God of Destruction

Chapter 3213: Different ways

Chapter 3213

As soon as Xing Tian’s words fell, the face of Hercules Demon Panzun changed color again. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he knew in his heart that Xing Tian said it was a fact. In such a big environment, except for himself Who else can trust, not much, not much, unless it is the real life and death, or who dares to entrust his back to others.

After taking a deep breath, and trying to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, the Hercules Demon Pan Zun said, "Although Daoist Xingtian makes sense, these words are somewhat biased. In other words, in such a dangerous environment, a person's power is still too weak to be able to go to the end in such a dangerous competition. We need allies and helpers. Only when there are many people, can we be able to compete Those big forces will be able to hold on to the last moment when confronted!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "Dao is different and we don't want to be conspiracy. There is a big gap in our philosophy. Maybe I can trust you alone, but I can't believe the other people you find. If even the companions around me are Untrustworthy. Under this situation, how much do you think you can exert yourself. Once a war appears, once a killing comes, what will the consequences look like? There is a chance of victory in the face of the weak, and against the strong enemy That's a place where there is no burial! The allies who can only deal with the weak, what is the meaning of such an alliance, at least it is meaningless to me!"

Without waiting for the Hercules Demon Panzun to speak, Xing Tian shook his head again and said, "Farther Panzun, my situation is different from yours. You are a strong man in the ancient times, and I am a creature of this age. You can believe that strong people of your own generation can also be recognized by them, but I can't do it. The gap between times and times cannot be repaired!"

When Xing Tian explained this, Hercules Demon Pan Zun was silent. Xing Tian was right. They are creatures of two eras. Even if they have good feelings, communicate with each other, and can trust each other, they will treat other people. Saying that doesn't work, even if he and Xing Tian don't really trust each other, after all, the gap in the times is hard to repair!

After a long time, the Hercules Demon Panzun sighed and said: "Father Daoist is right, I am too self-righteous, forgetting that we are creatures of two eras, even if the Daoist is inherited from the God of Space, The essence can’t be changed! But if fellow daoists are in great danger, they can still ask me for help. In such a dangerous environment, only by helping each other can they go to the end, be able to truly face the crisis of extinction, and be able to feel the extinction. World shock!"

Xing Tian did not refuse the kindness of Hercules Demon Panzun, even if he did not trust the other party in his heart, but he had to give face to him. Xing Tian nodded and said, "So thank you for your kindness!"


Seeing that Xing Tian did not refuse, a faint smile appeared on the face of Hercules Demon Pan Zun, and he nodded and said: "Time waits for no one, so I won't bother the Daoist fellow's Qingxiu anymore, let's not pass it. , I hope we can have the last laugh in this dangerous environment, see the real world-destroying storm, and be able to transcend the world!"

The Dao is not conspiring. At this time, the Hercules Demon Panzun is not in the mood to continue communicating with Xing Tian. He still needs to draw in more allies, so he did not cover up, and said goodbye to Xing Tian and left Xing Tian’s place. This piece of emptiness.

After looking at the distant figure of Hercules Demon Panzun, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, and then sighed again. Xing Tian was not optimistic about Hercules Demon Panzun's behavior from beginning to end. After all, every living creature has something. Selfish people, especially those strong people who are already standing in the upper level of the universe, are even more selfish. No strong person is willing to sacrifice himself, and no strong person is willing to help others at all costs. The plan of God and Demon Panzun fell through.

Time waits for no one, and Xing Tian has no time to waste his energy on this aspect. With that time, Xing Tian still repairs his own damage a lot, strengthens the strength of Chang Xi and Chang'e, and strengthens the combat power of his men. The only people I can rely on in the end are these people, and only these people can stand by my side sincerely and never betray!

"It can't be delayed any longer, it's time to clear all the breath. The Hercules Demon Pan Zun can come to the door, and it can also be done for other strong people. Carefully sail the boat for ten thousand years. It is not a carelessness! "While speaking, Xing Tian swiftly acted, dispelling the many auras in the void, completely erasing the aura left by him and many ancient powerhouses, clearing the aura of the small thousand world, let this piece of The void has become deserted! Even if someone finds here again, they won't get a trace of information, and they won't be able to pinpoint their position in the world of Xiao Qian!

When everything is done, Xing Tian's deity returns to the world of Xiaoqian. As long as Chang Xi cannot fully control the world of Xiaoqian and cannot truly complete her own transformation, Xing Tian can't leave. After all, this is his own base camp and there can be no slightest. Even if the clone had recovered part of its combat power and had the ability to protect himself, Xing Tian still did not dare to be careless or relax, because he could not bear the consequences of failure.

Yes! Xing Tian could not bear the consequences of this failure. For many powerful people with small worlds and many other forces, they also could not bear the consequences. In such a dangerous environment, failure means death, and no one. , And no creature is willing to face such a situation, but is unwilling to face it, that only raises the strength of the sound!

When Xing Tian quickly cleared some of his aura and erased all traces of himself, the powerful enemies who were rushing into this void frowned involuntarily. They all noticed this strange change. It is also impossible to lock Xingtian’s location and the void. This result made them all annoyed by it. They paid such a high price and walked such a long distance, but in the end they found nothing, and even lost their breath. It can't be locked. How can this be accepted by them, but this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed, so they cannot accept it, nor can they deny it!

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