Xingtian's current appearance, it is obvious that he can't hold on to the next robbery attack. Such an astonishing change forced the Undead Devil Emperor to make a decision. The time given to him is also not much. The Thunder of Scourge will not stop because of the undead emperor’s hesitation, and will not show any mercy to Xing Tian and the Treasures in the void. At this time , The immortal emperor is in a dilemma!

Stand up directly to help Xing Tian resist the scourge? This makes the undead emperor unwilling. You have to know that he was directly repelled by the **** Xingtian before and had to flee. After a short time has passed, he has to stand up for his life and death enemy and help him. Resist the Heavenly Scourge, this is too awkward, but if you don't make a move, Xing Tian will die, and the array of treasures he desires will also be destroyed by the Heavenly Scourge, and his will to perfect his own Dao will be completely destroyed.

auzw.com"How could this happen? This **** innocence is really unfair. Why is there such an amazing reversal as long as the opportunities I see, and why every opportunity can’t let me take it down easily , I have to set up so many problems for me over and over again!" The Undead Devil was muttering to himself, venting the dissatisfaction and anger in his heart. Originally, he had set it up. Everything is waiting for Xingtian to resist the next condemnation. After this terrifying condemnation has passed, I will take action again, but now it seems that my plan has been shattered. Either leave now and no longer want to get the treasure of Xingtian's hand, or participate in this crazy battle!

In fact, for the immortal emperor, he didn’t want either of these two choices, but he could only make a choice now, because when he saw Xing Tian’s tragic state, he was so excited that he couldn’t help revealing it. A little breath came out, which attracted the attention of Tianqi, and also aroused Xing Tian's vigilance, which is not a good thing for him!

"Forget it, I don't have to worry about this mortal **** Xingtian. At this time, even if he has some strength, he won't become a hidden danger to him. Now I should help him block this terrifying scourge and let the formation Figure Zhibao has survived this crazy scourge, and after the scourge is over, we will deal with the ignorant idiot Xingtian!" Under the temptation of profit, and under the influence of the greedy thoughts in his heart, the Undead Devil finally did it. After making a choice, he made a choice that was beneficial to Xing Tian. Unfortunately, the Undead Demon Emperor didn't know that everything he saw was planned by Xing Tian.

With a loud bang, another terrifying Thunder Tribulation Thunder descended in the void. At this time, Xing Tian, ​​which was enveloped by Tribulation Thunder, was already crumbling, and the array of Treasures was also whistling. It seemed that he could no longer resist this terrifying tribulation thunder, and was about to be destroyed under this horrible thunder!

"Damn it, Xingtian, this **** is really unreliable!" When seeing this situation, under the influence of that greedy heart, the Undead Devil Emperor could no longer take care of so much, so he flew out and rushed into the void. He wants to stop the bombardment of the Heavenly Scourge Tribulation Thunder, and block this terrifying blow for the Array Treasure.

When the undead emperor soared up into the sky, a sneer flashed across Xing Tian’s face. Everything was just as he had thought in his heart. The undead emperor, the bastard, was absolutely reluctant to sacrifice the most precious array map he had sacrificed. Next, he will stand up desperately to protect himself from disasters and fall into the trap he has calculated!

Everything went so smoothly, and this result made Xing Tian's heart happy again. As long as the undead emperor stood up, the overall situation had been set, and the final opportunity he was waiting for would come, but it is not yet. When he is happy, he needs to make a little more preparation. To eliminate the last vigilance in the heart of the Undead Devil Emperor, to make the Undead Devil Emperor really believe that he has no ability to threaten him, so that he can truly face this with peace of mind. The terrifying scourge of thunder!

There is only one time meeting. Xing Tian does not hope that the overall situation he has carefully planned will fail due to a momentary sloppy care, so that everything he has envisioned in his heart will be shattered. Therefore, the more critical the final moment is reached, the less Xing Tian can have His carelessness, let alone the slightest contempt for the undead emperor!

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